“Let’s start with this… {Isolation Ward}”(Soma)
Soma called forth [The Archives Of Knowledge] and used one of the abilities contained within it, {Isolation Ward}. This ability creates a cubic barrier that completely and perfectly isolates the inside from the outside, while giving the user the ability to control the isolation condition. And the condition set by Soma is, ‘Allow air, light, and sound to pass through’.
At Soma’s word, a cube that looks like it was made of glass appeared around Soma and the five Royal Guards, along with their Blazing Wolves. Soma then just stood there looking at them smugly, intentionally taunting them, and Razen was the first to take the bait.
“Fool!! How foolish of you?! Do you think that such a barrier is enough to stop us?!”(Razen)
The captain of the Royal Guards, who came to his senses after hearing Razen yelling at Soma, noticed a discrepancy in Razen’s words.
“Barrier? …. This mongrel used Barrier Magic?”(Zora)
Barrier Magic is a magic that doesn’t exist within the General System, and at the moment the only Humans capable of using it are those blessed with the Pink System. So seeing Soma use it against them was confusing to Zora and the other Royal Guards, excluding Razen.
“Blazing Wolves! Attack him! Burn him and leave nothing behind!!”(Razen)
Heeding Razen’s orders, the Blazing Wolves bared their fangs at Soma as their bodies burned brightly and violently, torching the surrounding ground. After increasing the amount of flames coming from their bodies, they all attacked Soma at once.
Two Blazing Wolves went after his arms, two went after his legs, and finally the last one went after his head. Soma didn’t move from his location and said only one word in a low voice no one but him could hear, “Die”.
Before the Blazing Wolves were able to reach their prey, they all dropped dead then and there, losing all of their momentum and even their flames went out. This scene was way beyond shocking for the Royal Guards, especially Razen since he was ready to enjoy seeing Soma scream as flames burned him to crisps.
The surprise on the Royal Guards faces didn’t last for long, as all of their faces became blank. Without even looking at each other they all spread apart making a formation with two at the front, one in the middle, and two on the back. They all faced Soma and brought out their Status as if to show the world that they are blessed by the Love Goddess.
“This guy is not like the weak fools we are used to dealing with in this country. We have to confront him seriously. Let’s show him how people with the Pink System fight!”(Zora)
Following their captain’s words, the Royal Guards took out their weapons and prepared to attack. The two in the front unsheathed their gladiuses, the one in the middle unsheathed his long sword, and the ones on the back took out their staffs and started chanting.
The two equipped with the gladiuses were Zora and Razen. The two dashed towards Soma as the one holding the long sword started walking behind them. Zora and Razen came close to Soma with their Status open as if to show him their stats, and after they were close enough to him Razen slashed with his gladius at Soma’s face intending to cut his head in half.
Suddenly Soma’s posture changed to a one where he is punching Razen in the face and evading Zora who was slashing at his legs. The thing that surprised the Royal Guards was the fact that Soma didn’t move at all. His posture changed without the transition that should happen between the two postures.
The moment Soma’s fist connected with Razen's face, the upper half of his chest along with his neck and head disappeared. More accurately, they didn’t disappear, they turned into liquid and splattered on his comrades behind him and on the wall of the barrier further behind them.
Soma’s punch contained enough force to obliterate Razen’s chest and everything above, turning it into a red mist. Seeing that, Zora stopped his slashing motion, caught Razen’s body and jumped back along with the one holding the long sword. Right after that, Razen’s body regenerated and once he was back to normal they attacked again, targeting different parts of Soma’s body from their first attack.
And the same as before, Soma’s posture changed to a one where he is punching Zora in the stomach, obliterating his whole torso. After Zora regenerated completely, they attacked again, only to end with the same results.
Right after their third try, the two holding staffs and were chanting this whole time finished their chants and launched their attack magic at the barrier. One used Fire Magic and the other one used Wind Magic, and both of them were at an advanced level. The two spells struck the barrier at the same time and as they did, they both disappeared as if being absorbed by the barrier. That didn’t last for even a second, as the two spells were released again by the barrier at the two who launched them, burning one to ash and cutting the other one into pieces.
After the two struck by their own magic regenerated, all the Royal Guards stood there looking at Soma with confusion.
Still interested in this, surprisingly.
Thanks for the chapter.
Thanks for the chapter ^_^
Thanks for the chapter.
Where u at author :(
Looking forward to next years chapter ?
death to the false god
death to the false faith
death to the false believers
Thanks for the chapter