Chapter ll Beast
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The fox started to gather some sort of energy near its mouth creating a ball of sorts, but I couldn't keep my eye on that for long as an arrow hit my shoulder. I dashed at the direction it came from seeing Eva shaking. A giant ice lance came in from the right and it hit me… or so they thought I came out the other side and stabbed Eva in the neck. Two down. A cutting sound was heard and a knife was struck into my back. Quickly rolling forwards I dodged another stab at my head.

“ I always wanted a good prey he he he” (Seelen)

“ Should be more careful Seelen your prey might be the predator’’ (Creux)

“ I HOPE it does. You guys better not get in the way of my fight or you'll be my prey next heheheheHAHAHAHA” ( Seelen )

She usually isn’t this crazy something is wrong with her better be careful. I took off my glowing charm and put on one with a thorn drawn on it. Seelen seeing this dashed at me with incredible speed. I went for a high chop and she blocked it with her left dagger and used her right dagger to try and slice my arms. I jumped up and pulled the arrow out of my shoulder throwing it at her which she blocked, but with one arm occupied I slammed down on her other dagger breaking it and cracking the ground beneath her. A piece of the dagger hit her arm spraying blood on my mask and into my eyes blinding me. She didn’t even think about it and punched me in the stomach. “Agh” I grunted as I was pushed back up into the air. Seelen was going to take the chance she had while I was in the air, but a bunch of green vines came out of my back and stabbed her. “ AHH FUCK!” she screamed. I landed and took a defensive stance waiting for her response. 

“ You're even more of a monster than I thought plants? Did you get mutated as well?” she asked “ Just magic Seelen are your eyes getting rusty?” I said to try and agitate her. “ No No no no no this isn’t how it was supposed to be~ ya know” she said playfully while taking out a blue object then proceeded to eat it. She went quiet after that just kinda twitching while standing. I’m not sure what that was, but it definitely isn’t good news. I heard of the demi-human tribes that use special plants to increase their abilities. She didn’t use it during the fight against the Old One because the plants rotted within hours. 


Her dagger hit the ground and she disappeared. What the fu-. My thought process was stopped by the fact that I was staring at the sky. I think that this is going to be harder than I thought. I turned around to see her glowing eyes and animalistic movement jumping from tree to tree with a random and sporadic pattern. I took the chance of being in the air to take out my charms and put in four different ones. As I was approaching the tree line she jumped at me, but a pair of wings came out of my back halting my descent. She flew right under me which I took the chance to kick her in the stomach sending her down.

“ Alright Seelen round 2 ”

Hey, guys/gals I am not feeling terrible any more woohoo still pretty tired though. Anyways these fight scenes will be shorter because i'm just writing the fighting not so much the spectators thoughts or the environment. I could write that, but I feel like it puts on an unnecessary pause, Comment if you feel like it should be different or have questions.