[7] Kyuna
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What will happen to En and Si next? Find it out in the new chapter!


=== Ork city ???, POV En ===


The cart rolled towards an enormous wooden gate. I could see through the crack in the wooden box that orcs were guarding the entrance. I didn't know what orcs looked like, but I couldn't help but identify them as orcs when I saw them.

The orcs had gray-green skin, small horns on their foreheads, and tusks like a warthog. Even their nose resembled that of a pig's snout, but that was only one version of the orcs. There was a second kind, and these were the female orcs. They were about the same size, but instead of the horns on their heads, they had mostly dark-colored hair, and their noses were less snout-like, although they still looked slightly like a pig's snout.

The orcs oinked each other before the guard cleared the way for our kidnapper. We rolled through the gate and passed stone huts behind stone huts. The goal was a huge circular building on the outskirts of the city. The nearest buildings were stables, surrounded it.

The cart stopped in front of the building entrance, and I could see a group of orcs approaching the cart. They grunted at each other before they lifted our box from the car. They carried us inside. The box was opened, and we were tipped out of it into the middle of a cage. Seven orcs stared down at us with satisfied faces.

What ugly grimaces, no wonder why they are called pig snouts!?

The orcs would talk in their language, and now and then, they would point to a couple of us.

"You are inspecting us, but why?"

The orcs suddenly grew louder. Our kidnapper hit another orc in the face with his fist. Another tried to stop it but got one too. An argument began between four of the seven orcs. One of the rest left the room and came back with a large female orc. She talked to the arguing men, then spoke separately to our kidnapper. After a moment, she waved one of the other orcs over and handed a sack, presumably full of gold, to the orc kidnapper.

"Hmm... we have just been bought."

The female orc leaned over the cage and looked at each of us. She had a smile on her face, but not one of the friendly kind.

The female orc turned away and ordered something to the remaining orcs, then disappeared through the same entrance through she came in. The orcs prepared boxes and began collecting and splitting us according to race.

There were four more horned rabbits in the box with us. After some rumbling, we were rereleased, this time the cage was much bigger, and there were feed and water places.

"Look! New ones have been brought!"

A group of obese horned rabbits approached us. The rabbit in the center spoke.

“Hello, newbies! I'm the boss here, and you have to listen to me! Nobody has t-"

Without letting him speak, Si shot a fireball into the rabbit's face.

"Shut up, you fat pig!"

Si, as well as the others, were not in the mood to listen to that nonsense. The fat rabbit rolled howling on the floor. His followers tried to help him, but he moved around and knocked them down.

"Enough! What kind of place is that? "

One of the older rabbits who came with us spoke up.

“You won't get an answer from these morons. They are only there to produce offspring. And they even fail in it."

An older woman came out of the shadows of a corner. Her fur was mostly black, but both of her front paws were golden. She looked around and rested her gaze on me. Her gaze turned to the fat ones.

"And you fools leave."

She kept her tone calm, but her choice of words and undertones showed that she was angry.

"I am Kyuna, the oldest in this cage that these fools call home."

Probably the oldest of our group took a step forward.

“Kyuna? Is it really you?"

Apparently, he knew her.

"Yes, I'm. I've been locked up here for four damn winters. And you're?"

"Unbelievable!? It's Ro, but my name has been Rova for the past three winters. How have you survived for so long? What are the orcs doing to us?"

Again she looked around. Her gaze remained on Si and me.

"How are my kids, Rova?"

“I don't know about your older ones. They left the place together with their father. Only your youngest daughter and son stayed. Your son, Kuro, became a father before this summer."

Kuro? I heard that name somewhere before...

"And my daughter?"

"Siffia, as she is now called, had children last year."

"That's good."

She looked relieved.

"Well, let's gets back on track."

She announced and looked around once more.

“This place is a battle arena! There are several arenas, and they are used depending on the spectators. There are also exceptions. If there is a famous species, the fights will be held in the arena that has more spectators places."

None of us got a word out.

“The orcs bet on who survive and win. I've fought many fights, some close to death, others were clear. The problem wasn't the fights, but now and then the opponents, whom I had to fight against creatures from grass rats to ash wolves, but other rabbits were also there."

Her tone was serious, but there was a slight sadness in her words.

We have to fight... against opponents stronger than us... That could be worse than death!?

"What's on your mind, En?"

Si noticed that I was lost in thought, looking for a way out.

"Do you know the name Kuro, Si?"

She thought for a moment before answering.

“The name is familiar, but… I'm not sure. Why?"

"I think I know."

She looked puzzled.

"Come along."

I hopped forward, and Si followed me to Kyuna. She had distanced herself from the others again and was resting in one of the corners.

"And you young rabbits want what?"

She had a slightly annoyed tone.

"I am happy to meet you, grandmother."

Without being sure, I called her Grandmother, but I was convinced that Crete called Dad Kuro.

“Little one! Who do you call grandmother here?"

Her voice grew louder, but before she could say more, I cut her off.

“I'm not talking about politeness or anything else! I'm talking about Si and me, Kuro's children, your grandchildren."

Her eyes went wide.

"Prove it?"

“Dad, Kuro, is all black, almost like you and me. Its abilities are fire and body strengthening. Both Si and I both inherited fire?"


Her eyes softened.

"Who would have believed that... My grandchildren will be trapped like me..."

Her mood didn't improve, but the way she looked at us became friendlier.



I repeated my Grandmother's word.

“Tomorrow, let's see how strong you are. I don't want to see my grandchildren die, okay?"

We nodded.


=== Next morning


"Ok, get ready and show me what you can do."


I asked our grandmother, confused.

"Yes, together! Or do you think you can hold a chance against me?"

I shook my head.

"Well, let's start then."

Before even Si or I could react, grandma hurled lightning bolts at us.

"Shit, Ef has thunder, so she inherited it from grandma."

Si cursed loudly after just avoiding the lightning. I concentrated and threw a ball of fire. The fireball didn't even reach Grandma as she shot a bolt of lightning that destroyed my fireball.

“Size is not everything! If you take that long to create fireballs, any worm can defeat you."

She mentioned my obvious weakness.

"Now, me!"

Si fired a ball of fire. It was twice as fast as mine, but only half the size. Grandma jumped aside and let the ball fly against the grille.

"Then, I'll show you how it's done!"

Her body disappeared, and the next moment, she appeared right between us. She clapped our heads on the ground with both of her front paws.

“Poor performance, kids. I think there is a lot of catching up to do."

She released us and repositioned herself.

"Come on, I'll show you how to do it right!"