Chapter 2 – Rejuvenation
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Elaine’s entire ride to Allie’s apartment was a blur, as it turned out, consciously trying to avoid thinking about one’s nemesis coming out of retirement with a new look and a bad excuse was a roundabout way of doing just that. Luckily social interaction, especially with someone she enjoyed, typically did a pretty good job of silencing whatever weighed most heavily on her mind. And, well, sex work wasn’t not social interaction.

So, Elaine was mostly sure that when the time came she’d be able to focus her mind on the task at hand with relative ease. How couldn’t she, really? Allie was a sight to behold, just a little shorter than Elaine’s 5’9 and endowed with curves she could get lost in. So far in every one of their sessions Elaine had needed to take a moment to process the perfect contrast between Allie’s dark nipples and silky, tanned skin, or the way the fat around her hips and thighs bulged enticingly under the tight hold of Elaine’s ropes, last time it had simply been the hungry smile that spread across Allie’s face when seeing the newest addition to Elaine’s collection of toys. Needless to say it was growing ever more impossible to deny the growing crush she had on her charming client.

This time Elaine didn’t even get in the door before having to stop and take a moment to just process how stunning Allie looked. In their most recent session, Allie had mentioned offhand about wanting a haircut to get herself ‘some of that poofy lesbian hair,’ and, damn. Seeing Allie in that tight, dark red leather jacket, with her face perfectly framed by short, undercut and side-swept hair that trailed long down the right side of her face, ending in a lone lock of hair, dyed a mysterious dark blue and resting lightly on her cute, dimpled cheek, was one for the memory book. Decades ago some greaser lesbian must have had a premonition to get the style rolling so it could culminate in that exact look.

“You’re doing the staring thing again, Elaine. At least wait til I’m naked for that.” It was obvious that Allie was fighting the urge to break out into laughter. The absolute gall, Elaine would have to tie her extra tight.

“I’ll stare whenever I want. And that’s Mistress, to you, I charge extra for bratty bottoms, you know.” Despite her own slip up, Elaine was both a professional domme and a superheroine, it was hard to get more unflappable than that. 

“I don’t recall money changing hands just yet, maybe I’ll find someone less demanding instead.” Teasingly, Allie began to close her front door on Elaine, who gracefully stepped forward to block the door with a black, high heeled boot. 

“And deprive yourself of my lovely company? Fat chance. I know you’ve been thinking about me all week, Allie. You look nice by the way, but a leather jacket inside your own apartment? Really? Very tacky.” Allie responded with a pointed look, gesturing to Elaine’s own getup. “I’m getting paid to look this way you insolent little minx, now let me in, I’m freezing my ass off out here.” The door swung open and Elaine strode inside confidently, if there was one benefit to a studio apartment, it was that you were already in the bedroom the moment you walked in, and neither Elaine nor Allie were the type to dawdle.

“Can we go a little light today? I’ve got some stuff going on this week that’s going to be a lot more unpleasant if my entire body is sore.” Allie wasn’t wasting a moment, undressing even as they talked shop. 

“Sure, do you wanna skip bondage altogether?” Elaine was already sorting through her bag of accessories to think of options. 

“Nah, just no tough positions or super tight ropes, actually we haven’t done handcuffs yet, have we? That’s a classic.” Allie strolled around the perimeter of her ornate looking bed frame, testing the posts for sturdiness. 

“Why do I get the sense that bondage is the main reason you sprung for a bed frame with posts? Honestly, I think you’re the only person I know with a four post bed that’s under the age of like, forty.” Elaine’s voice was muffled on account of her head being practically buried in her bag of toys trying to find her pairs of cuffs. Of course that's what Allie had requested, the things unwittingly buried at the very bottom of Elaine’s massive duffel, all four pairs were tangled within themselves, as well as a harness and gag, making them just about impossible to yank out on their own. It was all Elaine could do not to summon a discrete portal, stupid secret identity crap. With a light groan she finally pried them free and stood with a start, throwing her shoulders back and striking an imperious pose as she fixed Allie with her ‘top stare,’ and began arranging a few choice other props out on Allie’s dresser. It was go time, she grinned and visibly ran her tongue across her teeth, nodding toward the bed, wordlessly commanding her to lie down. Which she completely disregarded.

“So are we just going to pretend you didn’t nearly topple over on those heels with how much force you had to put into pulling those things out?” Allie could hardly keep a straight face as she sniggered through Elaine’s entire display. Typical, when would she learn? With a low chuckle and a few silent, graceful strides Elaine crossed the room and seized Allie by the jaw, forcing her to meet her gaze as a hand snaked downward to cup Allie’s groin from below. The moment her hand made contact Allie took a sharp intake of breath and stood on her tiptoes, trembling under Elaine’s touch. 

“That’s right, play cool all you like, I know this whole time that pretty little head of yours has been thinking all about what I’m going to do to you, pumping all sorts of wicked desires directly into your aching, needy pussy. This is our fourth session, little pet, I know what makes you tick, and I know how to wipe all that defiance away in a heartbeat, so be a good little girl and lay down spread eagle for me.” With each passing moment Elaine tilted Allie’s chin further upward, pushed harder from below, until she was practically falling backward, held up only by Elaine’s grasp, eyes bulging in desperation as she struggled to maintain the eye-contact she knew her Mistress silently demanded from her.

“Yes, Mistress.” All that playful confidence had melted, Elaine’s powerful display had flipped that imaginary switch in her head that shut down everything but the aching desperation to please that burst within her and gushed down her thighs. Elaine took a long step forward, too long for Allie to match as she stumbled back further, while Elaine leaned inward ever more, looming over her, before letting go, dropping Allie to the bed. She writhed in place for a moment, allowing herself to bask in the glow of her Mistress’ overwhelming presence, then quickly spread her arms and legs wide, eagerly casting herself into the freedom of restriction, of obedience.

Elaine approached the bed, wordlessly, chaining Allie one limb at a time, first her arms, planting a light kiss on the inside of each of Allie’s wrists, then trapping her ankles as she lightly caressed the backs of Allie’s knees. One by one each cuff was locked in place, the room was silent save satisfying clicks and eager moans between light, teasing kisses and desperate panting. The last cuff snapped into place, and Elaine withdrew, returning with a vibrator she’d left on Allie’s dresser. Slowly, excruciatingly, Elaine trailed the vibrator down Allie’s clitoris and labia, drawing a quick intake of hissing breath through gritted teeth, exhaled into a low, continuous moan. With a satisfied, wicked chuckle Elaine drew the toy away, casually placing it still live upon the bed, mere millimeters from her aching, needy core. Allie’s wails of frustration were likely heard across the block. 

With a predatory grin, Elaine began to loom over her writhing, panting sub, crawling from the foot of the bed, carefully past the vibrator, which lightly tickled Allie’s labia every time she shifted and bucked her hips in a desperate attempt for more, and along Allie’s torso until the two were face to face. Allie gazed up at Elaine, her needy, pleading eyes wide, watering with wanton want. “Mistress!” No sooner had the begging cry formed on her lips, did Elaine's finger press lightly, shushing her in time with a hard, captivating look.

“No more words, my pet. I think I’ve heard enough out of you for the night. Though I don’t think I’ll bother with the gag, not when that tongue of yours has more important things to keep occupied with.” She smiled and sat back, resting on Allie’s belly, grinding herself lightly into the space just above her prey’s groin as she began to undo the buttons of her leather leggings. Normally this sort of thing was off limits for a client, she had lines she typically wouldn’t let even paying customers cross, but last time Allie had begged in such a cute, desperate little voice for a taste of her Mistress, and she simply couldn’t deny such a wonderful display of unquenchable devotion.

Elaine stripped her lower half bare, and raised her pelvis until her dripping slit hovered mere inches above Allie’s lips. Reaching backward, her hand found the vibrator, which she grasped, and held a similarly enticing distance from Allie’s crotch. “We’re going to play a game. I’m going to grab you by the hair like this.” In a deft motion, Elaine’s free hand was on the back of Allie’s head, grasping a handful of short, dark hair. “And from there you’re going to do your best to fight my grip and bring that desperate tongue up to please your Mistress' perfect, delicious pussy. With each successful attempt, both of these lovely little treats get closer to exactly where you want them to be.” Allie wasted no time, she was, after all, a quick learner. No sooner had Elaine uttered the word ‘closer,’ did Allie lurch forward, nearling knocking her Mistress off balance, before that powerful grip firmly tugged her back down. So very close to her prize, but no such success. “Did I say you could begin, slut? You’re lucky I’m so nice, most wouldn’t let a petulant little harlot like you off with only a warning. Maybe I shouldn’t either, maybe I should leave you here to stew in your mess? I do, after all, have some very important business to attend to across town.”

“No Mistress, please! I’m sorry, I’ll be good I promise. I just want to taste you so bad!’ Allie whined, she was almost certainly drumming it up for effect, but damn if that girl didn’t play her part well. Elaine made a big show of ‘thinking it over,’ all the while holding Allie firmly in place, forcing her to gaze into her prize throughout her Mistress’ deliberation. But Elaine knew, even if she were that type of domme, she’d never be able to deny Allie anything after begging like that.

“Hm, very well, I suppose we can begin our game, for real this time. Go ahead, little pet.” Elaine relaxed her grip on the back of Allie’s head oh so slightly, and her submissive went to work, hurling herself forward, tongue outstretched in frenzied attempts to reach her goal. At first Allie came up short quite often, and even when successful the licks were light and fleeting, more a prelude than anything genuinely pleasure inducing. But minute by minute, lick by lick both of her prizes steadily grew ever closer, until Elaine was so close Allie could feel the heat coming off her, warming her face ever so slightly. She could smell nothing but the musky, heady scent of her Mistress' arousal, and, with one final successful attempt, Allie was rewarded with a proper mouthful as the vibrator, previously just barely brushing against her needy sex, suddenly pressed against her with such mind shattering, muscle melting pressure. At the very least, this time Allie’s manic cries were far too muffled for any concern about waking the neighbors.

Unbound, and utterly spent, Allie lay in Elaine’s arms, head resting on her chest while her Mistress lightly stroked her hair, squeezed her tightly in a warm embrace and caressed her cheek so tenderly. “That’s it, that’s my girl. You did so well for me, I’m so proud of you.” Elaine cooed, trying, and failing to control the ever erratic fluttering of her longing heart. They shared a moment of comfortable silence as Allie rose up from the haze of blissful submission. Planting a gentle kiss on the top of Allie’s head, Elaine was readying another round of affirmation and praise, before Allie interrupted her concentration.

“Mistress, er, Elaine.” Her face grew flush at the slip of her tongue. Elaine couldn’t stop herself from giggling as she felt Allie curl inward, looking away and drawing herself tighter and closer to hide her embarrassment. This sweet, shy, cowed little cuddleslut was a far cry from that bold, defiant brat, or the needy, wanton sub. All the more reason she drew Elaine in so much. Allie could be so many things, haughty, taunting, desperate, enthusiastic, sweet, adorable. Elaine was so caught up in her affection she nearly missed what Allie actually had to say. “I was wondering if, maybe, I dunno. Would you like to grab dinner sometime? And, y’know? I don’t pay you to be there? I uh, I guess I could pay for your meal, I don’t mind. I just um.” Elaine seemed to be simultaneously frozen in nerves, yet melting from the inside as conflicting feelings of guilt, nerves, anticipation, joy, longing churned her mind like butter.

“Allie, are you asking me out?” She was surprised those words somehow came out in anything other than a skittish stammer. Chalk another one up to being both a domme and a superhero, really made one cool under pressure. Then Allie looked at Elaine with those big, nervous eyes, nodded, and all that went out the window as her whole chest seemed to squeeze, and with it came a delighted squeak.

“I, uh, yeah. Yes. Yes I want that I, I wanted to ask you out for weeks now, but it felt really inappropriate ‘cause of the power dynamic and also ‘cause of - uh, nevermind. Yes, yes I want to really, really badly.” Elaine hoped desperately that her face didn’t show the gut punch of nerves. She nearly just revealed her double life. This was a mistake, a bad idea, she would be putting Allie in danger like this and what if she revealed herself on accident, or what if Allie liked Elaine, but thought Slipspace was a weak, lame hero who couldn’t even beat Kinetiq and oh, god dammit now he was on her mind again, she, they, god dammit who even knows? And then Elaine realized she was caught up deliberating her biggest headache’s pronouns while she should be paying attention to what Allie was saying.

“-was thinking maybe around eight, at that new steakhouse, or um, we can go somewhere else if you’re vegetarian and I know that place is expensive, but like I said I’d pay and -” Allie seemed to be rambling nervously, is Allie nervous because I look nervous? Elaine wondered to herself. God dammit, she’s still talking and I definitely should be paying attention instead of worrying about every little thing and she’s looking more and more frightened by the moment and I can’t bear to see that adorable little face all worried and, aw, fuck it. Hopefully Allie wasn’t saying anything important, because she would definitely be too tongue tied to get it out after a hungry, yearning kiss like the one Elaine pulled her into.


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