Case 02 – Work is weird, or weirder
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Case 02 - Work is weird, or weirder

--- present day ---

Fionnuala Mc Glytch, Fiona for the normal people that tended to butcher her name, really wondered about her little sister sometimes. Like now.

Why was her sister suddenly the rat whisperer? Why was there a rule that made all weird things go to her? Had Eri annoyed the chief somehow? That her sister now had her own small office was a good sign, that she had a rather unique reputation however was not so good.

The mother wondered about her daughter too, her daughter had finally made a friend, but also had started researching myths and even more of her mangas. It made her worry.

Why was her closest family so particular?


"Hey Erin, want to get some coffee?" One of the other detectives called out to her.

The redhead pondered for a moment. "A cappuccino sounds wonderful actually. I know a place that makes wonderful cappuccinos."

"Sounds good, lead the way." Martin Michels responded; it was a chance to get closer to the red headed detective.

Eireann Mc Glytch led the way to the not-goth cafe and stopped as he rushed to open the door for her.

"Welcome to the Black Cat Cafe! A table for two?" Today it was the other waitress who welcomed them at the door. "Welcome back my Lady."

"Hello, yes a table for two." Eireann mentally sighed when the younger woman, or possibly only younger looking, went all sparkly eyed at seeing her.

The pair of detectives sat down and did some Smalltalk, like how the last night-shift had managed to get to figure out a gang war. Those were messy, so many bullets and shots fired. They were at 132 bullets last count and they were still finding more.

"Two cappuccinos." The owner was serving herself. Then she slipped into the seat beside Eireann and leant against the Irish descendant. "You colleague from work Eireann?"

"Hello Dorea, meet my co-worker, Martin Michels, Martin, meet the owner of the Black Cat Cafe Dorea van Howlers." The human woman introduced.

The detective was surprised at the black-haired beauty, she was tall, had pale skin, and was wearing a dress that accented the chest. The chest was not large, but the twins seemed to be a handful.

The redhead meanwhile wondered what had happened to the pale grey skin the cat had shown last time. Maybe one of those hide the unnatural things.

Any plans Martin had gone out of the window when the owner slid into the bench next to Erin and snuggled up to her, with his colleague starting to run her fingers through the long black hair of the newcomer. He frowned when Dorea started rubbing her face all over his target.

The Irish detective wondered if she should remind Dorea that she was in human form when the woman, or rather currently women, started marking her. It was clearly that marking that cats did when they started rubbing their heads against someone.

She should probably ask someone how to treat the ones from the Otherside when they are human compared to their other forms. Maybe if she should remind them too. Dorea made it really easy to treat her like a human sized cat. Especially when she started to scratch the cat under her chin.

Martin knew his imagination was running wild, but the owner had sunk out of sight across Erin's lap, and from the hand motions Erin was still rubbing the beautiful woman. A show and the best cappuccino he had ever had, had not been what he had expected from inviting the pretty redhead.

They continued with some Smalltalk, and he got another show of affection when the tall woman rubbed cheeks with Erin and licked the freckles.

At least he had enough material to fuel several fantasies for the next few nights.

--- a night a day or three later ---


Returning from getting the takeout, one of the nightshift policemen was returning from the food run. Today they had hit that burger place, so now he was loaded up with eight burgers, seven loads of fries and wedges, and 8 drinks. Honestly it was a bit much.


He looked down to the potted plant next to the door and saw a big rat staring at him. "Shoo"

The rat glared. "Squeak!"

The policeman then stopped and hesitated. "Let me guess, you are here for Erin?"


He put the food down. "No snacking." The policeman warned. He opened the door and ordered the rat. "Keep the door open and I'll give you some of my wedges."

The rat held the door open with clear strain, but managed to keep it open long enough.

"Hey, Miller, sign a Mr Rat for Mc Glytch."

"What? And Glytch has the night off."

"Down next to my shoes, and wake her, it's for her."

"I'll be damned, so the rat whisperer thing is actually true."

"Yep, and now they are even coming for her off shift."

"Now I promised a few wedges for helping the door, anyone got a newspaper? I don't want to make a mess on Erin's desk."

"What? Scared?"

"She's Irish."



"Detective Mc Glytch?"


The policeman wondered if the detective knew just how erotic she had just sounded. While half asleep. He could imagine her lying in bed confused and mostly asleep. "We have a guest for you, a rat."

"Nod funny."

"Really, we put the rat in your office. The rat seemed eager to meet you."

"Fine, I'm coming."


Eireann was not happy, she got woken from her well needed sleep, and had to come to the station.

A quick shower later she felt a bit more alive, but she was not really up to any deeper thinking. Did her colleague mention a rat? If it was a joke, she was going to skin them alive.

The drive to the station felt far too long.

Once there she signed in, and really saw a "Mr Rat for Detective Mc Glytch" in the log. Normally she wouldn't sign in, but this meant overtime, and since she had been woken, she was going to demand her dues.

"Hey, Mc Glytch, we set him up in your office with a few potato wedges on a newspaper. Last we checked he was nibbling on one." One of the night shift colleagues called out.

"Right, I'm going to find why he had me waking up at night."

She entered her small office and saw the rat sitting on a newspaper, snacking on a wedge, with a bundle she suspected contained more wedges, if the greasy stains on the newspaper wrapping were any indication, next to him.

"Morning, or something, couldn't it have waited till morning?"


"I have no idea what you just said, but today is my night off. So, what do you have for me?"

The rat laid down stretching arms and legs away playing dead.

"So, someone dead, one or more people?"

The rat raised a single finger.

"One it is. Is the victim male?"

The rat nodded.

"Dismembered? Spread across the room?"

The disbelieving stare she got told volumes about what the rat thought about that question.

"It's a valid question. And full bodies are always nicer to have. Long dead as in days?"

Another headshake.

"Good, then hopefully won't smell." She scribbled her notes down. "I am going to put you down as an anonymous informant." She pocketed her notebook. "I suspect it is near that alley where your colony lives?"

The rat nodded.

"Let's go get someone to drive us." Mc Glytch took a moment to check the address from the back-alley stabbing. She took one of the baskets for paperwork and lined it with another newspaper, before placing the greasy package. "Hop in, we are going for a ride."

She caught the first relaxed looking policeman and made him drive her and the rat, the rat got a lot of curious looks, the rat ignored the attention and was watching its package.

In the car it was obvious that the policeman wanted to say something about the weird passenger, but held back since he didn't know what to say. The rat meanwhile marvelled at the world from a car. It had climbed up on the dashboard and was looking around curious.

They stopped at the alley where the stabbing, that had introduced her to the rats, had happened. The rat scurried off with its wedges and hid them seemingly somewhere.

"What are we waiting for?" The officer asked the detective.

"For our guide to return."


"The rat found a dead body. So, it is going to lead us there."

"And the rat told you that?"

"Of course not!"

The officer relaxed.

"It used squeaks, nods, headshakes, and mimed."

The officer wondered if he should call an ambulance.

The rat returned and scurried up the steps of the house next to the back alley, there it squeezed in under the door.

"We are going to need a warrant." The police officer mumbled.

Eireann simply checked the door and found it open. "Or we go in since it is open."

The rat led them up three flights of stairs, before taking a break.

Eireann donned a pair of gloves and picked the rat up. "How many more?"

She was not sure if the reply was steps or floors, it was more than she liked. Finally, on the seventh floor the rat asked to be let down and led the two humans to a door in the back. There it once again squeezed in under the door.

"Now we really need a warrant."

The detective simply checked the door, and found it open again. Upon opening they were greeted by a person on the floor, dead, a cat sitting on a small table with a telephone next to it, and an army of rats staring at the intimidated cat.

"Call dispatch, we need a coroner, looks like multiple stab wounds, also animal control, we need someone to take care of the cat.

"What about the rats?" The policeman wondered.

The detective spoke to the rats. "Thanks guys, I'll see that something gets delivered to you meanwhile Mr Rat was so nice to pilfer a few potato wedges. Remember they are unhealthy, too much grease is bad for you."

Mr Rat gave Eireann a betrayed look.

"I'll have someone get some healthy stuff for you."

The policeman dodged aside as the rat army scurried off.

"So … rat informants?"

"They seem cleaner than some people I met."

"Point taken."


The chief nearly gave up when he heard why his detective for weirdness had been in the office before him. He simply waved it off, and signed the 20$ from the informants’ fund. He did seem happy that rats were cheaper than the normal pay-outs.

--- rumour mill ---

"I'm telling you; the owner of the Black Cat Cafe was all over Erin."

"Tall, black hair, hot?"

"Yes her, and the waitress was all happy when Erin came in."

"So, what do you mean all over?"

"Snuggled, rubbed herself against Erin, got petted, and licked cheek."

"You sure she didn't just do that to play with you?"

"Yes, I am sure, Erin was running her hand through the long hair!"

"So, you think she is a les?"

"That's hot."

"Agreed, who do you think is the bottom?"

"Who seemed dominant?"

"I think the owner wanted to but Erin blocked it."

"So, Erin, would explain a lot."

"Animal magnetism?"

"Or simply a fiery redhead."

"Shh, the chief is coming."

That was relaxing and fun, more a collection of snippets then a true connected story.

So easy to write when you don't have a major plot and a really small cast.

Discord Chaos


What a shameless cat
Lazy Writer:
vampy said it!
what a shameless cat
Jessy (Jessie):
Should hint towards what fun a rough tongue can be
in the most provocative way possible
that was great
Lazy Writer:
it was something I wanted to do from the moment I introduced the cat
Jessy (Jessie):
Super shameless
Is her tongue rough in this human form?
Lazy Writer:
rougher yes
Jessy (Jessie):
I take it that that male detective won't be having any fun nights in the near future
Lazy Writer:
he will be working solo


Poll: Do you want only crimes with a supernatural component, or normal crimes too?
1: Only supernatural or extra-terrestrial stuff
2: Add supernatural things to normal crimes (like the rats)
3: Plain normal crimes too.
4: Do whatever you want.
5: LEaE, Fel chapter in the works, need to create new party members.

Anyone Else have trouble Voting?

Do you want only crimes with a supernatural component, or normal crimes too? (see above!!!)
  • Only supernatural or extra-terrestrial stuff. Votes: 1 1.6%
  • Add supernatural things to normal crimes (like the rats). Votes: 28 43.8%
  • Plain normal crimes too. Votes: 4 6.3%
  • Do whatever you want. Votes: 23 35.9%
  • LEaE, Fel chapter in the works, need to create new party members. Votes: 1 1.6%
  • I cannot vote Options 1&2!!! Votes: 7 10.9%
Total voters: 64 · This poll was closed on Jun 5, 2021 02:23 AM.