Chapter 96: Fight
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Another month and another chapter... Surprised B & A were so common however I guess everyone has their own quirks?

Sorry that there is yet another 'serious' poll but it's the build up to the new release and this one is really important for my 4th novel; it won't be replacing Hero but it'll probably release a few weeks before I stop writing chapters for volume 1. We're currently at 118 on the patreon and so I could reasonably just press pause at any point on the releases. 

Next week I'll probably give some deets about the new novels protag (already got 19 whole chapters written with me actually bothering to edit them since I have the time)... I hoped to reach 30 before I release since 10 public chapters & 20 paid seems like a good launching point.

Depends but it is what it is.

Anyways enjoy~♥


As could only be expected, Promicarus’ first thought was to take distance in order to actually have the chance to cast some magic or summon something to fight in her place.

It didn’t matter how strong of a dark magician she was if she wasn’t able to use any magic due to her opponent constantly pressuring her; obviously Eel knew that as well. The demon lord in training quickly lifted her head from the earth while keeping her eyes on the smugly smirking beast who held a stance Promicarus had never seen before. After all, ever since she had started adventuring with Elizabeth Paradise’s B-team, Eel had always led with a sword & spear within either hand.

Using a little magic now and again.

This Eel was completely different from what she had experienced. She held her hands in a claw while slowly prowling like a beast on the hunt, those eyes constantly licking all over the half-spirit’s body as if waiting for a bite. Even if Promicarus was no expert in martial arts she at least had her own attainments with her swords so could see from Eel’s foot movements that this wasn’t an amatures stance.

<If I was going to compare, she seems to have attained higher ranking with her bare-handed fighting than she has with her weapons. In other words I wasn’t the only one holding back yet unlike me she made me think she had nothing more by not even going all out when her life was in danger from the [Void Beast]... As expected of my rival I suppose.>

Like that minutes went by with the two just staring at each other - each ready to strike the moment they made a single action. That didn’t change a fact that they both were very clear of at this moment. For the first time in a fight against the two Elizabeth had the clear advantage since she had taken the initiative for the first time.

It had been clear from the first time they met in that mid-point village that Promicarus fell far behind in terms of physical power. She may be stronger than a weak mortal yet how could she be compared to the little monster which was Elizabeth - in contrast if she could summon it would be like the ocean ebbing away at the cliffside. Even if the beast could overpower one of her summons could she overpower thousands of them one after another?

That was just assuming she’d be using the simple summons to overpower Elizabeth yet, as the dragoness had clearly guessed, she had only shown her weakest summons. The one time Eel felt she annoyed Icky enough to summon something impressive she ended up flying through the air helplessly before being dropped off in a monster filled forest. Even if she had held back Eel wasn’t conceited enough to play that kind of game; in fact that cloaked puppet saw in the midway village was likely still more powerful than her.

Though it’s weakness was of course the delay inherent to puppets however Eel clearly didn’t want to try seeing if the renowned genius puppeteer hadn’t come up with some workarounds.

This was very upsetting to the demon lord (in training).

Just as she was about to make her dissatisfaction with the uncouth behaviour of the demonic hero a flash of crimson lightning signalled Eel arriving in front of her once more. Without an inch of mercy she sent her closed fist towards Promicarus’ head - her only just managing to tilt  head out the path of the fist yet the momentum still sliced open her cheek. Abyssal black blood splattered behind causing the earth to hiss.

“Are you kidding me; that’s the arcane attribute!” <Promicarus>

Of course being a hero meant she couldn’t be kind to others so Eel’s other hand swung in a motion to remove Promicarus’ head from her shoulders. Promicarus desperately rolled her head under the right hook - stepping back while hoping to return the embarrassment. Finally having the opportunity to lift her greatswords in an attempt to bisect Eel from the hips with an arrogant smirk.

A smirk that faltered when she felt the ground under her back foot give away thus completely ruining her balance. Unlike Eel who clearly put force behind her attacks with her physical abilities allowing her to attack freely - Promicarus mostly relied on the weight of her swords. The fact she was tripping due to the foot sized hole that was conveniently masked by a blanket of mud was enough to disrupt her from swinging her swords and enough time for Eel to take advantage.

That purple tail of hers shot forth to puncture through Promicarus’ stomach causing her to retch forward yet Eel wasn’t done yet. Eel grabbed the side of Promicarus’ head to pull her forwards; however it wasn’t out of the goodness of her heart as her knee came up as well. Slamming the black mage’s face full force into her knee before letting go to have an invisible tail slam into her chest like a whip to send her away without a chance to counter attack.

“Huh~ you should really watch where you are stepping Icky - I hear there are a lot of pot holes around this mountain due to mischievous foxes burrowing all over fufufu~!” <Eel>

“G-go fuck thineself!” <Promicarus>

“Ooo~ feisty~!” <Eel>

At this point it was hard to tell who was meant to be the villain as it would seem Eel no longer intended to give any breaks. A blood red spark left her body as she charged towards Promicarus to deliver a kick to her left wrist - the princess wasn’t one to be outdone so she lifted her sword up to guard against the kick. Planning to follow up with her right sword only for Eel to deliver a debilitating uppercut to Promicarus’ chin giving her a second of air.

During that second of wind she dragged her sword in front of her stomach which thankfully managed to block two surprise attacks from her tails. Still the momentum sent Promicarus back yet again - her feet skidding across the ground until a patch of earth caved in yet again causing her to fall on her back. She didn’t even take a second to think before she rolled to the side only for an explosion to occur from an axe kick that hoped to cleave her in half.

“Damn~ I thought I would get you there fufufu~.” <Eel>

Her tails seemingly whipping outwards to cause the dust from the attack to instantly dissipate the dusty smog to reveal her standing there with a fang field grin. Promicarus had fortunately already repaired the damage she had taken - her body being only half-physical greatly helped her in that - yet it did very little for her indignation.

<As much as I hate to admit it, this is the best way to deal with me, still I can’t just let her beat me around since I doubt either of us would give in to that. This must mean she must have some strategy to deal with my regeneration. The easiest way would be to seal me and she is a descendant of Mother… I should try to push her instead of just taking her abuse and then take advantage of Acuar to limit her movements…>

Thinking that she charged towards Eel while swinging her swords before the beast could force her to give up like before - even Eel wouldn’t be able to parry with her bare hands.

Unfortunately for Promicarus she quickly proved she didn’t need to do that. Just having a confident smirk before moving both her hands to her knife belt for the first time while charging forward without fear of death. Seeing that the demon lord widened her eyes before two throwing knives flew out - Eel showing her expertise with the weapons as they each removed one of the dark mages' hands - literally disarming her. The two large greatswords collided with the ground in a mighty *BANG*.

Eel seemed to want to end it there and then as she leaped into the air to wrap her legs around the shocked Promicarus’ neck to ride her down to the ground with a *thump*. Soon the half-spirit felt three tails puncture through her stomach - black blood coming from her mouth while her hands which still gripped onto the sword melted into the same black goop. What was once her hands moved into the distance while Eel pumped as much mana as she could into her tails to use as kindling.

“Heh~ I know you would assume I was trying to seal you but I don’t have any progress in sealing magic since I have no one to learn from. There is something I know how to do and I think it should work just as well even if it’ll make my tails a little singed in the process. Hope you enjoy this demonic special~!” <Eel>

The demon lord only looked up towards Eel with no change in her own arrogant smirk even as violet flames exploded out of the three trails puncturing her stomach. In a matter of seconds those purple flames spread - setting alight all of Promicarus’ body in a few seconds - well except for those two hands that slowly slithered away in the form of a black slime ball. Overwhelming pain rushed through Promicarus as her body, soul & mind was being destroyed however she gave no satisfaction as she just smiled at Eel who jumped away before the flames harmed her more than was needed.

Soon the hero found herself looking at a mere charred outline at where the demon lord in training once lay.

“Well… That was easier than I assumed it wo-” <Eel>

Breaking out of her disappointment she turned around to see a large rift form in front of the black slime ball that slowly elongated. It took little time for the rift to expand as a familiar cloaked puppet stepped out to intimidatingly tower over Eel - reaching out its hands to take the swords of its defeated lord. As for the slimeball; it slowly took the form of a very familiar plastic princess who had those abyssal threads come from her digits to control the puppet.

“Kekeke it thus would seem thou shan’t be the only dame able to take advantage of thine opponents arrogance muhahaha~!” <Promicarus>

After her general shape formed the slime began to contract or expand to give her body far clearer features - the process starting generally yet slowly got more detail. Obviously it took little time for the hunter to recognise exactly who this figure was. Instead of being disappointed that she failed to kill her, her grin only grew wilder.

Things were far different this time as even when those blood red sparks charged her body with raw speed she didn’t get close to Promicarus. Rather the cloaked puppet instantly slammed its sword down in response managing to catch the hero off guard; Eel only just managed to stop herself from being cut in half by jumping back against and raising her arms up in defence. Still the power was far above that of Promicarus or herself resulting in her losing her right hand while the left seemed barely attached.

Blood dripping down onto the floor below did nothing to curb her grin as soon her wounded flesh weaved itself together once more.

“Time for round two then~?” <Eel>

With that she charged forward once again while flicking her right wrist to summon her sword.
