Chapter 108: A Second Game of Chicken
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I've nearly recovered completely (hopefully) so yea... Oh also you guys like milfs!

I'mma just gonna get on with this.

Anyways, enjoy~♥


Space cracked once more around the goddess and when those cracks reached their apex, the area around her burst open only to result in no change except the disappearance of the woman.

“Bwahaha gone like the wind!” <Photon>

Seeing that Mother had retreated; Photon couldn’t help but let out a sigh in relief that no fight would be taking place. Before he could say anything - a familiar foot connected with his back causing him to stumble forward in shock - turning around to see the red haired kitsune. With little space left while having (not actually recovered from the earlier attack) he found himself falling off the ledge into the magma filled abyss below.

The man who caused that rather disgraceful fall of the knight didn’t even bother looking to see if he was okay as he narrowed his eyes at Munzumira. She seemed to have the opposite reaction to her big ‘little’ brother since the frown on her face grew even more intense. Still she did turn her eyes to see a familiar golden armoured figure crash down into the magma; shaking her head with a long drawn out sigh at the embarrassing sight. While it would certainly do nothing to actually harm the hero it certainly wouldn’t have been a good look if any mortals were to see their beloved hero shamefully pushed aside.

“What are your plans bitch.” <Kitsune>

Although he wasn’t welcoming to the spirit he also didn’t seem particularly worried - whether it was due to absolute confidence or arrogance was something none could say. At least he had drawn one of the wooden swords he had at his waist. Still, he didn’t actually get into a stance but casually bounced it upon his shoulder, a savage grin on his dragon-skull covered face.

“I would ask ‘how many times have I told you that I am a pussy’ but I doubt you would remember that either, would you?” <Munzumira>

That frown of hers extended even more, increasing the unnatural visage she naturally carried with just about every action she made, as she just threw that singularity upwards. Sure enough it quickly vanished into the sky however it wasn’t as if it had dissipated. Eventually it would hit something and that something would most certainly vanish leaving no trace behind.

Neither of the two made comment about the possible genocide-ball that Munzumira just launched into space however as neither considered themselves good people. The kitsune didn’t even so much as glance at where the orb vanished but instead pointed his practice sword towards the  faux god empress. An eerie crimson glimmer escaped from the darkness of his mask’s eye holes that seemed to bore into the galactic haired girl.

“That doesn’t answer my question spirit; what are your plans for this brat.” <Kitsune>

Despite his intimidating appearance… Well, obviously, Munzumura hardly cared about him staring at her a little sharply since her own stare did worse things for one's mental state.

“Oh my, how scary, now I wonder what my plans are~!” <Munzumira>

She said in a drawn-out slovenly fashion while slowly stroking her chin to seemingly make it appear as if she was thinking. Anyone who actually believed that, though, would obviously be tone deaf since she was hamming it up quite badly. This caused the smile on the practice sword man to tremble a bit; obviously not too happy in being mocked by a midget.

“Well I suppose you’ll tell me everything I need to do when I cut off more of you; so if you don’t wish to be even shorter I recommend you speak up!” <Kitsune>

Just as he was about to lift his sword, powerful intent swirling around his wooden blade, a little hand lifted up from behind Munzumira’s back causing him to pause.

“Hold on… Nearly thought up a plan…” <Munzumira>

“Snarky little-!” <Kitsune>

His sword coming down causes a blade of crimson to attempt to cleave Munzumira in half yet she simply just sank into the shadows causing the attack to completely miss. This resulted in a brand new ravine being formed within the {Moolesh Mountain Range} which truly accomplished little especially when those shadows trembled from behind him. Munzumira rising from those shadows to have her arms wrapped around Eel’s neck only to give a big old frown to the kitsune man who turned to look at the scene.

“Do not be too loud or you may wake the girl...” <Munzumira>

With that line, all the veins across his body seemed to wish to burst open, slowly tilting his head before leaning closer to Munzumira.

“Don’t test me shortie; I know you need her alive…” <Kitsune>

“Incorrect - you assume I need her alive however… Now I’m questioning that.” <Munzumira>

Lifting one hand from Eel’s neck to hold her chin; only to shake her head around as if the frown on the spirit’s face was about as wide as it could possibly be. Hearing her response did little to appease the fox who was just about to slash his sword down anyway since he would rather be wrong than let someone one up him like that. This was until a shrill mature voice of a woman cut through him like it were a hot knife and him the unfortunate piece of butter.

“Don’t you dare!” <Alexis>

The mature vixen stood upon the edge of the caldera looking down on the show the two power houses were putting on. Unlike those two she didn’t fancy putting the life of Elizabeth on the line for a vain game of chicken; for the first time her fangs were fully visible as she aggressively growled with all nine of her tails flared with golden flames rising from her silver hairs. She even went as far as to fiercely point her stave towards the pair - not even worrying about the fact that one of the two being of the same bloodline as herself.

“Ooohoho~ so you’ve finally woke up?” <Munzumira>

There was still no sign of Munzumira bowing down yet.

Though soon it became clear that it wasn’t only Alexis who had arrived at the mountain in order to try to save the little hero. Fuka had managed to regain enough strength in order to equip her armour once more with a sword & shield in hand. Nevertheless, based on how weak kneed she appeared, she wasn’t in a good condition. On the other side of Alexis Lyada stood yet she too was hardly prepared for combat as she had the little cowcubus within her arms in a princess carry (even though her prince was currently unconscious in Munzumira’s grasp).

Upon noticing the new arrivals - Munzumira had her eyes remain on the little succubus for a second before turning down to look at Eel. Unconsciously the hand, that once mockingly held the girl's chin, began to slowly caress that brightly purple hair. It couldn’t be helped; it reminded her so much of that cute little girl she never got to raise despite all of her insistence that she could have made it work.

Once more the frown on her face began to decrease as she closed her eyes to just feel the soft purple hair pass through her hands. For once she couldn’t help but find herself thinking about what she was doing; did she feel any regret or remorse for the pain she put onto these kids though?

<Never; it is only through suffering that one can obtain true absolute strength that will never fail them in their time of need. I do not care if I appear as evil so long as I accomplish what I need to accomplish. There is no need for excused nor putting up a face face to pretend to be something I am not, since at the end of the day, I will never regret anything.>

That all familiar frown on her face grew once more as finally the amicable son at last reappeared behind her in a similar fashion as herself.

“I’ve left lil’ Promicarus inside the lab in front of {Cliff Hanger} [ɟnll sʇod]” <Chaos>

“Very well… You should take this one’s significant other under your wing; you are her grand uncle so she shouldn’t be so weak that Promicarus’ sloppy magic words on her. I’ll be leaving now that all that’s left here is the boring stuff. Make sure I don’t catch you getting in my way next year, boy.” <Munzumira>

With that Munzumira began to sink into the shadows - escaping before anyone could say any more to her - leaving everyone just as confused as they’ve ever been. After all her intentions were completely unknown to everyone there except Chaos who certainly didn’t feel like sharing it to them all. Instead he stretched out his hands leading to him accidentally hitting Eel in the head with his staff (not that he minded that).

“Well then [pɐsɥ] shall we be off [sbnᴉƃƃlʎ-lᴉuǝ][Ǝxɔlɐɯɐʇᴉou-ɯɐɹʞ]” <Chaos J Faust>

Everyone else who was fully prepared for a battle could only look at the oversized magician hat wearing ‘girl’ with confusion.

Meanwhile at the bottom of the basin…

“I should really get a new line of work…” <Photon>

Butt Stuff?
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