Extra Chapter: Character Art Commission!
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So I've been unsatisfied with my own drawing of my character for a few months now but I couldn't find the time to sit down and draw out my character for a better result and on top of that I wasn't fully confident that I'd be able to actually do better the next time. So I commissioned someone to do it for me using money from my Patron subscriptions. Say hello to the work of Ninestar619! Not only was their commission a work of art but I might even commission them in the future to add manga pages to my chapters depending on how it goes. I'm having them read my novel to see if they're interested. Either way give them a big thank you for their work! Enjoy! Just a reminder that the next chapter is on Patreon as always! You can also support me on PayPal if you can't afford monthly amounts! Please support me there if you enjoy my novel and can afford to do so! Thank you and enjoy the new chapter!