Rooftop Confession
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Chapter 2 : Rooftop Confession

It was now lunchtime and Jun found himself reading over the note over and over. It was only three lines but they were enough to make his heart flutter.

You may not know me, but I know you. I was wondering if you had time to talk with me today at lunch. I’ll be waiting for you on the rooftop.


*She wants to speak to me? On the rooftop? This can’t be real.* He thought to himself as he struggled to deal with the surge of emotions he was now feeling -- mostly nervousness. He couldn’t help but question it but Jun had little time to make a decision, after all Airi wouldn’t wait long. There were roughly only twenty minutes remaining for lunch and he’d already eaten…

“I’m just going to do it.” He whispered to himself, mostly to strengthen his resolve, as he got to his feet. Along the way he self-checked, his breath, he made sure the collar of his school uniform was down and his pants were straight. After walking up two flights of stairs to reach the roof he finally paused in front of the exit door to the roof.

Normally this type of place was off limits but considering the reputation of his school, things like that didn’t matter. “Delinquent High” students didn’t adhere to this and even the teachers were kowtowed into obeying this breeding ground for junior yakuza in the making. The strange part about the situation was that 2/3rds of the student body were made up of women and all the men were forced to kowtow to them.

These sorts of thoughts lingered in the back of Jun’s mind yet-- even just an opportunity to connect with the one girl who seemed to value the same things was too good to pass up. Jun took a deep breath and opened the exit door revealing--- nothing.

No one was around, all was quiet.

“H-hello?” He said somewhat timidly. He stepped out onto the roof and walked around searching for someone -- anyone. After a few tense and quiet moments Jun felt foolish.

*Of course...why would anyone be interested in me. Heh.* He thought to himself as he turned to leave.

“J-Jun-kun?” He heard a feminine voice as he placed his hand on the door.

“Airi-san?” He said aloud as he turned to face the sound of the voice. Indeed it was the owner of the note, Airi. And she looked different… her hair was down, just past shoulder length and her spectacles were tucked into a pocket on her shirt. A gentle blush filled her face as she fiddled with her fingers.

*She’s so cute.* Jun thought as his eyes traced downward slowly, taking in the sight of Airi in her school uniform. He lingered for but a moment, but since his emotions were now a roller coaster any resolve he’d made was vanquished to the dark corners of his mind. He struggled to come up with something, anything to say but luckily that wouldn’t be necessary. Airi stepped forward boldly and grabbed his hand. Their eyes met for just a moment before she turned to lead him away from the nearby door.

Jun’s heart was now doing flips, this was one of the first times he’d ever held a girl’s hand much less been confessed to.

*So soft.* He thought as he allowed himself to be led by Airi. Even the scent of her was amazing and it trailed on the wind. She led him towards one corner of the building’s rooftop, presumably so that they wouldn’t be seen while they discussed things.

After less than a minute she then turned to face him, her eyes downcast as her grip lingered. She seemed to be fixated on his hand, her fingertips slowly massaging his palm as she grasped him with both hands now. Jun couldn’t help but be caught up in the moment as elation and electricity flowed through his body.

*I’m glad I came.* He thought to himself as a broad smile spread across his face.

“Airi..-san.” Jun said, finally finding the courage to speak. Instead Airi lifted her head, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes as she pressed her pointer finger against Jun’s lips.

“Jun-kun. I’m so sorry.” She whispered as a tear rolled down her right cheek.