Volume Two | Chapter Four – You Have Been Chosen [Part Five]
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There was an air of the unknown surrounding them in Lord Belial's office. Nariko wasn't really sure what to do or say because she hadn't a clue why she was summoned in the first place, her best guess was the fact that it had something to do with the academy as to what extent Nariko could only speculate.

Expecting Lonshanks to stay with them Nariko was admittedly surprised to see him leave the office. Lord Belial and Nariko were now only, the former cleared his throat before speaking.

"Nariko, it's good to see you..." Lord Belial tided his attire up slightly before continuing "...I hope your studies are treating you well"

Lord Belial's ashen hair shone beautifully against the lighting that illuminated his office. Memories of meeting Nur Vo Ghul flooded Nariko's mind sending an uncomfortable chill down her spine, she couldn't say that she hated the old man, but there was something about his personality that made her second guess herself a few times during their first meeting.

"O-Oh, i-it's really good, thank you for asking" Nariko briefly responded as she bowed before Lord Belial.

He chuckled wholesomely, "Please, please enough of the pleasantries, after all, you're very important to Lucifer so it's only natural that I take an interest in your well-being on his behalf." Hearing that Nariko felt a sense of comfort knowing she had so many people around her that she could depend on.

If only such things were as common in my old life, Yuuma's subconscious mused remembering just how unreliable people were in his old life.

"That reminds me..." Lord Belial reached towards a draw on the right side of his desk with a free hand opening it, a few seconds later, it emerged with a vial of human blood "...I was told by your personal servant, Six, that you're still on these for about a week and a half, am I right?"

Nariko nodded feeling a little embarrassed, "Yes, however, lately I've been starting to take less thankfully because everything been progressing well according to Lord Lucifer."

She remembered shortly after coming out of the hospital the conversation that she had with Lord Lucifer about her regular intake of human blood. Because she had taken more than needed to be taken in a short amount of time, it resulted in having the benefits come around sooner than expected since then she had been slowly working her way off human blood towards the one-month timeframe.

"I keep some for emergencies so please take this one" Lord Belial reached out towards Nariko with the vial in hand. At first, Nariko was unsure of whether to take it or not, but she didn't want to refuse a kind gesture so she happily accepted it. Nariko decided she would have it later considering that her headaches at this point had become almost null and void at this point, she was in no need to rush.

"Anyway, I have something that I wish to discuss with you" Lord Belial looked more serious almost putting Nariko on edge. The latter nodded acknowledging his statement.

Lord Belial cleared his throat, "Me and Lucifer have been discussing something as of late..." he paused for a moment before continuing "...have you heard of the Chalice of Choosing by any chance?"

The question startled Nariko briefly, at first, she wondered whether she actually heard him correctly. When she locked eyes with Lord Belial for a brief second she got her answer. She was still surprised by the chances of Lord Belial mentioning such a thing when not so long ago she and her friends were discussing the very same thing in the library.

"Yes, I've heard a little bit about it" Nariko replied.

Hearing such an answer looked to have surprised Lord Belial somewhat, "Oh, if you don't mind could I ask where you heard about such things?"

She nodded, "Just earlier Varen and my friends were talking about it"

Lord Belial aimlessly nodded as he thought to himself for a moment, "Did he tell you everything about the Chalice of Choosing?"

Nariko couldn't be sure, after all, she only just heard about it so she hadn't a clue if there was more to find out or not. "All Varen told us at the time was the stories involving those that partake in it about them getting seriously injured, besides from that I haven't heard anything else about the Chalice of Choosing."

"Well, this is a perfect time to indulge you on such matters" Lord Belial seemed a little enthusiastic to discuss the Chalice of Choosing with Nariko which was something that had taken the latter by surprise somewhat. Regardless she was generally interested to find out more after Varen brought the subject to light at their little meeting in the library.

Lord Belial gestured towards the sit on the other side of his desk Nariko happily accepted the offer.

"As you already might be aware of the Chalice of Choosing is very much shrouded in mystery even though it takes place within this academy I don't know much about it" 

"Why is that?" Nariko was interested to know why such a thing was such a mystery.

Lord Belial leaned back in his cushioned golden engraved office chair thinking to himself for a moment before responding to Nariko's question. "The only person that truly knows anything about the Chalice of Choosing is the Grand Eldar Satan, however, when asked of it she very rarely opens up about the subject in on a good day"

"Is it because of the rumours, is that why not much is known about it?" Nariko continued.

"Well, I guess it doesn't help in part, but there's more to it than that..." Lord Belial's answer was somewhat unexpected Nariko couldn't help but wonder what else could possibly keep something so under wraps.

"...I can't be certain of it, but my sources have told me that the Chalice of Choosing is dictated by an outside source more or less something, not of this world. However, whether such things are true are yet to be seen. As you know already whether you pass or fail the trial your memories of the encounter are wiped"

An outside influence? Was someone else reincarnated like myself and Mana or was it something else entirely? Yuuma's subconscious speculated to himself.

"Anyway, to get to the crux of the issue at hand I summoned you here today to tell you that you have been chosen to partake in the next Chalice of Choosing" Lord Belial suddenly sprung the unexpected upon Nariko, the latter was taken aback slightly.

Nariko was rather shocked by the sudden revelation of what was happening her thoughts were flooded with the endless possibilities of what could happen if she accepted, but then the thought of refusing to join in also clouded her mind. It was mostly due in part to the rumours of hearing many who did fail usually ended up seriously injured, and Nariko wasn't too keen to experience such a thing this early on.

"I-Is it okay to refuse?" Nariko asked certainly unsure of the consequences for doing such a thing her tail twitched being her showing the nervousness that was currently haunting her due to not wanting to bring Lord Lucifer any more trouble.

Lord Belial sighed, however, it wasn't one of disappointment, but more or less of pitying the young demon girl for her having such an open-minded outlook on life. "Unfortunately, that's not possible once whatever that thing is that choose's those to partake in the Chalice of Choosing there is no way of backing out of it." A somewhat saddened look appeared on the older and more wisened demon's face.

Hearing that response sort of made Nariko feel disheartened, but in all honesty, it didn't really surprise her after all considering the nature of this world. She had to take into account that there may be forces in this new world that even she herself couldn't avoid as much as she wanted to. Instead, she accepted the current situation just hoping that whatever lies ahead she comes through unscathed.