Foreword & Cover Art [v12-8-20.5]
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Updated Tuesday, December 8th, 2020 ~10:30 pm Eastern - New Cover Art!


Hello ^.^

This is my first attempt at writing and publishing a story. I hope it will be enjoyable to read.

I plan to practice my writing skills with this story, and while it’s not meant to be too serious of an attempt or strictly planned, I do strive to write a ‘decent’ story, and hopefully improve! After all, that’s the whole point!

As of chapter 9, I have a loose plan and a few different plot threads going, and some ideas for a few future Arcs. The day to day writing is still pretty loose and will go wherever the characters take us!

There will probably be inconsistency as I try out different things, but I’ll try to keep it understandable. While I want to focus on writing new chapters, I am also going to fix up older chapters from time to time. In the beginning, things were definitely more rough than I'd realized.

As of this edit of this page, I'm up to chapter 9 (10 total with the Prologue) and I've started working on editing and improving the older chapters. I just posted a new edit of the Prologue.

In order to make it easier to see these changes, I've come up with a tag to add to the chapters. It's a version number with the date followed by the number of major revisions or edits. Example: [v11-01-20.2] Would be Nov 1st, 2020 with the '.2' meaning 2nd version or edit.

I hope that makes some sense, I wanted a way for readers to be able to easily see if I've changed anything recently. And at the top of edited chapters, I'll post a summary of the edits in a spoiler tag you can expand to see details, especially if anything was fixed, clarified, or changed plot-wise. Hopefully to help you decide if you want to look over it and see the changes.

Oh, Also, I am going to be re-evaluating the content warnings I've been using. Expect some inconsistency until I figure everything out and edit the chapters to match.

Thank you for your time, I hope you enjoy the content, and I appreciate any feedback you may wish to offer!

As of Dec. 8th, I have new cover art!

I'd like to give a HUGE thanks to HansTrondheim for drawing my new cover art!

Welp, it's the evening of 17th (Eastern Time) and my story seems to be #6 again. Updating this list a bit, added 3 stories.

Holy Moly, why is my story #2 on Trending? If you are reading this thank you for checking out my dumb story.

This might be unconventional, but, I'd like to use the opportunity to ask you to check out some other people's stories that I enjoyed. I made a Favorites list on my Profile, but I will also mention them here. If you enjoyed my content, please give some of these from other lovely authors a try.

"The 7th Demon Lord" by Kotohood - Absolutely enjoyed the characters, their progression, the worldbuilding, pacing, emotions, all felt excellent to me. Word of warning, high chance of tears. This is a Completed story.

"The queen of darkness does not want to be the villain" by forli - Very fun, a silly story with what I thought was a likable duo, Luna is awkward and oblivious, and Arana is trying to help her, but also teases her a lot, they have a wonderful dynamic, in my opinion. Great for a light fluffy read.

"The Vampire’s Never-ending Curiosity" by Synalra - Really cool concept, I love the premise. It's the story of a Vampire and her journey exploring the world and trying to make sense of the memories she was given by a moon goddess and those who played a hand in the situation that allowed her creation. Not very far in, and is on Hiatus but Synalra has mentioned starting to work on it again and release more before the end of the year.

"The Necromancer and the Would-Be-Hero" by UndyingEmbers - Another enjoyable fantasy LitRPG with a pair of characters that develop a nice dynamic, and some really good character growth in my opinion, and the main character is a likable antihero in my opinion. It is on hiatus, unfortunately. 

"Schwarz" by  Assurbanipal_II - Nice quick read for some cute OP Loli cookie munching action, in between murdering those pesky meanies that want to do bad things. Lots of short chapters; nice for quick reads when you have a few minutes to kill.

"New Life of a Summoned Demoness" by Erios909 - Really nice premise for the Isekai reason, the storytelling and descriptions of the world were really awesome to me, the way the LitRPG system works seems neat. Really enjoying Elania’s journey so far. 

"The Reincarnated Vampire Just Wants To Enjoy Her New Life" by Ninetailed_Furball - Really interesting concept for the Isekai reason, pretty nice story with good worldbuilding, some fluff, fight scenes, and even nation-building. Pretty good so far.

"Demon Lord’s Succubus" by Nanakawaichan - This is an absolutely smut filled story, but I found the plot really interesting. Most of the smut scenes were alright and fit the story I thought, although some were not at all to my taste, I think for the most part you can enjoy the plot and ignore the scenes you don't enjoy.

I have read all of these all the way through, so my impression is based on everything posted so far. Thank you for entertaining my silly request, if you've read this far.