Chapter 40: Finishing the Quests
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“Hold on, before you start explaining how you went through it, do you two know what the doorframes are? Not even Breali’s best researchers can figure out what they are. They all just say that other than being indestructible, the doorframes are just normal doorframes,” said the Guildmaster.


“As far as we know, the doorframes are called gates,” replies LisiA, “If you have the right item, a door appears, and it brings you to another dimension of some sort.”


“What do you mean by the right item? Could it be that thing that was found next to those doorframes? If that was the item, how come it didn’t activate the doorframe next to it?” the Guildmaster immediately inferred what the item could be, and was immediately spot on. However, he was still confused since nobody could identify what that item was, and it also did nothing when it was next to the doorframe.


“It wasn’t activated,” Aumo replied, “It was so annoying to work with once it was though. I almost wished that I was deaf.”


If it were any other person, their ears may have already gotten severely damaged by how loud the gate detector was, especially since it was over a rather long duration. Unsurprisingly, the devices that androids use to hear sounds do not get damaged as easily as human ears. It would actually be a problem if they were after all. In fact, if they hadn’t configured it correctly before, they would’ve most likely been denied entry into the city since the city was so close to a gate. The guards near the gate would’ve also not let them get close.


LisiA gave a small nod and the Guildmaster didn’t ask any further questions about the device. 


“Anyway, the gates you called them, you went through one of the doors?” asked the Guildmaster.


“Yes, and it turned out that they were linked to dungeons, though the creators of those said dungeons didn’t really seem to know what they were doing. The notes that were left in the dungeon seemed really uncertain,” answered LisiA.


The dungeon was supposed to be a tutorial, something to teach people about the basics, but the creator of it had no idea what the basics were, and even stated that they had no idea how the magic works. 


“I see,” said the Guildmaster as he nodded, “Is there anything else I need to know?”


Aumo and LisiA thought about the house that showed up out of nowhere, and both decided that it was best to not speak of it for now. The house wasn’t there anymore, so there really isn’t anything to get out of telling anyone about the house. 


“Ah, right, the gate disappears when the dungeon is cleared, and you exit,” remembered Aumo after thinking about the house. The gate had disappeared along with the house, which most likely means that the gate disappears when they exit.


The Guildmaster rubbed his chin for a while, and eventually said, “Since nobody else could really activate the gates, I will entrust you two with investigating the gates. I will allow you permission to investigate the gate that is outside of Breali, and also ask the other Guildmasters what they think about it. Now, I believe that we have to deal with all these quests.”


The three looked at the stack of paper that was on the desk in front of them, and unanimously decided that they should take care of it. Of course, that couldn’t be done in the Guildmaster’s office, since there were a lot of things that were meant to be delivered. 


“Follow me, we need to go somewhere more spacious,” said the Guildmaster, and he picked up the parts of the stack that were quests, “Oh right, before I forget.”


The Guildmaster put down the stack of quests and went to pick up his mask. Upon putting it on, he transformed back into a buffed giant, and walked out the room holding the quests with one hand. 


Aumo and LisiA quickly followed.




After descending some staircases, Aumo and LisiA found themselves in a really spacious basement that looked awfully like something they had seen before.


“This is part of the Organization’s Facility isn’t it,” said LisiA as she looked around for a bit.


“I was told you two are already members, so there was no point in hiding it,” said the Guildmaster, “I heard that the one in Yuhsar was a real artwork, with its elevators and what-not. I apologize that this facility is a lot more normal.”


Watching a really buffed person apologizing was a really weird sight, especially if they have a really silly :D mask on their face. It made it so that the apology looked very insincere, but that seemed to be the point since it did sound somewhat sarcastic.


“Now, could someone bring in the terminal? Having to confirm all of these quests will take forever,” said the Guildmaster.


As if they were prepared, a few people came through a doorway that was on the opposite side of the doorway that the three had entered through. They were pushing a machine that had wheels underneath it. It didn’t seem that heavy, but it was most likely more heavy than it looked if it needed that many people to push it.


When the machine reached the Guildmaster, one of the people pushing it gave a really quick nod, and all of them immediately left the room. They looked pretty scared of the Guildmaster, which was pretty normal since he did look pretty scary, being so huge.


“Those were some new faces,” said the Guildmaster, “Am I that scary? I asked for a silly mask design so I wouldn’t look that scary. I think I need to order a new one.”


No matter what mask he wears, it wouldn’t change anything, thought Aumo.


Negative. You can actually create a mask that doesn’t have that side effect. More on that later, focus on your current task on hand.


Ria echoed through Aumo’s mind again, after being so quiet this entire time. It’s as if Ria was just silently watching everything that goes on around them, and that is quite creepy. 


“Do we take out all of the things we have to deliver?” asked Aumo, trying to get the Guildmaster back on track.


“Hold on,” said the Guildmaster, and he quickly shoved the stacks of paper into the machine in front of him. 


The screen immediately lit up, and multiple boxes appeared, and the papers slowly disappeared one by one into the machine. Every time a paper disappeared, a box would get filled, and the text that filled the boxes were the quests that were on the paper.


“Alright, this is much easier, no more paper mess,” said the Guildmaster, “Now slowly take out the items in order, as they are listed on the screen.”


There were quite a few items, and they had to slowly check them off, but eventually they were done.




“I never want to fill up my dimensional storage that much ever again,” commented LisiA after they unloaded all of the things they had to deliver.


After going through one dungeon, LisiA inferred that everything that will be in the dungeons will most likely be unstorable in Aumo’s storage, so she would have to have enough space for those things. At the same time, LisiA had no idea what the dungeons would have, so it’s always important to have space in her storage in case they get something big.


“Should we go check out the gate now? We have permission now,” said Aumo as they exited the Guild Building.


“Why not?” said LisiA, and they proceeded to head towards the gate. Even if it was late, it’s not like they needed sleep anyway.





Name: Aumo

Core Level:8

XP: 5/300

Status: Normal

HP: 2200/2200

MP: 1200/1200 

MP Stored: 169.6


Skills: Mana Manipulation, Mana Sight, Mana Sense, Mana Analysis, Mana Item Storage, Levitation, Mana Vibration, Small Fireball, Ice Throw, Air Slash, Body Reinforcement, Body Strengthening


Upgrades: Map, Gate Detector


Stored: Heater, Giant Breadstick

This next dungeon will be much bigger, so will every dungeon past that. Since it’s so big, the chapters might be longer for them. No promises. It’s not like I have many ideas anyway, I might go get some inspiration from other stories or games.


Anyway, my drawing skills are failing me. The sketches I’ve made are kinda bad, I have no idea what I’m doing when I’m sketching them. I do have a general idea of what I want, but when I try to draw it out, it just gets so badly butchered. The human imagination is amazing, I could think up something, picture it in my head, and then my hands fail to produce it, and then I lose the picture in my head. Anyway, this just means I need a physical reference. I’ll go make one someday.


I find myself confused on what to do these days.