Chapter 30 – Insanity
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"Boss, I've been meaning to ask, how are these frames powered?"  Jill pursed her lips, then her eyes went wide, as she was shown an image.  "Boss?  What in the hell is this?"

"Cold plasma.  I learned that there is a propulsion technology based on cold plasma generation, and radio wave transmission.  The radio waves will excite the cold plasma, and create a large amount of heat, which created enough thrust to move a space faring vessel from Earth to Mars in less then six months."  Shyla explained the basics.

"Okay, so it's good for propulsion, but what about the power requirements?  These frames must require a large amount of energy to move."

"That would be logical, however, I've worked on these systems for the last three years.  Constant improvement, frictionless materials conserve energy, high pressure internal hydraulic systems, with high speed quick response actuator systems.  All these pieces reduce the power load on the power system.  The sealed core is capable of energy generation that will power the frames, and store backup energy within other sealed packs within the body.  And before you ask, carbon nanotube.  Strong, dense, high capacity and highly efficient discharge.  The highly charged plasma is generated in the core, but do you know what the fuel is?"  Shyla grinned.

"No, boss.  What is the fuel?"

"The most efficient fuel that results in wastes that the human body can take care of without using other methods."  Shyla watched, and soon, Jill's eyes went wide.

"Hydrogen?  Which means...."

"Yep.  Water.  In other words, the core is a hydrogen fission reactor that is small enough to not create harmful amounts of waste heat, but it is expelled in the body's normal methods.  The overall surface area of the skin helps to disperse the heat, while the water is filtered, reused, and finally expelled the same way it normally is within a human.  Minimal reactivity."  Shyla grinned inside Jill's brain, and brushed her fingers along the same routes, and added a few new pathways to explore deeper.  Jill moaned softly.

"B-Boss? Now that the doctor is awake, is it time?"  Shyla dived deep into Jill's mind.  "Oh!"  Jill's eyes rolled.

"Soon, Jill.  When Sol returns, it will be time."  The new pathways were a lot more efficient at allowing Jill to access her information systems, and allow Shyla in at a much quicker place.  The result was a mind fuck that sent Jill into a full body orgasm.




"What happened?"  Tandy asked as she examined Leen, and her missing arm.  She began to apply the new first aid techniques that Shyla developed.  First, a spray to dull the pain, followed by another spray to cleanse and disinfect, then another simple spray that sealed the entire wound within seconds.  Kata growled.

"I don't know if we were cocky, or someone ratted us out.  We watched, prepared, and went in ghost.  Next thing, as we moved in, Leen was trounced, and had her arm cut off."  She sounded pissed.  "I caved in his head, but it felt like they knew we were there."  Tandy nodded.

"Sounds like it.  Kata, you'll have to take over the club for now.  Aline.  Inez."  The twins stepped out of the shadows.  "You'll erase them."  They tilted their heads.  "What's wrong?"

"The boss already has."  Tandy lifted her eyes in surprise, then pursed her lips.

"Shit.  I can..."  Tandy knelt down as a wave of emotion flooded through her, and everyone on the network. "She's real pissed."




"Were you not warned?"  The frame stepped forward, and though five large bikers struck with bats, and iron pipes, there were no signs of damage.  The remote frame acted upon the owner's rage.

With a grip that exceeded several thousand pounds per square inch, the frame severed arms and ripped bodies in two.  When the frame left to attack another biker club, Danica and Solange walked into the club, and attached collars to the bodies.

"I wonder who ratted out our girls."  Danica said softly.  She watched a head roll to the floor as the collar decapitated it, and the prongs went into the brain.

"Does it matter, Dani?  She finds out who, and makes them wish they remained loyal.  The boss is quite good to her loyal ones, but a monster to everyone else."  The two women threw two large duffel bags into the van outside, and drove off.

"Receiving our next target. Subjugation successful. Now starting data module retrieval procedures."  Danica spoke in a robotic tone.  She started the van.

"How is her emotional state?"  Solange asked quietly.





Shyla found the data she wanted.  The club that ratted her girls out.  Her remote frames split into groups of two, and went through the other chapters like a meat grinder.  Everyone died brutally, while she left their heads intact.

Twelve frames converged on the final target.  Laughter could be heard.  Voices could be heard.  Details about the payday they would have when they were able to get the underground bunker they discovered the girls going to.

"Danica.  Sol.  Continue to clean up the data modules.  This one has the leaders.  Everyone will be alive when you put the collars on to retrieve the data.  I will send Sol amended plans for new entrances to the bunker, and alternatives for a second bunker.  I was sloppy."

"Understood, boss."  Danica knew that saying anything against what Shyla just said would be futile.  She wouldn't listen anyway.

"New information on some chemicals I've discovered will make excavation faster, cleaner, and with no noise.  I want the girls to learn, plan, and build their new home in a place far away.  However, in the meantime, I think it's time for the girls to recruit some new members, and pets.  These bastards have wives and daughters that may like being at the top of the food chain for once."  Solange pursed her lips.

"We will determine what their use is, Shy.  Go home when you're finished, and fix Leen.  It will calm you.  When we finish for the night, and Leen is being reconstructed, I think you, Danica, and Jill should unwind, don't you?"  Sol sent her an image in her mind.  The tremors they felt throughout the system they were connected to began to ease.

They began to feel a pleasant breeze after that.

"I'll send the frames on remote, under the team's control.  I don't need to take care of them myself.  I need to care for Leen properly."  Shyla's presence on the system eased, as did her insane anger.  Danica sighed.

"I like the boss better when she's happy.  It feels like a spa inside her mind when she's happy."  Danica pursed her lips.  "Not like today."

"Yeah.  Her rage rarely goes that high.  She must have been insane when she found the doctor that day."  Sol sighed sadly, as Shyla appeared to be a goddess in their minds, and treated them all like family.  Her mental state was normally calm and cool, with intentions that sent ripples of pleasure at all her connected members.

But tonight, that calm person turned into a nightmare, and she had remotely controlled exoskeletons that could decimate entire biker clubs in less then a minute.  It made Sol shiver a bit.