Chapter 12: Good vs Evil(Who is the Real Jaakuna?)
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Commission 39

Jaakuna stood in the midst of the destroyed warehouse, and stared up in the sky, as she began to recall her past. " I'm almost there. Just a bit longer.. Soon, this pathetic world and it's ridiculous antics, will have to follow a new set of rules. Just you wait, dad.. Once, I'm queen of this god forsaken planet, trash like you will have no place in it.

Thirteen years ago, a few days after Jaakuna's 12th birthday, the young girl had just returned home from school, and she could already smell the delicious aroma of her mother's cooking.

"Welcome home, Jaakuna, how was school?" 

"It was good. The lessons are a bit too easy though." said Jaakuna.

"Ha ha ha, that's my girl. You're gonna be quite the successful young woman, just like your mother." said Jaakuna's mom.

"If you say so, mom. By the way, will dad make it home for dinner with us tonight?" 

"Unfortunately not, sweetheart. Your father is.. Well, a very busy man, but he should be home this weekend." 

"Really? Well, ok.. I wish dad would spend a bit more time with us, but at least I can get to see him this weekend." said Jaakuna.

" That's my girl.. Now go get changed, and do your homework. Dinner will be ready in about an hour." said mom.

"Yes ma'am." 

Jaakuna frolicked upstairs, as her mother smiled at the sight of her chearful daughter. Elsewhere, in a yakuza faction, known as Onihito; a tall man appearing in his early 30s, was looking out the window at the top floor of the skyscraper. 

"May I come in, Javerius-sama?" said one of the members as they knocked at the door.

"Yes, come in Quan." said Javerius.

"Yes sir. I just got done investigating that woman, Miakumi, just like you asked. It seems like your suspicions were correct. She's trying to start some sort of organization, although at the moment, it only consists of a very small number of people." said Quan.

"Is that so? Were you able to determine what she's after?" asked Javerius.

"Unfortunately no. Although, I think it's pretty safe to assume, that she definitely aims to oppose us."

"Just as I thought. Good work. Just keep a close eye on them. I'll be gone this weekend, but contact me if you find out anything else. This is a critical time for us, and we can't afford to let anyone stand in our way." said Javerius.

"Yes sir, you can count on me." said Quan as he walked out of the room.

The next day, Jaakuna had just woken up, and was washing up to get get ready for breakfast. She could smell the sweet buttery aroma of hotcakes and sausage, as she ran downstairs.

"Good morning mom, good morning dad!" said Jaakuna as she entered the kitchen.

"Goodmorning, sweetheart." said mom.

Her father looked at her in a sort of cold emotionless stare. "Good morning." he said aloofly. 

"I'm glad you finally managed to get some time off, dad." said Jaakuna.

"Jaakuna's right. It's pretty rare for you to get a weekend off, Javerius." said mom.

"Yes, I left one of my men in charge for the weekend. However, don't get too used to it." said Javerius.

"Hey dad, you wanna go shopping later today?" said Jaakuna.

"I'm expecting a report from one of my men some time today, so unfortunately I can't. Natasha, you take her." said Javerius.

" Come on, Javerius, you can at least take a full day off and spend some time with your daughter." said Natasha.

Javerius sighed. "This is why I told you not to raise her to be so soft, Natasha. Fine, be ready at 12:00 on the dot, Jaakuna." said Javerius.

"Yes sir." said Jaakuna. She was happy that he was spending time with her, but a bit disappointed he was basically forced into doing so. Later that afternoon, Javerius and Jaakuna were  heading back home from the mall."Dad has bearly said a word to me, this whole time. His job really must be stressful. I wonder what he thinks of me." Jaakuna said with a frown. 

The car was filled with an awkward silence, but suddenly Javerius looked at Jaakuna with a curious look.

"Jaakuna.. I want to be clear about something. You would do best not to follow the footsteps of your mother, or should I say, the way she is now at least." said Javerius.

Jaakuna was very confused by this random comment. "Wh-what do you mean by that dad?"

"Your mother was a very strong woman, when I met her. She didn't let anyone get in her way. Whatever she set out to do, she did it. That was the reason I chose your mother, Jaakuna." said Javerius.

Jaakuna looked at her father, and listened closely, as this was the most he said to her in a while.

"However, ever since she had you, she's changed slowly but surely. She has become weak and passive, and I don't want you to turn out like that, Jaakuna. That's why I've decided, I will take over and train you myself?" said Javerius.

"Train me? Train me to do what?" Jaakuna said with a puzzled look on her face.

"Heh heh heh. There's no point in keeping you in the dark any longer, so listen closely, my one and only daughter. As the leader of Onihito, I need to be able to leave a legacy, and I want you to be my successor, Jaakuna. I had planned on giving that role to your mother, should anything happen to me, but I see now that you have much more potential than Natasha." said  Javerius with a menacing determination in his eyes.

Javerius and Jaakuna arrived at the main headquarters building for Onihito.

"Umm. Where are we going dad?" said Jaakuna

Javerius ignored the question, as he took Jaakuna to one of the lower basement levels of the headquarters. The area was a massive training ground filled with different sections. Jaakuna looked off to one area of the training grounds, and saw giant pendulum blades swinging with a pit of spikes at the bottom. 

"Dad, this place is kinda extreme. Mom's probably worried about us, why don't we just go home." she said as she tried to walk back to the car.

"Not so fast. You were born for excellence, Jaakuna. This is where it begins for you." Javerius said as he yanked the young girl back.

"Now, attack me with everything you have." said Javerius.

"What? I can't attack you dad."

"I suggest you come at me. I doubt you would like me going first." said Javerius with a sinister grin.

Jaakuna was quite frightened, but reluctantly went for a punch, only to be smacked to the ground by her ruthless father.

"No, anyone could see that attack coming from a mile away. When you attack, you can't make such wide movements, or else you'll be leaving yourself open for a counter-attack." said Javerius.

The two sparred for hours, with Jaakuna taking quite a beating. Later that evening, Jaakuna and Javerius finally arrived back home, after a long sparring session. 

"Where have you two been? I been calling for the past two hours." said Natasha. Natasha looked at Jaakuna, and saw she had a few bruises on her arms. "Jaakuna, what happened to you sweetheart, are you alright?"

Jaakuna looked at her father, who gave her a cold stare, and looked back at her mother. "It's fine mom, I had a little accident on the escalator, but dad saved me. It could've been alot worse." said Jaakuna.

"Oh, goodness. Well, I'm glad you're ok. Try to be more careful from now on." said Natasha.

"Yes, ma'am." said Jaakuna as she ran upstairs to her room.

Jaakuna's eyes filled with tears from these sudden expectations that her father brought upon her. However, she had so desperately wanted her father to finally acknowledge her existence, as he was never around. If this was the only way for that to happen, she was willing to accept it. "I had no idea Dad was a gangleader, and he wants me to be the successor? Why hasn't anyone told me anything. Who even am I?" said Jaakuna as she covered her face in anguish.

To be continued:

Next time: Flashback- Good vs Evil (Jaakuna's destiny)

Authors notes: Jaakuna's background will continue next chapter. The character in the top, doesn't belong to me, but is very close to what I imagine what Jaakuna, would look like as an innocent child/ pre-teen, with the exception of blue eyes lol. Until I get around to drawing her design as a child, this will be her example.