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Rewriting this series
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So this is not a chapter but something like an announcement. 

My internship is going to end so I may have a bit more of a free time. Thus, for my current plan for this series, I am deciding whether to re-write this series in a different writing format. 

Please take the poll whether you want me to re-write this series in a different.


In the poll, there are 3 categories. 

  1. Yes. Please rewrite this in a new series and delete this.
    1. I will rewrite this into a new series and delete this book.
  2. Yes. Please rewrite this in a new series and delete this
    1. I will rewrite this into a new series and will leave this as it is
    2. I may continue in this format if I have time for it (please comment on this)
  3. No. Just leave it like this. 
    1. I will continue as it is.


As For my second announcement, I will write this as the last in my writing order. (writing to which is more read amongst my 4 ongoing series)