Chapter 12
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On day six I rose a little early and went outside the tent. Lance was sitting there in thought, I was doubtful if he had slept much.

“Good morning,” I said and he turned to see me.

“Hello,” he replied, his thoughts still moving hidden away. I sat near to him but gave him space, I was mostly just planning to observe the area since it was only just the start of the day with the sun still rising. After a fair pause the silence was broken.

“Did you have issues at the start joining the group?” Lance asked me.

“A little,” I admitted, “however it was more to do with Sammie's actions than an issue with how the group was run.”

“Are they bad?” he enquired.

“Yes and no, she lives in a strange way but I think she is happier for it even if I don't fully understand it,” I commented thinking about.

After another long paused Lance spoke again, “Do you think they will forgive me?”

“Honestly? I think so, I mean Nelson was angry at your actions but I think he was teaching you a lesson about how this world works. He might be a little angry still but as long as you don't repeat your mistakes I doubt he will have issues with it. I honestly couldn't say how the rest will react, I think they will mostly follow his lead so you mostly need to impress Nelson but Matt seemed to take it hard. From what I understand you were his first player to mentor and you didn't exactly make it easy on him,” I had spoken as honestly as I could but Lance took it in carefully. After that he didn't speak to me as time went on, I decided to stretch my legs a little going for a walk. It didn't take long to bump into Victoria who almost seemed to be waiting for me.

“Hello,” she said.

“Morning,” I replied. She motioned to keep walking and followed beside me.

“What do you think of Lance?” I asked her after we had been walking a short time.

“Hmm, hot headed, stubborn and foolish,” was her first response, “however that was only before he split from your group. Now I think he will be hard working, thoughtful and respectful.”

“I guess that is a fair assessment,” was my reply. We kept walking with little words shared. She had led me just to the edge of the camp sites before parting ways. As I reached our tents the bell rung to signal a new day. I wondered if Victoria had planned it all to get me to reach this spot as the bell rung but would a person be able to time it so perfectly. She had information of the event so I guess it was possible but it still rubbed me the wrong way how easily she could manipulate the people around her and yet I couldn't help but be impressed by it.

We all gathered around the burnt out camp fire for the next meal, Lance wished to continue working with Nelson at the mining site and I went with Matt and Sarah to gather more wood. It was insane just how many trees had been cleared. The centre of the area had been stripped back hugely and we were having to walk further just to reach the work sites and yet not much really was left, the logs were moved often when we didn't notice and their was no piles of them anywhere in view. It was crazy to think just how many resources had been stripped and processed. I had no idea just how many people were working here but it was without a doubt a much larger amount than on the last contract we had gone on. It was a quite shift. I heard the bell thinking it was time to end the shift but it rang three times.

“Small attack it seems, the guards should be enough but we better pay attention in case the alarm is raised and we are called to arms,” commented Sarah. Luckily the shift ended without us being needed and we enjoyed our meal. Lance was still often in thought when we were eating but he seemed to have mostly recovered except for his eyes which were often not focused. I didn't mentioned it and just smiled in support when he eyes met mine.

Another shift of wood gathering and we gathered around our camp fire, Nelson had decided to do all the chores today letting everyone else have the day off. I offered to help out but he refused to let me. Our pay was very late that day, it was around the time we were about to go to sleep. We were told that tomorrow was the final day and it would mostly be hauling and the final crafting sessions. Emily had already applied for the day off and we had received extra pay to account for the hauling tomorrow which was fairly equal for everyone. I guess crafter had some inside information or maybe she just had a good judge on these things. It didn't matter to me and I simply slept soundly that night.

As I rose the next day to the sound of the bell it was a bit more lively around the other tents. Seems excitement had risen due to the end of work. Nelson kept an eye on us encouraging to eat a bit more than we normally did, I guess the hauling sessions would require a bit more energy and he made sure all of us had at least two full water skins.

I followed Sarah, we didn't have to register since we had already been paid for this and we simply went to where we were needed but judging from Sarah I think she enjoyed loading planks and other wood based items. I was having to drink a lot and was glad that Nelson had prepared us all for this. We worked without break beyond midday, there was no lunch break today and all the horse carts had to be fully loaded before it got too late. As I took another drink my second water skin had run dry and Sarah offered me a bit from her's commenting about how the work was almost done and she wouldn't need all of it. I was thankful for that, my throat had been running dry. As the last cart was loaded else where the bell rang a single time then with a long pause rang again. It repeated for a total of ten rings.

“The work is now officially done,” explained Sarah as she led me back to the camp. After a bit to eat we started to pack up. The only real difference in the size of our loads was due to the amount of money we had to carry from our pay. Mine wasn't too bad but Emily's bag was bulging. She had even seen someone to condense it down into larger value coins and even then it only just made it able to fit inside her rucksack. When almost all the camps had been packed away I noticed a banner with the symbol of the Gatherer's Guild in the centre. It was clearly much large and more decorative then when I had last seen it.

“Did they get a new banner?” I asked Sarah.

“Banners have special effects to an area around them. They are using a larger one for a wider range to be covered. I believe the one they use prevents stealing and allows duelling events. There are some other minor effects but nothing to worry about,” she replied. I guess this was a much bigger event than last time but I did wonder why they didn't put it up earlier. I guess it was more limited on time or had effects that stopped certain things, or maybe I just never noticed it. Either way I didn't really care enough to mention it. When we discussed the issue of the feast it was simply the case of who was staying and who was leaving since there would be many leavers and it was safe to travel with them. Much to my surprise everyone stayed even Emily. Nelson quickly managed the supplies so we had enough for a return journey and the rest he took to give for the feast. At first it was a bit more relaxed with not as many organisers since there was still some work to be done by the Gatherer's Guild but after a short time tables were being set up for people registering for the feast. Nelson went ahead and made sure we were registered and paid for with the supplies and we waited as tables of food were being prepared and large fires were organised. They really were use to this, everything was done within a set time and no job was being delayed by others. I didn't see where some of the supplies had come from but I guessed they had organised it earlier or had a group gather wood for the fires as the hauling was being done. By the time it seemed to be due to start their were five main fires burning spread out evenly in the middle, I also noticed a giant pot that likely could have fit our whole group in. Sammie had already left to the outer areas were a few fights were starting but it seems most were awaiting the announcement and if on cue Victor stepped forward on a roughly made stage.

“Companions, as always we pride ourselves for a strong workforce and equally a fun cool down period. However first I must welcome everyone who was willing to work hard with the goal of resupplying the much drained markets and thank you all for being willing to provide this service,” Victor called out taking a slight pause and bowing in respect. “As a last order of business I would like to personally thank the leaders of the first one hundred groups that helped to organise this from simple planning to dedicated hard work. I am in your debt for being so willing to go above and beyond for the sake of our work.” Once again he bowed before continuing. “Now I all know what you are waiting for and that is our feast but remember, respect is something we value. As you are shown respect for working hard and being rewarded we would like you to respect our customs. In simple rules our feasts are a matter of fun and relaxation, contests around the outer areas which as you can see a few have already started to duel. Food and music are nearer to these fires. Challenge anyone you wish for a contest however we never allow you to force these. If they decline accept their wishes and find someone else to challenge, remember if you don't want to be challenged the inner areas should generally prevent it. Anyway I have taken enough of your time and the main event awaits so without further ado lets bring out our contribution.”

With him finishing a crowd to the side parted. There were multiple tables brought forth. The first had a massive bear on it surrounded by small fish and game. The second had some sort of large bird, I guess similar to an ostrich but also similar to a chicken it was surrounded by swordfish and sharks. The final table had a boar, it was surrounded by different kinds of birds. A person near to Victor stepped forwards, I think they were the one who registered us last feast and started to speak.

“As you can see we have a fine selection for this event, I here to announce how we are planning to prepare such a bounty of food. First let me say that the bear will be stewed, we know this is a popular dish and we aim to please. The second table will be more grilled as will the sharks and swordfish. We were unable to get any big fish for the centre piece of this contribution. The third was more of our need to fill a slot and will be roasted for that well cooked boar meat and now a final few words from our leader, Victor.”

“Thank you, and now we have gathered and have shown what is to offer I have one more thing to say. Go now and create memories!” Victor shouted happily and with that a huge cheer rose from the crowd as people rushed around. I was a little more prepare this time and followed the crowd to the outer areas. Lance seemed to have been swept along with me unuse to such a mad rush.

“Well that was chaotic,” exclaimed Lance picking himself up from the rush.

“People want to make the most of it, I have only been to one of these but I knew what to expect.” I replied starting to walk to the main fighting area. I noticed Sammie was already deep in the fray and Matt was entering around the other side. I simple pulled out my sword and stepped forward into the chaos with an odd smile on my face.

After the first time I was kind of expecting what would happen but I tried to focus more on mobility than strength. It pushed me generally towards the middle of the area. No kills but no deaths was the outcome at the start but I had managed to get a few key hits allowing others to finish them off.

“Look who it is,” a voice said and I whipped around to find Sammie smirking. She followed up by grabbing me and pulling me around so we were back to back.

“Cover my back and I shall do the same,” was all she instructed and we tried our best to focus on defence. I noticed that Lance had done the same with Matt but it was less organised and their weapon style wasn't a good match. I was also surprised to see Nelson in the fray, he was much less refined than normal but his moves were very much able to allow distance from others swinging his spear almost in full circles around his body without himself changing direction much.

“Looks like this should be good,” Sammie called out to me as a sword was sent flying past from behind a little too close for comfort. It was amazing to see all the different fighting styles but I knew fairly quickly I wouldn't last much longer and was greeted with a spear to my side killing me.

The amount of dead people waiting for revival was huge. Some greeted me from seeing me at the last feast and patted my back, overall it was a very friendly environment.

“Dam that Lance,” sighed Matt as he appeared. He noticed me and rushed over.

“Seems Lance isn't very skilled at back to back fighting and managed to sweep my legs out from under me leaving me wide open,” he explained.

“Still he is lasting fairly well,” I pointed out.

“I guess but he was quite late and has only been in their for around thirty seconds and judging from the view, I give him another five,” Matt commented. I tried to see what danger he was in but he was keeping others at a distance well but just as Matt had predicted within fives seconds he was felled by an arrow, I looked to see the shooter and saw Sarah on a fairly large rock kicking at people trying to climb up or attack her. She was struggling with a trident user almost catching her foot but the distraction provided fatal as a spear connected with her shoulder knocked her off and into the crowd below. It was expected that her spirit form appeared moments after. The group had mostly gathered together on death. Lance was a bit annoyed at himself but also at Sarah his killer I think he wanted to shout at her but was holding back. Sarah seemed to have gotten the message.

“Remember these are a time of respect and fun,” she told him, “Just because some of us team up doesn’t mean we all will, in a free for all consider everyone an enemy even those who will go back to back with you,” His face dropped a little in thought but he was quickly relaxed again.

“I think Sammie hasn't fallen yet and judging from when she rushed here I would say she is easily alive for six or seven minutes,” added Matt keeping more focus on her than others. Lance was glancing around. I am not sure if he would jump back in or not, I guess he was having issues with his ego but I kind of hoped he would at least to gain approval of the others here who weren't quite as friendly greeting him from the looks he was sometimes getting. I mostly paid attention to Sammie and Nelson who were our only two still fighting. I did however notice Victoria on the sidelines. Was she going to fight or did she just watch for the sake of it. Judging from her stance I guessed more watching or waiting for a good chance to enter. Nelson fell next I didn't get a good look at who beat him but I think Sammie had landed a few blows knocking him off balance.

“I feel like I am getting to old for this,” Nelson joked as he approached.

“I didn't expect to see you here,” I honestly replied.

“Well with good food you need a good work out first,” he added with a smile. I guess with bear stew he wanted to make himself hungry so he could enjoy it more.

I revived and jumped back into the fray. I was starting to enjoy this, I noticed Sammie was still fighting but when she was near me this time she greeted me with a few punches before having to dodge an attack and having to retreat away. I wanted to give chase but it would be childish to so I focused on others nearby. I was still mostly on the defence unlike Sammie who was almost constantly dodging and attacking. It wasn't too long till I fell again.

I saw Sarah vanishes as I approached with only Nelson remaining likely with not long left.

“Seems you are getting better,” Nelson commented approvingly.

“But I lost,” was my reply.

“Everyone dies here even Sammie is in bad shape and she will fall shortly. You still lasted well,” he gave me a pat on the shoulder before he took a step back and vanished. I decided to look around, it seemed Lance had taken a step back not returning into the fray but rather taking a seat and watching. It seemed more like trying to get use to it rather than giving up but I think he would have been better by rushing back in. Some of the fighting was starting to break down into smaller groups and it wouldn't be long till it was mostly just duels.

“Dam I died,” called out Sammie suddenly. She was almost instantly surrounded by others greeting her or showing her support. I decided to avoid the crowd and maybe talk to her later. I think I noticed Zenith in the thick of the group but couldn't be sure. When my revival timer ran out I stretched a little and was greeted by a few wishing to duel me. I guess I had made an impression and accepted a few. It was mostly in their favour but of the duels I did get a win here and there which boosted my confidence.

“Our little swordswoman growing up at last,” called Sammie as she put an arm around my shoulder.

“Hey Sammie,” was all I could muster.

“Seems like I might have to start watching my back around you,” she said with a wink.

“I doubt it, you almost survived the whole fray,” was my reply.

“Yeah, I have been trying to for ages but never quite managed it, if I had held out for another minute I would have counted that as a victory,” she commented, “Still! I have a long list of people wanting to duel me so I better get going,” With that she waved farewell and rushed towards a crowd. It seemed Nelson had also been fighting his fair share with a fairly even track record. Lance was starting to look depressed so I went over to him.

“Having problems?” I asked.

“No matter what I do I can't seem to win whenever things are going my way they do something to beat me,” He groaned.

“These are veterans, we are just new players. I mean from our group even Nelson has a fair amount of loses. Only Sammie has more wins than loses.” I explained.

“I just wanted to get better, make a name for myself and hopefully move forwards, but few take me seriously some even give me dirty looks,” he huffed.

“I am no expert but they respect strength, not just physical strength but strength of will. My first fight I returned to the fight instantly and while both times I was beaten within ten seconds they seemed to respect returning to the fray,” I reminisced, “I mean from what I can tell word has spread about your leaving the group. It is something you have to prove yourself against since many will look down on your for it. It was a poor show of strength,”

“I guess, anyway I am going to get something to eat,” he said shuffling towards the fires. I wanted to go comfort him but I don't think I had the words he needed. I think he needed a mentor again but I wasn't sure how Matt and to an extent Nelson were planning it. After a few more duels I decided to get some food. I tried to have a bit of everything but I couldn't decide what I preferred.

A large belch made me jump and I turned around to see Nelson wiping his mouth and an empty bowl being refilled with stew. I laughed a little, he was so relaxed compared to how I had seen him before. He was laughing at jokes, telling stories of his own and generally just being social.

“Jessica, glad to see you again,” Victor called out as he jogged towards me.

“Hello Victor,” I replied.

“Seems you worked pretty hard judging from the numbers. I am glad we have people like you helping out,” I was pretty glad at his complement. “I hope others can learn from you,” he added with a quick glance at Lance.

“I just don't want to hold my group back,” I stated.

“A worthy goal and I am sure the group is better of with you, anyway time to be going. People to see and such,” He did a polite bow and rushed towards another group, doing his rounds as always.

I have to admit that Victor has a way with words. I recall his speeches and just how he talks in general and it seems so natural. I was wondering if he planned them or just made them as he went. I didn't want to track him down and ruin the mystery however and I was sure he would be busy. There were a lot more people here and he was famed for greeting as many as possible.

“Jessica, come over here,” Nelson beckon as he chewed and a rough piece of meat from his stew. I approached him as he drank the remains of his bowl.

“Having a good time?” he asked. I smiled a little and he seemed happy at that, “Seems word is spreading a little about you, at this rate you will be famous here.”

“I doubt that,” I commented a bit sourly.

“Have more faith in yourself. You might not win as much as you would like but you have spirit. You might not have been to many of these but you show yourself at the fray each time and people are actively seeking you out for a fight,” he explained, “sure you are no Sammie but it is a start, no one is famous from a single fight but over multiple fights. Win or lose they are at least showing you respect. Now how about you join me in another bowl of bear stew,”

I accepted his offer and soon we were just laughing with the crowd at jokes and tales. There were even a few people preforming on the stage. From self made bands with tunes and songs to comedy acts that were met with great response there were even some people who dressed up and did some short acting sessions. The time flew by and around midnight it was starting to die down. I went to where we had rested for the last week to put my head down. Emily seemed to have turned in early and was already sleeping with a blanket on a fur rug. I sat nearby watching the stars before I drifted off into a peaceful sleep.