Chapter 16
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We left shortly after, Misu had even hugged me and thanked me again before we did. My mind was in a dark place.

Victoria was being oddly quiet and Sarah was struggling to be able to say anything. We headed to the inn to find it was nearly silent. We took seats at the usual table and Sarah ordered some drinks. After they arrived she stood up.

“A toast to a well deserved victory for Jessica,” she called out. While I am sure she meant well I wasn't sure but before I comment the door had slammed open.

“What did I miss?” Sammie yelled catching the sentence. Likely the last person I wanted to hear it.

“Good news it seems, seems Jessica avenged you,” Victoria stated before sharing every single detail with many attempts by Sarah to stop her. I was shaking after hearing it. Sammie seemed stunned, maybe the first time I had ever seen her like that.

“Wow...” was all she managed at first. Then something totally unexpected happened. She grabbed my collar and pulled me in. I must be honest and say I had never been kissed by anyone but she had just pulled me in and given a full kiss on the lips without warning. I had really not expected it and collapsed to the ground in shock when she finally released me after a fair few seconds passed.

“Ahh...” Sammie commented finally thinking again, “I have no idea what came over me,” She was starting to stumble with words. “I-am-n-not that sort of way...” she struggled. She quickly apologised and ran out the door faster than I had ever seen her moved or likely anyone move.

“Well that was different,” Victoria said with a chuckle. How she managed to say that while Sarah and I were just speechless was beyond me. My brain was completely fried. I was shaking uncontrollably again but not in a negative way, I was just unable to function and any movement command was just causing me to shake. Maybe out of pity or just to get me off the ground Victoria pulled me up and put me back on the chair.

Finally Sarah responded again by roaring with laugher, she was even having to wipe tears away from laughing. It took her awhile to regain control but it really helped to make me know what happened just now was real.

“I never believed I would EVER see something so funny as that,” she laughed still hardly able to control herself. Maybe fate is just cruel but Matt happened to walk in with Lance as she said that. Just like how the timing with Sammie was so strange to have it happened with the next person I didn't want to hear about it. I wanted to die from the embarrassment that I knew was to come.

“Well I clearly missed a really great joke, mind telling it to me?” Matt asked. Sarah was still struggling to control herself head on the table lightly punching it other arm around her stomach completely out of control. Victoria once again with no hesitation explained the full details including how I had to be helped to my chair.

“AHHHHHH! WHY DO I ALWAYS MISS THE BEST STUFF!” Matt yelled hands pulling at his hair in frustration. I think Lance didn't even acknowledge it and my shaking still wouldn't stop. My brain just shut down at that point.

Spitting out water. Wondering why I was on my back and soaked.

“She is awake,” called Sarah to the others of the group. Only Sammie was missing.

“What happened?” I asked sitting up.

“I think you fainted due to shock.” A very serious Sarah replied handing me a towel to dry my face with.

“After such an eventful day can you blame her,” laughed Matt over his frustration and able to laugh about it.

“So Sammie really…?” I asked.

“Kissed you? Yes,” Sarah explained and I think I wavered but managed to stay conscious.

“I still struggle to believe that.” Nelson gruffed.

“It is true both myself and Sarah witnessed it,” Victoria commented with a smirk, “She fled like a scared cat,” I was helped back to my seat by Sarah and tried to regain thoughts again.

“Anyway on to pressing matters,” Nelson started, “I have got the quests for tomorrow so while I know it is likely hard, please manage to get a good night sleep,” I think he was like Lance unable to fully accept it.

From there the topic was dropped, whenever it came up again Nelson put a stop to it. Maybe to spare me from the embarrassment or simply so people might be able to calm down before going to bed. It was already sundown and judging that tomorrow was a busy day Nelson was doing everything to keep the group focused. He ordered us food, trying to make sure we ate even if my body wouldn't really take it in, I managed a few mouthfuls. When he deemed it late he started to more actively encourage us to turn in for the night when some did he seemed happy but to the others he sometimes glared at them in a way that while not overly harsh was screaming disapproval. I got the hint pretty early and walked slowly upstairs.

It wasn't the easiest night to fall asleep from. I think I was still partly in shock and I stayed awake on my bed for likely hours before I had calmed down enough. I was pretty grateful I was so tired I didn't dream. What woke me up was a knock at the door. Half imagining it I didn't stir it was still a bit dark outside, was too early to get up.

The knock came again. That ruled out imagining it so I slowly rose, very groggy and opened it.

“Morning Jess,” Sarah commented before seeing I was a mess, “just thought you might want an early wake up call since you tend to have a bath in the morning,”

“I don't recall telling you that,” was my reply rubbing my eyes a little.

“Your hair tends to be a little wet still,” she stated dryly, “also I hoped we could talk.” I nodded without really thinking as I set up my bath, slightly colder to help wake me up. After closing the bathroom door I slipped into it wincing a little at the coldness.

“Are you ok after yesterday?” she called through the door. Suddenly I recalled something and almost jumped out of the bath.

“I forgot to apologise to Victor for damaging his warehouse!” I shouted rushing around a little almost forgetting where I was.

“Oh that? Don't worry the system will handle repairs in the hub. Any damage while inside it is repaired shortly after unless the land owner prevents it,”

“So he won't get additional costs from my...”

“Fight? No, I doubt he would have cared even if it wouldn't be automatically fixed but it is good that you thought of him,” she explained, “What I really wanted to know was how you are holding up, there was a lot to deal with. The pain blocker removed fight, the emotional turmoil and well later events...” she drifted off at the end. I am glad a door separated us as I submerged my face a little hoping the blush would die down. “Still no sign of Sammie but I heard Nelson sent someone with a note stressing the importance of today and how he needed everyone here early,”

“Do you think she will come?” I asked, I kind of hope she wouldn't even if it was harmful to the groups efforts just because I wasn't sure how to interact with her.

“From my understanding the note said something like come or be kicked out,”

“Would he do that?”

“I am not sure but he is completely serious about today and likely put more effort than usual in. I doubt it was easy or cheap to get multiple quests in a similar area but I have little idea on what he is planning,”

The talk shifted to more relaxed topics after that as I finally got out of the bath and dried myself off. I was glad I had left my armour in this room so I didn't have to leave till fully dressed.

“Much more presentable, lets head downstairs anyway. The sun is starting to rise,” she instructed and we reached the normal table to see Nelson, Victoria and Emily sitting eating.

“Right on time,” called Nelson pushing food in front of us as we sat down, “Sarah after eating mind getting Matt and Lance up?”

“No need,” Matt called from the stairs likely half asleep still.

“No word from Sammie?” Sarah asked noticing she was the only one missing.

“I have faith she will arrive,” Nelson replied but from his expression I wasn't so sure of that. After eating he seemed to be fidgeting a bit unhappy how things were turning out with Sammie.

“I guess we have waited long enough,” he said standing up. A figure appeared in the door huffing and puffing.

“S-sorry I am late,” she called back standing up straight. Sammie was red in the face and sweating a lot.

“Better late than never,” Nelson commented disapprovingly but his mood had risen considerably, “Have you at least eaten?” Sammie held up a mostly eaten piece of bread and Nelson nodded, “Good enough lets head out,” He lifted a rucksack I hadn't noticed from under the table and led the way.

As we left the hub he finally explained the day's activities.

“Since our group is in the gap between two sizes I have gotten quests for both in similar areas,” he started, “the smaller one is first simply due to it is easier to get to along normal paths and then it shouldn't be too hard to reach the next one after a lunch break.” He went on about more general stuff after that which I was only just taking in. Whenever my eyes saw Sammie I noticed she was doing everything she could to avoid them but rarely I caught a look at her face. I hope I hadn't looked like that when I first got up. Dark rings were under her eyes and I wonder if she slept at all…

It was mostly quiet after Nelson had explained everything. He was enforcing a no non-sense view on this trip which I was glad. If not for that I think Matt wouldn't have shut up about yesterday and my face heated up every time I thought of it. Luckily no one seemed to see but I think Victoria knew full well, nothing seemed to escape her. It was a quiet march till we finally reached a clearing that seemed to have a large amount of bandits.

“The plan here is to split into three groups,” Nelson commanded, “Emily and Victoria I have faith in you being able to handle this alone so you will make a group to attack from the left. Matt, Lance and Sammie will attack from the right. With Sarah and Jessica I will lead the attack from here. We will all wait till in position and attack together in an equilateral triangle.”

He left a bit of time for questions but generally there were none and the others left to get in position.

“Sarah I would like you to follow behind us a fair distance to led support. It shouldn't be too hard but best to keep back. I shall take the left and Jessica you go right, just focus on the enemies that come after you and be aware of your surroundings and it will be fine.” Nelson instructed before turning to the clearing to wait for the signals to see everyone ready.

While I had noticed Emily and Victoria holding in a position they didn't seem to be ready yet likely discussing tactics. Matt however made a gesture fairly quickly motioning he was ready and Nelson replied in turn waiting on Emily's one.

It was delayed slightly but it came and with that the attack started. I saw Matt and Lance doing a similar sort of set up to us with Sammie attacking slightly to the side, Victoria and Emily had completely split allow each other as much space as possible. I advanced readying my sword and watching as the first group descended on us.

It was very much like the first time I did something like this. Others were clearing more while I dealt with one. I didn't get to see a lot of the others but whenever I saw Sammie I froze slightly. A blow glanced of my shoulder guard and I snapped back to it fighting again. It was very much a case of clean up with all the bandits being divided and while there were likely over fifty it was very separated. Within ten minutes we cleared them all. Nelson instructed us to gather in the middle and handed out some food and water while he sorted out the gold. He managed to eat a bit while doing so but was more focused on his job. He put a few away into his pouch and second pouch before handing out our share.

At least I wanted to say our share I was skipped over and so was Sammie.

“Hey what about my pay?” Sammie shouted. Nelson motioned for Sammie and I to come to where he was standing. When we did he put a hand on each of our shoulders then without warning shifted and slammed our heads together.

“You think after such a performance you deserve pay?” he growled, “If not for the newcomers Victoria and Lance we likely have have been overwhelmed. You two idiots did worse than I have even seen. Clearly you have to talk this out for I am not risking the next quest over some silly events of the past. NOW... GET... A... GRIP!” He stressed the last sentence so much and was without a doubt annoyed. I didn't really have anything to say in response to that. Even if I wanted to my head was ringing from the knock and that had likely be the most damaging attack I had taken today. The others showed no interest or at least faked that they didn't.

“The rest of you when you have finished eating set up a perimeter around this clearing,” Nelson ordered and no one questioned him. Everyone but Nelson and Victoria spread out after and waited for us to resolve this.

“Victoria? I thought I said set up a perimeter,” he commented sternly meeting her eyes.

“I heard you but I think the mediator for this should have a woman's touch,” she replied and after a moment of thinking he simply nodded and left the three of us to it.

“Quite a show from our leader,” she said almost sarcastically at the end. I am glad she said it when he was out of earshot. I really didn't have the words to say and neither did Sammie who sat fidgety near me.

“Well anyway I understand him, he was stern with Lance and isn't willing to show favourites with the group when someone is out of place,” Victoria added before looking over us. It took some time for anyone to say anything after that.

“You speak as if you were there,” I mentioned breaking the silence. She sighed.

“You really think word doesn't spread when you are surrounded by others?” was her reply, “I think even those who were on the other side of the game have heard about this bit of gossip by now,”

“So this will spread also?” I asked.

“That depends what happens now. You could announce your feelings and go public-” she started.

“That’s not how it is,” Sammie interrupted before stopping unable to continue.

“Then how is it?” Victoria's normal smirk shined forth as if knowing that it would lead to this.

“I...” Sammie started but I think no matter how times she would repeat that word she wasn't able to form a sentence.

“From my understanding, you were a bit happy and excited and kissed Jessica in the heat of the moment,” Victoria commented and Sammie and I blushed at that. “However if I had to guess you didn't really mean anything of it and Jessica is just too innocent to know how to handle it.”

“Innocent…? Wait a minute that was your first kiss?” she exclaimed then rolled on the floor laughing. Not just laughing but at me and that got under my skin. “You seriously have never kissed anyone like that before?”

“No,” was the only response I could manage. She rolled over with laugher again.

“Seriously?” she challenged believing me to be lying, “Heck even I have had a few flings in the outside world you must have been even more sheltered than me,”

“Anyway,” Victoria interrupted taking the reins again, “I don't think it matters how you resolve this but that you do. Be open and just talk it through,”

“So what did you think it meant?” Sammie asked me after wiping away a tear after she calmed down.

“I don't know,” was all I managed but made more effort, “I didn't know what it meant or how to respond,” Sammie laughed a little.

“So innocent,” she said almost breaking into a laugh again before a stern look from Victoria stopped her. “Lets just agree it didn't mean anything and forget about it,”

“Can you manage that?” Victoria asked me but she also directed it at Sammie.

“Of course, I only struggled due to how Jess was handling it if I had know she was so sheltered maybe I would have had more control.” I think I wasn't the only one who could see that control and Sammie didn't really match but Victoria didn't bring it up.

“Do you think that this will really go back by dismissing it?” Victoria enquired, “I don't think it will be that simple,”

“Like I said earlier I am not into that sort of thing. Power to you if you are but I am not a lesbian,” Sammie announced firmly.

“What about you Jessica?” Victoria mentioned to me giving me a chance to speak.

“I don't know what I am,” I commented.

“Wait not only no relationships but never even a thought thinking, Wow they are hot or that person I would love to play around with a bit,” Sammie asked in disbelief.

“Why would I?” was all I could managed and if not for Victoria I think Sammie would have laughed again.

“Never over anyone, heck when I first saw Jasper I was tempted a bit by him,” Sammie added thinking back, “Never even him?”

“He is like a brother to me,”

“Never had siblings myself,”

“Same,” Victoria added. After that at least the conversation was moving. While it was hard to talk it out we started to make progress. It was clear we had over reacted and there was nothing between us. The simply fact of the matter is with my lack of experience and Sammie's random impulse it was simply a misunderstanding and neither of us really had those sorts of feelings for each other. It was just the fact we couldn't address it that caused so many issues and distractions. It had made me think however how strange the idea of love was to me. When Victoria deemed us ready she simply left to get Nelson and the others to regroup on us.

“All sorted?” Nelson asked.

“I am sorry I let the team down,” I muttered with a bow.

“Ready to get to work boss,” Sammie added with a mock salute.

“Finally, lets move out!” he barked finally with a bit of cheer again. He gave me a gentle pat on the back pushing me forwards when I struggled to move but quickly match my pace with the others. It was at least midday now and we marched on. The group had finally descended into light talking and Sammie mentioned to Matt she wanted to talk to him about something later. I had to wonder what and hoped it wasn't another joke at my expense. I would like to think we were past that but I wasn't so sure about Sammie sometimes. I noticed Emily was opening up more to Victoria and while I saw them talk with some strange hand gestures I didn't really pick up on it.

We arrived at another clearing, this time with a hut in it. No signs of life however.

“Is this right?” Sarah asked, “Did someone clear it already?”

“The structure is still here so it must be still active,” Victoria replied. I think she knew what the state of this was maybe even had full knowledge of it.

“Lets move in as if this is a fully active quest,” Nelson commanded, “For the hut I want the strongest fighters so Emily and Victoria to enter, led by Sammie,”

“Understood,” Sammie commented making another mock salute.

“The rest of us will follow carefully and guard. First group just rush straight to the hut we will do all we can to cover you if something happens. Now move out!” ordered Nelson.

The hut group rushed forwards with us marching behind at a slower pace. I completely missed it and would have but killed if not for a pull on the back of my armour dragging me narrowly out of the way. Sarah firmly stopped me after the pull and I see goblins rushing out of trenches that had been covered with was seemed to be strips of land with planks supporting it.

“Get ready everyone, this is an ambush!” shouted Nelson. The first group had mostly escaped it but we were going to have to deal with an enemy that could appear from anywhere around us and we circled around Sarah letting her be safe to fire arrows while we dealt with the main forces.

“BRACE!” yelled Victoria. It took me a moment to figure out what she meant but I lowered myself just in time placing my left hand on the ground as a shock-wave ripped through the air. I rapidly rose again to deal with the goblins. It seems unlike bandits who tended to use axes more goblins used maces. With a strange gesture from Victoria the hut's door swung open and they disappeared inside. I guess we needed to defend ourselves and keep the goblins from entering the hut. Compared to the last time where I had entered the hut this was completely different. They tended to leave the underground trenches in waves enough to be a serious threat but not enough to completely overwhelm us. Nelson had already worked out where some of the trenches were and moved us slightly so we had some space from them. Sarah was mostly prevent any from entering the hut rather than actively helping us.

I still felt weak. My movements were still thought based and I was fighting myself to learn every swing. Judging from what I saw of the others they were mostly fighting from those instincts I had to learn and they tired slower. Even Lance to an extent seemed to be proficient in combat with his weapon of choice even if he tired just as fast as me. I was mildly distracted when I felt something at my feet only to fall down as something knocked my leg out from under me.

“Lance, keep that weapon under control more,” Sarah called out slightly pulling me away from danger. It seems it was him and not the goblins being my biggest danger. When I was up and ready Sarah stopped covering my spot and I filled it. I think I noticed a few goblins enter the hut while Sarah had been distracted but there was nothing we could do about it.

Another wave, another bunch of kills to be made then a few moments to catch our breath. It continued on like that for awhile. I often wondered if the group inside was still alive since there had been no word but I wasn't in the position to ask questions and I had no choice but to fight on. Considering there was no real change in the attack pattern I guess the others knew that the group was still alive and after who knows how many waves the goblins shivered and then even retreated back into the trenches. I stabbed into the ground where one had disappeared to but was met with firm resistance. It was no longer a trench with fairly thin covering but actual ground.

“The ground has reset. They must have killed the leaders,” Nelson commented helping me pull out my sword when my strength failed to remove it. Nelson scanned the area after handing Sarah his backpack. The fact their were no spoken words but they knew exactly what each other meant was a sign of being together so long and Sarah handed out water skins from the bag. As we drank greedily the group appeared from the hut and as they closed the door it collapsed behind them.

“Seem a few got past you,” Sammie commented but from her voice I think she had liked the challenge.

“Have to keep you on your toes,” Matt joked before he grabbed a water skin from the bag and threw it at Sammie. Nelson kept exploring the area I am guessing looking for the trap door to the treasure area.

“Think it will be in the hut area,” Sammie called to him and he shifted to gently moving the rubble with his foot.

“What kind of boss fight?” Matt enquired.

“It was a strange one, likely a dark conference.” Sammie replied.

“So mixed leaders?”

“Yeah, the goblin leader used a giant mace which Emily fought. I had to fight a corrupt knight who used a sword and shield but the third boss, which Victoria had to fight, wore a black coat with two swords, I couldn't tag his faction.”

“Likely Dark elves, did you see the ears,” Sarah asked.

“Pointed so it would indeed be,” Victoria confirmed.

“Rare kind of boss then,” Sammie added.

“Rare bosses give rarer rewards,” Matt grinned. The general banter continued till we were called over by Nelson who had finally found the trapdoor leading to the treasure room. After we were all inside he opened the chest and I was greeted with the reward options. No gold piles this time it seemed. Talk already shifted to trading rewards without much interest from other.

“No one has a pouch of gems?” Emily asked. Everyone shook their head. I was still scrolling a little when I finally saw it.

“I do,” I commented seeing it as the last option.

“Trade you anything from my list for it,” beckoning me towards her. I just selected the gold from her list in the end. I was tempted to keep the gems and maybe try magic but with my knowledge I would only waste them. When everyone had selected, we stood outside. Nelson was back in control of his bag and handed out some bread while he thought.

“Lance when you fought in groups in the past what kind of formation did you use?” Nelson finally said breaking the silence.

“It was quite spread out,” he replied.

“Can you show me?”

“If the others are willing to stand in for it sure,” With that we were instructed to stand in with Lance commanding us to stand in a fairly curved shape with a much large space between us than we had in the goblin fight.

“We had to carry large square shield which we would plant in the ground between us. It was a full circle generally of around twenty four. Everyone would use spear like weapons and we could defend from all directions.” Lance explained using his halberd to draw lines into the dirty, “When we needed to go with a set direction we shifted the shield into a curved wall with half the members using the same weapon and the others shifting to ranged weapons which were placed in the middle of the formation. Finally when we were given the order to advance we would have to carry our shields, generally it was mixed if just on the back or strapped to our arms, then charge out making sure to leave nothing behind.”

“Spaced out large group formations then?” Nelson asked getting a general understanding.

“Yes, almost never too near each other except for final charges,”

“I see,” Nelson said as he rubbed his chin. After a few moments of thinking Nelson started to instruct Lance on slightly different weapon stances allow less of the shaft to be behind his and so not get in the way in small group combat. When he felt like he understood the basics he let him sit again.

“Next time we fight like this we will need to position ourselves a little better. Matt on one side and I guess Jessica on the other. It would help prevent getting in each other's way and the longer reach of our weapons allow us to clear wider arcs. It is a bit more compact fighting due to the small size and even in the middle Sarah lacks space to really move but it should allow you to benefit from the longer range more.” Nelson explained. He was clearly a bit mad at himself for not considering the groups combat style enough but it quickly disappeared from his face, “Anyway lets head back everyone,”

With that we left the now empty clearing and headed back to the inn.