Beastkin and the Mountain sage pt. 4
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Rainbow and Berry parted ways from the temple entrance.

The former asked, “Will you be joining the envoy?”

“Probably, yes.  It takes a more delicate hand, but I’ll bring word on the state of your field.  Sorry I couldn’t do more as a bodyguard.”

“Lord it over that shrimp if you get the chance.  I hope it goes well, and appreciate the gesture, Berry.”


The two of the tribe broke a hasty retreat.  Snapping brush and skidding earth for a number of strides.

This caught the eye of another beastkin, who slipped down the hillside to perch overhead.  Wrapping hand and tail in the crown of the tree, he panned to get a heading of the disturbance.  This was further than most of the tribe ventured from the camp.  The land is mainly occupied by renegade factions.

Beastkin are rowdy by nature, and rather than cast out, troublemakers and worse are kept at arm's length from the main holdings.  There are some that do so by choice, content with more shady ventures in fueling their own.  Then there are the rogues.

The leader of the renegade faction thought highly of himself - a warlord, and true master of the territory.  He kept the rowdiest members in line, and even managed to pacify the savage and sinister members of their kind.

So long as you were a member of the beastkin, and left business of the inner circle at the door, you were fine.  The guy didn’t tolerate orders or demands outside of his own, particularly in vicinity of the camp.

If you were an outsider - be it stray, merchant- even an invited diplomat - he put serious pressure out.

While he was allowed to get away with murder, Bay had been toeing the line as of late.  Nevertheless, he held the monkey’s respect, and they had free reign when the inner circle acted in err.

The leaves rushed passed, as the messenger swerved through the forest.  The camp came into view shortly.  Marked only by a patch of scaffolding that had yet to be camouflaged properly.

A pale brown bear wearing a red beret caught the movement from the same platform, “We’ve got news out then have we?”

The monkey gave a brief dip in acknowledgment, dipping beneath the cover where a familiar voice made his fur bristle.


‘Cody’ had to fight back indignity and genuine fear, for the deep violet cat was revered as one of the most ferocious and sadistic fighters.  Content only when someone stronger was humbled by deft hands.

Reclined in a chiseled nook in the nearest tree, she was thankfully content to lounge about.  Of course, she would only trade the sunlight to bask in terrorizing others.  The day must have seen a lot of errands.

“Got somewhere to be?” The bear called from above.

Cody was gone in a flush of leaves, leaving a nonplussed cat. “Spoilsport.”

“Don’t give me too much credit.  We all know you’d be-”

...Looming over his shoulder.  The bear shifted a few of the extra cogs aside, and turned to gauge the cat.  Tempted to call her bluff, but wiser than to risk a test of mettle.

“Right.” She piqued, “I’m bored enough as it is, so unless something better comes along-”

The dull rumble of a horn caused her ear ears to flick, and her eyes opened in wonder.

The beret grunted, “A busy day indeed.”

Reluctantly, The lighter toned tinkerer followed the cat to the central courtyard.  A circle of stockpiles, one of which typically acted as a dais for such a gathering.

A group of four was already there, save for Cody and the boss himself.

Bay stood atop a loaded stockpile well above the other beastkin.  A midnight blue wolf with white flecks, a red helmet and gambeson, “Today, our feint hearted brethren have shown cowardice.  To the west, scouts have tried and failed to flank our lands, and sent our flower picking stunt packing.  This will not stand, and what the clan forsook, we will take as our own!”

A majority raised their fists with a warcry, and to the artisan’s chagrin, would include the catgirl.

“Rally as whatever of our own crosses your path.  A tribute.  Both to the one who gets their make and number, and the first swath prised from them.”

The courtyard thundered as just under a handful sprinted to the walls.

To her surprise, the tinkerer was not among those to stay, “You got a bone to pick, niche?”

“Only as much material as we can spare.  I’ll leave the carnage to you, princess.”

“Tch,” She replied, as with a burst of speed, the cat demon surged toward the front of the pack.