The Deal
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“Don’t worry, I won’t ask for intellectual aid. You should control your stupid face, brat”
“What was that!?”
Miakami properly snaps, but Charis promptly stood between them.

“Please shut up Miakami-san. So? What do you need?”
At Charis’ hopeful respond Arden glance at her for a bit before glaring at Reshira.

[If it was Lady Chryseum from before, she would ask about the research first and refuse if it’s ethically not in line with her belief, but…]
While Arden thought such nostalgia, Reshira’s eyes sparkles like a child

“Heh, I’m glad someone’s eager, for now, I need at least two live snow wolf, with no injury to their head, a homonculus and Silencing Grass, can you do it in 5 days?”
“We can’t make a homonculus, but you should be able to make it, let’s settle with its ingredients.”
“Deal, this is the recipe, I’ll be waiting for you in 5 days”

“Wait a damn minute!”
Miakami shout to interrupt the talk that has gone too fast, and both the girl and old woman stare at him quizzically as if he’s the weird one.
“Why’re you deciding this all by yourself you stupid pr—I mean boy! Where’s my say in this? And what’s with that line up of item, you’re clearly researching something dangerous”

Facing the baseless accusation, the old women frown in displeasure while refuting the baseless claim.

“How rude, listen well you brat, if my research succeed it would be the mark of new era! What is it you ask? Listen well, did you know there’s no two person with the same ability in this world, at least until they die?”
With that prologue she explains, with her eyes sparkling like a kid with a new toy..

The scholars in Academy City, the culmination of the continent's knowledge, has established a way to classify ability users.

Five years ago, it was decided as {Minor Ability} and {Major Ability}, but the measurements are screwed and undependable, so a new classification are currently being updated.
The new and upcoming, Ragia’s Classification, grouped into 6 types, by their characteristics.

  • {Creation}which produce objects with mana. This include Miakami’s {Create: Spices}, but doesn’t include things made by spirits or demons.
  • {Transmute} which change object into something different, wheter in shape, type or nature, this include transformation or enhancement.
  • {Mental} which produce phenomenon affecting ones senses. Such as brainwashing, mind reading and status abnormalities. Telekinesis also included in here
  • {Clairvoyance} which involve users seeing, or feeling things that are not in their immediate surrounding. Including the future, the past, or certain signals
  • {Familiar} which involve taming, summoning or command non-intellegent creatures.
  • {Space-Time}which interfere the fabrics of space and time, such as Teleportation and Item Box.
  • {Self-Magic} which produce phenomenon similar with magic. Like conjure fire or lighting from one’s own mana.

 “My research will be revolutionary work of many abilities! Creating and Bestowing an object with Clairvoyance and Mental abilites to create an encompassing network which connects thoughts! Long distance telepathy! Do you understand? The era of letters, mail-beasts and miscommunication will be over! And most importantly, everyone of those old faggots will be speechless!”

Putting aside the true motive on her last line, the party stood dumbfoundedly, imagining what would happen if her research would come into fruition.
While Charis and Arden felt awed by the possible impact from such revolution of information, Miakami just thought
[Ah, she wants to create mana telephones]

But he judges that saying such thing would be unwise in front of her and choose to shut up.

“See? Speechless right? and so, stop dawdling and bring me that already”
“Alright, got it, see you in 5 days”
“Eh? Charis? I still hasn’t presented my opinion though? Oy don’t leave me! You too Ice King! Oi wait!”

Ignoring the pleading man, the pair of adventurers promptly sets off to the direction of the Hollow Forest.


Reshira’s POV

[To think that brat would sold me out in just two days….]
After the party leaves her house, Reshira sat down and stare at the falling snow, processing the earlier conversation.

Her time in Everwinter has been long. Five years to be exact.

And the reason she came here is a funny one.
An 'accident', involving ability bestowal to an object to create {Mana Tools}, specifically, teleportation –To Hollow Forest–.

She’s considered lucky to not be teleported through the ground or underwater, but she ends up stuck here in Everwinter, unable to go back to ‘civilization’.
She can’t go back herself. Her time enshrined as symbol of brainwashing made her physique lacking.

Incidentally, the ‘accident’ was covered up with a certain story which is that she ‘choose’ to die in Everwinter, but this is a story for another time.

[I ended up reminiscing about the past again, geez, poor old hag that is me…]
Even though she thought she has obtained happiness after being rescued from the Khabal Cult, to think that a mere ‘accident’ would rob all of hers….
Reshira always hits her poor hut’s wall with regret.

But the old woman didn’t give up.
Mail won’t work, as no one goes to Everwinter for sightseeing and go back home. In fact, there’s only three persons leaving Everwinter alive in a decade.

So? She would make new way other than letters
Luckily she was equipped with the rough idea, she only need the research materials.


[They came like a sun in the middle of a storm. Is it the guidance of Fillia?]
The fate she once swear to never look at again has offered her a helping hand, let’s make use of it while she still can.

[Thank you Fillia and weird trio of a party. Please work hard okay? I need to see the old faggots again.
and I need to see him again, my love]

With her heartfelt thanks and plea she watch as the trio’s footprints fade in the white snow.