Running with the sword
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The woman became clearer as she walked closer, revealing the red suit  she wore. Red lights moved in and out of tiny gaps in her arms, wrists, knees and ankles. On the left side of her chest, there was the writing "DeV" and a blue symbol beneath her left eye that looked like a curved blade with three circles beside it, her braided brown hair covered her right eye and extended to her waist.

"How are you able to wield the legendary blade?", she demanded for an answer in a menacing tone as Seksulfur walked back slowly.

"I don't know, maybe because I'm worthy?", he replied in a dark tone.

"That's impossible, according to the data I'm receiving you aren't related to the sword's clan at all."

"Well, it still chose me"

An energy-like blade suddenly ejected from the woman's right arm as she walked even closer and pointed it at us.

"I don't have time to waste. Hand it over or die"

"Alright, I'm gonna run", he whispered to me.

"What? what about the people here!?", He ignored me and began to move slowly to the right. Carefully, he placed his hand inside a wierd spacing in his black pants and threw it in the air. There was a sudden outburt of light that left the woman blind for a while as Seksulfur covered his eyes and ran outside the sacred grounds.

"Tch! Bastard!!", I heard her curse us as he got out of her view.

"I don't think she's gonna leave us alone", Seksulfur said as he walked briskly towards a strange vehicle that had only two tyres. The tyres were blinking a blue colour and there was a silver-like body with a black seat on top, a metallic bar kept it standing and it looked like an evolved horse of some sort. 

"What's that?", I asked curiously.

"The Sooth slider ultra neo engine cycle. Just Sooth slider...", he chuckled and quickily pressed a button on the ornament in his ear. Magically, a strange helmet covered his head as he sat on this Sooth slider he talked about. Right after sitting on it, two cylindrical-shaped bars appeared on each side just above the back tyres and began to spin rapidly. He then tied me onto his back.

"We'll have to outchase her."

Just then, the huge Rhino vehicle came charging at us. "The strange vehicle's coming.", Seksulfur placed his hands into two strange holes on the sides of the cycle and his legs into similar ones behind. Suddenly, they clinged onto him and three floating screens appeared in front of him followed by a clicking sound the bar made as it entered a casing in the cycle.

"Accelerate.", the cycle began to move instantly and before I realized, we were travelling at a tremendous speed while a streak of blue light flew following the cycle.

"Seems like I have a lot to learn about this world.", I thought to myself.

Within minutes, the pursuing vehicle was out of sight.

"Did we lose them?"

"Yes!", I said happily as we continously picked up speed and "No.", right after I saw four other white-coloured cycles moving towards us at almost the same speed.

"I think the rhino gave birth."

"What!?", Seksulfur glanced back and returned to his front view. "That car housed pursuit cycles!". Our speed increased as we burst through the dusty road. Soon the sacred grounds and the village in which I spent centuries in had completely vanished before me.

"We're heading straight to the Net zone highway after we pass through the cable gate. We should be able to get rid of at least two of them there!"

Just then, we were in what seemed to be a bright tunnel. The lights moved by us so quick that it looked blurry.

"Alright! Eject lockdown virus, five seconds activation.", the white lighted tunnel suddenly turned red right after he said that.

"The gate should close them in right after we get out!", he hunched over slightly allowing me to see the screen before him.

"207mph -> 208mph -> 211mph"

"What are those?", I asked myself.

The very instant we blasted out of the tunnel, it immediately closed. Leaving the pursuers trapped. Of course, that's what we thought. One of the cycles crashed after the closure, but three more managed to get through, moving at an even higher velocity.

"You're kidding! They're still on our tail!?"

Seksulfur made a turn into a wide pathway, there were other advanced looking vehicles moving at a decent speed.

"If I were to be human, I would have said 'We're gonna die' but in order to make this situation a bit lively, I shall say it..."




"We're gonna die"

"Shut up", Seksulfur chuckled.