Gladius Valley five miles away from the summer palace, Yvelisse.
"The welcoming banquet can be postponed no longer." Beck addressed the men in the tent.
Seated around a long wooden table, Clayton, Dylan, and Duke Hellenberg came together for an emergency meeting. The ladies of their family have not been recovered until today and everyone's attention already began to stir in their direction.
The hunt was disturbed by the blanket of fog coming out of nowhere, as strange as it may seem none of the other guests were harmed, be it mentally or physically. None out of the ordinary occurred either, the only fortunate thing was that the guests who knew someone was indeed missing did not associate their disappearance to the fog. But the fact that some ladies had gone during the hunt was still known. People just did not know where they went.
Lost in the forest?
Perhaps they simply got tired and went home unnoticed.
There was news about marauders coming in to attack also. Could they have been abducted? If it was the latter, the missing ladies are now considered ruined.
In the future, even if they are recovered, who would still want to associate themselves with sullied and unfortunate women?
The dangers of gossip is apparent and it is a matter needing to be addressed before it gets out of hand. Although their family loved them no less, they still have to consider their future. They cannot hide from society forever, they also did not want their wives to confine themselves and carry the guilt. In such a case the men were inclined to step up to prevent unwarranted rumors from proliferating; and completely devastate their loved ones' peace.
"I agree with His Highness' suggestion." Clayton was the first to speak.
"Are you out of your mind, Clay?" Dylan sprang up from his seat. "If the banquet commenced and they found none of the ladies came, you can wager that the morning right after, a much hideous and colorful anecdotes of their absence would spread. And you would not want your dear wife to be subjected to that, mark my word."
"Indeed I have no wish to."
"Then why are you agreeing so readily, man?!"
Has he gone daft?
Dylan was brimming with frustration since yesterday's huge event. He has not slept a wink nor has he changed his clothes. He was far too busy to waste time in grooming with all the handling of the affairs, sending soldiers to the south, setting up a search party and debating whether to inform his father of Beatrice's accident or stall it for the time being.
Clayton was in no greater condition either with his fatigued look. He could only imagine his difficulties on how he managed to coax his children when they began to ask for their missing mother. The same goes with Duke Hellenberg.
But this is still not a reason to lose their heads when they are in most need of it.
He wondered how they came to this far off place when they could have gone and traced the steps from where the ladies disappeared before searching. He was instead informed to follow this convoy before sunrise to trek the deepest part of Gladius Valley. It took half a day to arrive from where they set up tents.
While Dylan racked his head for an answer, Raymund Hellenberg caught on to the confidence in Clayton's expression.
"Did you have news?" He asked in a low voice. "What has been done? Have you found them— good lord, Rozenberg, speak up."
Clayton tipped his head subtly. "According to reliable correspondence they are in no serious danger."
Old White sitting on his shoulder rubbed his beard. It was fortunate they have not broken contact with Coco, although the couple cannot directly communicate, the fairies were able to exchange information on their behalf.
"When did the information come?"
"Last night when everyone else was preoccupied. They were fortunate to find a small village to pass the evening."
Raymund closed his eyes and released his tensed breath. His beloved Dianne is safe, so are the other ladies. It is so much to be thankful for.
"Where are they exactly? Can we get to them?"
"That might be a difficulty, they were thrown as far as the western Plaguelands. Do not be alarmed," Clayton assured when he saw the duke's face fall and horror took over. "The ladies are on the way back but it is not certain when."
"Then what are we doing out here? We must make haste, return to the city to assemble troops, and ride to the border. They cannot be left out there for long."
"How are we supposed to recover them by just waiting out here? No, we must leave, immediately."
"They were sent using a transportation spell. The same way shall be done for them to return." Clayton stated calmly.
Raymund was agitated, "How?"
"We are out here for that purpose."
Clayton tipped his head towards the soldiers clearing out the vines and overgrown plants hindering the rest of their way. Old White told him that the ladies used an arcane stone, a sort of transportation device used by the ancients. But it was near extinct during this period. Too few of them were preserved in areas where men dwelled. There are however in places where no humans frequent such as the Crucible Mountain, the deserts and some inaccessible territories in other continents.
And they are lucky to have one near which is in the heart of Gladius Valley.
Raymund looked at the odd natural barrier and wondered what was beyond it. Distress still marring his eyebrows; he felt a quiver in his stomach when he thought of those women trudging the barren lands unguarded and without a way to defend themselves from the lurking threats. He could not stand the prolonged suspense of waiting.
"I hope whatever this plan you have, Rozenberg, will succeed."
Dylan, who just surfaced from his concern, noticed his companions discussing something.
"What are you whispering about?"
Beck looked at everyone in the relaxed manner of a bystander, "If the banquet is to be put off, the speculations will only grow worse. One way or another it has to be made because half of the nobility are already making their way here to welcome our guests from Ma-i."
On the surface they made it appear as though they are eager to meet the tribal guests when in fact they came to confirm whether the rumors about missing people are true. Beck could only imagine what mayhem it would cause once their conjectures were proven right.
"The banquet will be set up and will commence two days from now. Any more objections?"
"No, you cannot—"
"It will be as His Highness wishes." Raymund cut in before turning to Dylan's incredulous appearance. "Bite your tongue, lad."
"This is ridiculous. Without the ladies there all the more outrageous gossip will fly. Believe me, they need not any evidence to make stories, they will and certainly shall not let go of this opportunity to invent one or any however they like." He said strongly. "It will ruin them— and how are we to continue searching without attracting those with ill-intentions? We are yet to find out who the culprit was."
A gnarled tree blocking the pathway fell down, the men then stood to inspect what was inside. Half a mile from where they stood, they saw the stone monument Clayton was looking for. Though it was smaller by half, it no doubt shared the same appearance to the one Ayan and the rest found in the Plaguelands.
"Perhaps because there was no need to search at all." Beck said slyly, leaving the dumbfounded earl alone to mull over it.
"What?" Dylan rushed out of the tent.
Ayan turned to Beatrice right after she shot the final blow to the Thunder Bear, "I didn’t know you were quite the marksman."
"Someone such as myself has to have at least one skill I’m very good at." The other replies with a naughty wink.
"Such as yourself? Don’t be too harsh on your person dear." Dianne disapproved. All four of the ladies successfully made it back to the empire, however, it was their misfortune to arrive deep in Gladius Valley where furies are rampant. "Did you learn it all by practice or did you have a master?"
"As luck would have it, although our family lacked any influence in the society, my father happens to leave us a substantial inheritance to hire good tutors. Unfortunately, the choice of study had always been a subject of ridicule to my cousins since I lacked the necessary qualities to become illegible in the marriage market."
Dianne was vexed, "How odious of them."
"They are bigger fools than it seems." Lady Tatiana did not bother to hide her dislike towards those kinds of relatives. "Plenty of gatherings in the imperial capital demand physical exertion. Men of sound mind and good background wouldn’t want a frail decorative wife who can only smile and faint. They already met too many a stupider kinds during balls, it will be even more of a trouble to bring one home."
The ladies looked at each other and laughed.
"And people are asking why there are still too many excellent ones out there who refuse to get shackled is truly a wonder."
"There was once a trend where fainting was such a charming trait of a woman to men, Your Ladyship. I myself got to witness it in my younger days where ladies would fall one after another, you'd be frightened to think if some abominable disease is spreading."
"Not to most men, I grant you, Your Grace." Beatrice jokingly retorted to Dianne.
"The likes of your cousin might be well included," the old lady said dryly. "Dylan Blackwood."
"You know my cousin's all too well, Your Ladyship." Beatrice giggled. "A pretty and fragile wife was not to his liking, he vehemently said so himself." She suspects he would rather fancy someone who had a sharper tongue than his.
"A lady with a much sturdier frame of mind perhaps?" Ayan laughed good-naturedly. "It’s truly a pity for those who are left pining…"
"On your left!" The Grand Duchess warned.
Ayan raised her blade to parry the creature's stone club before slashing it in halves; and while their party were preoccupied with the last batch of blue goblins, another party was hastily making their way to where they are at.
Clayton was the first to break through the thicket of vines and leaves with the help of Old White, the first thing he saw was his sweet wife stepping on a goblins head, crushing it with her boot, splattering the black blood on the ground and on her soles. Dear, lovely Ayan held no remorse to the poor creature that couldn't be any more dead.
More goblins, about six or so, are piled up on the side. Lady Hellenberg dragged a mangled body to add more to the collection while Miss Feldt was helping the Grand Duchess to sit on a boulder.
"Filthy, abominable things," the senior matron blustered in one breath. "I was told goblins have become one of the few sentient beings, unlike those in my years but it could not be any more wrong the way I see it with all that ghastly screeching and waving of their primitive tools— pray, why are you standing so stupidly for?"
Clayton was prompted.
"Your wife is there. Get her!"
Ayan just became aware of the presence, someone tall and dark is in front of her. When looking up and seeing her man, she did not know what to do at first. Why is he here? How did he find them?
Clayton clenched his fist, struggling to control himself as well. She had no idea how much he suffered in these several hours that she was gone. Even the words from the fairies are of no comfort to him. He was afraid. Truly afraid.
When she realized he had not made a move and just stood there, greedily looking at her with love and worry, her eyes stung. An unknown emotion rioted to break out from her chest. Ayan jumped to her feet and fling herself to his arms.
Old White tactfully flew to the nearby branch to help watch the surroundings. He was glad his lady and the master finally met.
"Sweetheart." awashed by emotions, Clayton opened his arms and welcomed her long lost warmth. He cradled her head with one hand and circled the other to her waist in such a protective and tender manner. "You are back. You are finally back."
"Yes, yes." Ayan put her hands on her stubbled jaw and rubbed them. "Goodness, you look unkempt."
"I know you wouldn't love me less." He said, kissing her cheeks.
The sound, the presence around them suddenly did not matter. They both held each other.
"Dianne are you here?" The duke's hoarse voice called behind the thicket.
Dianne was startled. Her head whipped around to look for the voice.
"Wha-What is happening? Who do you call— " Dylan's roaring exclamation came.
Lady Tatiana listening to it all rolled her eyes.
"Dianne it is I, Raymund. Answer if you are here!" The duke nervously called once again.
"Raymund," Dianne choked.
The Grand Duchess let out a sigh and waved a hand. "Where is your voice, girl? Have mercy on the poor man and answer him."
"R-Raymund… I-I'm safe. I'm here!"
Shortly after, the disheveled duke in his bloody and torn clothes came. He looked like he had just been in a difficult fight. The man, he teared up quite a lot when he saw his wife standing there looking as divine and intact as the day he married her.
Dylan came next, his eyes frantically scanned the people. "Beatrice!"
Beatrice's mouth dropped in shock. "Cousin, you also came?!"
The two looked at each other then Dylan turned to Clayton flabbergasted. "She's… they are here. They are all here!"
Clayton answered with a sharp nod.
"Good Lord, you really are—" Dylan was more puzzled then surprised, "How did you end up here?"
"It's a rather long story I would be delighted to discuss after a warm bath and over hot tea." Beatrice groaned wearily. "Have you been looking for me?"
"What kind of question was that? Of course, I would." Dylan unceremoniously flicked her forehead. "I am relieved to see you are well and safe." Then he turned to Lady Tatiana with a bow. "Your Ladyship,"
Beck and his men surrounded the area while he personally escorted the senior matron. "We are glad to have you back in the empire unscathed, Your Ladyship. The family deeply apologizes for having exposed you to dangers, if only we had—"
"Oh, for heaven's sake we are all alive. Are you to look like a mourner when we are finally here?" Lady Tatiana extended her hand to let the prince help her up from where she sat, then let go as soon and walked with a ramrod straight back, "Do not treat me like one of those fragile tea cups your mother loves, I am perfectly capable of defending myself."
Beck and the rest could not agree more.
"Your dear thoughts are very much appreciated, however. Now, shall we save the heartwarming reunion when we have all left this jungle? I, for one, had enough outdoor activities for this week,"
"Aye, my lady." Beck cajoled her with a charming smile.
"No more hunting for the time being, for it tires out these old bones!"
He nodded, "As the lady wishes."
It took half a day to reach the deepest part of the valley yet the travel back was reduced to only a couple of hours, nonetheless it was already very late and night had set in when their group reached the edge of the forest.
"I kept my promise, I stuck close to Ayan and so I'm fine." Beatrice laughingly shared with Dylan when they were about to mount their horses.
Dylan paused, then sighed. He stood there in silence for quite some time, his eyes on her that Beatrice started to feel something was not right. She had never seen him have this pensive look before, and being subjected to it made her feel nervous.
"It's nothing." Dylan raised his hand, patted her head softly before helping her up.
Everyone was tired and in need of rest. The journey back was naturally silent but Dylan could not help but place his eyes on Beatrice's empty quiver of arrows. Not a single one from all fifty remained. He looked at her soiled clothes to the swollen cuts on her right fingers then the faint smell of blood wafting from her.
They must have had an encounter before they arrived.
Ayan awoke to the smell of coffee and freshly baked bread.
It was the fairies sitting on the side table that she first saw when she opened her eyes, then Clayton's broad back and muscular arms inside the linen shirt. The man appears to be talking to the five little creatures before noticing her surface from her long sleep.
He rose from the chair, walked towards the bed and kissed her forehead. "Did the noise wake you, my lady?"
Ayan shook her head, reached for the falling black hair on his temples to tuck them back.
"You have cleaned up." She smiled, touching his freshly shaven face. "Help me up, I want to get washed."
Clayton played with her earlobes and tickled her cheeks with a finger. "You can stay abed as long as you like."
"As much as I wanted to, we have to meet with the others." She pouted.
Clayton had no other choice but to do his lady's bidding. He deftly extracted her from the soft comfortable covers while careful not to wake the boys sleeping on each of her side, not to mention the fat cat curled near the headboard. Last night they could not be persuaded to leave her side despite him pleading to let their mother rest. Eventually he had no choice but to give in. The bed is large anyway.
Regarding the children's behavior, he blamed himself at some point. Although he did not say a word about her disappearance, his somber mood has affected them. And he knew all too well that fear is infectious.
He paced like an idiot in front of the dividing screen where Ayan was changing. She stood behind taking off her nightwear, put on the silk robe before stepping into the ensuite bathing room barefooted.
"Out of words, milord?" She smiled and leaned her hip on the dresser.
Clayton was given full frontal view of her scantily clad self. The silk black robe barely reached her knees made her legs appear more creamy and supple. He shifted on his right foot unconsciously.
"Your relationship has gotten quite close," Ayan shot him a teasing look while looking at his shoulder being used as mount by the tiny creatures except Coco who was flapping over the sleeping children to amuse himself.
Clayton ran his hand through his hair then made his way to her, slowly, "These few days we were given ample time to get acquainted."
"Oh, but they don't cling to me as much as they do to you." She moved from the dresser, escaping him.
"Perhaps they have taken quite a liking to the space and height."
Ayan stopped halfway to the wooden tub, "You are saying I'm small, milord?"
The fairies dispersed and followed Coco's example ignoring the shameless couple.
"I am not saying it in a bad way." Clayton was not ashamed, his eyes darkened at the outline of her body on that flimsy piece of robe. Her breast became even more pronounced with their small tips poking on the fabric as she walked. As quietly as he could, he closed the bathroom doors. He loomed over his wife, carried her small frame in his arms and nipped her neck gently. "Indeed it was not meant poorly, rather, I find the difference quite advantageous."
His voice grew thicker in her ears making Ayan's breathing hitch. Through the thin silk, she could acutely feel the hardness below his navel. The bathroom felt a lot hotter somehow.
"Shall we bathe together, my lady?" Clayton murmured., his hot breath fanning her cold earlobe.
"Do, do you want to join me?"
Ayan yelped when he pressed against the wall. Clayton wrapped her legs around his waist, pinched the hem of her robe and in an irresistibly coaxing tone he said. "Bite it, don't let go."
Ayan could hear the rubbing of fabric against his hurried breath then the subtle clinking of buckles followed by the drag of the zipper. Her breaths came out rapid.
"Clayton… please." She no longer pretended to be shy. She had been shaking with need when he gazed at her so hungrily. Her whole body was screaming to be possessed.
Clayton licked her throat, sucking it so gently it made her even more tingly to the ends of her toes. His hands pressed her plump derriere and in one stroke, he entered her fully.
They already invented zippers?
Remember Ayan giving Clayton her brother's clothes?