Not a Chapter! Update!
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Hello readers!

Thank you so much for visiting my stories, and checking out my tools. 

So this isn't a chapter but has information to benefit readers.

First, my web site is now being worked on and is now coming together. There is now things there that readers can look at and benefit from. The first, thing I want to update there is that I now have some teaser chapters up for Elf Collector book 1 and Witch Tamer book 1, there. Naturally this isn't all of those two books. But if someone hadn't had a chance to check them out, having some teasers is better than nothing. 

Also, I'm trying to figure out if I can put up a new story that's about a Life Wizard there. This would be a lit rpg harem story. And I'm considering putting it up there, and possibly here on this site also. But I want to create benefits for people seeing my website. So that means probably my own website will receive chapter updates first, before here. (I will confirm this later, as I have to see if it will work for what I want to do; which is support myself.) 

I also anticipate putting some other stories and things there also to give readers benefits. The idea is that people should get something out of it and don't want to go searching for things unless they have a reason. I may also put up some writing guides on my website also for other people interested in writing stories. (This I haven't started yet. But I'm interested in it.) 


Also please note that the web store is not yet ready for my website. So please don't try to buy anything there. As its still in the works, I don't know what bugs will occur yet. I will be testing this and working out the kinks and confirm this later when its safe. 


Also I may try releasing my next sequel for Last Mage of Minnesota on my website first, before other sources. I will confirm this later, but I want to do this to also to learn about how to support myself and how to learn about publishing stories, etc. I also would do this to give readers benefits who visit my site. 




Thank you very much!