Chapter 26- Five is just Right
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We are at just under ten thousand views so far. Thanks for reading and I hope all those coming back continue to enjoy. One additional note, both the Parry and Dodge Skills have been removed, to OP for my taste. That doesn't mean people cannot do it, just their are no Skills boosting the chance to accomplish either action.

Underdark- Unending Abyss Region

City of Eternal Night- Shadows Fall Keep

"What is your assessment of the situation?" Talia asked, we were not in the throne room, but her study this time.

"The troops at the outpost need to be rotated out. I am not sure how long they have been there, but it's been rough for them. Constant battle and siege with very little hope and the one in charge runs away." I pointed out everything going wrong for the new outpost. "Send a new garrison with a supply convoy. Have the troops that have been there returned to the city and give them time off, at least a week before returning to duty. Make certain that get hazard pay. On my way back to the outpost I will try and find out what happened to this Decalin Craven if he perished or was captured." I told her my plans and she gave me a simple nod.

"What about this Orc tribe, do you believe they are a threat?" she prodded and I shook my head.

"No, the clear and present threat is House Dhalmass, once we show the Blood-Fang Tribe we are both strong and valuable allies, any perceived threat from them will disappear. The Drow machinations have destabilized this whole area, if we can eliminate them, we can begin to concentrate on our recovery efforts and not external threats." I told her causing her to consider my words. 

"You want us to get into another conflict when we are still recovering from our last one?" she finally asked and I snorted.

"They are Drow, as we are we either eliminate the threat or submit to their authority. House Dhalmass will brook no challenge to their authority and control of this area, so what do you want to do?" I asked her and Talia grimaced. 

The Queen rifled through some papers before responding, "We cannot afford a defeat nor can we submit to House Dhalmass or anyone else. We can field three or four hundred, maybe five hundred, of the City Guard if we have---" I held up my hands forestalling her words immediately.

"I have no idea what we are facing conclusively. Just part of a memory from an Orc I fed upon, and I am uncertain of where he was when I experienced it. So I will investigate the Underdark and ascertain if this is an isolated group or if we need to field an army to take them on. Agreed?" I asked her and Talia considered my words before accepting them. 

"Very well, but I will still order preparations for deployment and for another relief column to be sent to the outpost. It will take a day or two, but it will be done. Thank you Jacob." she told me and I thought I was dismissed and done so I bowed slightly before turned to leave but she held up her hand for me to stay so I did. When she waved at the chair next to her I sat despite being uncomfortable with the situation. "You now have four Thralls, correct?" she asked me and I nodded my head.

"Yes, I have four Thralls, that are loyal to me. Why?" I asked her and she smiled slightly.

"As a Vampire and Elder, your House is a physical manifestation of your power. Your Thralls, your Vassals, or those you Sire, will help strengthen that power. You need someone to help you administrate your people, to act as an advisor as well. I am not going to appoint anyone for you, but I have a candidate if you are willing to listen." she offered and I gave her a slight nod not agreeing to anything but also not discounting anything either. 

The door opened and the last person I expected walked through the door, "Abraxxus, what are you doing here?" I asked the Lich, causing him to let out a light laugh.

"With the seal broken, I could come home finally. The Queen told me of your need and I offered my services if you want them." Abraxxus replied and I looked at Talia who simply sat back, this was a choice I would have to make on my own. 

What did I know about Abraxxus, he was a powerful Lich, he had served the Vampires at the height of their power and downfall. Would he be a boon to me? Yes, very much so, but what were his motivations as to why he would serve as a new House Seneschal. I had no assets here in the Underdark and only a handful of Thralls. "You realize how impossible the situation I am facing, correct?" I asked him earning another chuckle from the Lich.

"Very much aware, but I have faced long odds before and I still exist, do I not?" he responded and I continued to study him. "You are probably wondering why you? Why return at all, after so long?" he prodded.

I smiled and nodded my head. "I would be lying if the thought hadn't crossed my mind and I would be stupid to take your loyalty without question. Your loyalty was to the old Vampire kingdom and the king, both no longer exist. Why should I trust you?" I asked bluntly knowing the Lich could probably kill me if he wanted to. 

"I have my reasons, just like you have reasons for coming here. Correct?" he asked me and I gave him a grudging nod. "If you accept my help, I will earn your trust Jacob Longstrider. However long it takes," he responded and after some consideration, I begrudgingly accepted his help.

"Very well, I will take you on as my Seneschal or Chancellor on a probationary basis for now. Since I cannot Enthrall you, I will do my best to trust you. Happy?" I asked Talia earning a small smile from the Vampire Queen. 

"For now, once we have dealt with House Dhalmass problem, we will discuss the next step. Go, introduce your new Seneschal to your Thralls, you all need to get to know each other better." Talia replied, this time it was in clear dismissal so I stood and left the room, Abraxxus trailing after me. 

I spotted James, he waved at me as he saw me. "James, can you tell me where House Craven is located, I need to inform them of the possible loss of Decalin Craven." I told the newly minted Heart Guard.

James frowned, I could see confusion flash across his face. "He is in the city as far as I am aware. Why?" he asked me and I frowned as anger flashed through me and I turned back to Talia's study and knocked on the door and the Queen quickly opened, confused why I had returned so quickly.

"Do you have laws against someone abandoning a military command?" I asked her and she nodded, looking at me as if I was an idiot. "Did you relieve Decalin Craven of his command of the outpost in the Underdark outside the city?" I asked her and she shook her head and I looked back at James.

"Assemble two squads of the City Guard, dispatch them too wherever House Craven is currently located, and arrest the coward Decalin Craven on charges for dissertation. If his family interferes, arrest them too." I told him and James saluted before striding off, already barking out orders as he did.

"What is going on?" Talia asked from her studies doorway.

"Decalin Craven abandoned the outpost when they were under siege by House Dhalmass forces. James Shadowstrider told me he had seen the man in the city recently, so if this is the same man, Decalin Craven abandoned his command." I told her before striding away.

"House Craven is in good standing with the other Lower Houses, from what I have been told. Executing the heir to the House, could alienate their support and cause long-term problems for you." Abraxxus warned me and I snorted.

"If I didn't already alienate them by executing three of them in front of the whole court, executing one more for being a coward won't be a blip on their radar," I told the Lich earning a confused glance from Abraxxus. "It won't do anything to cause any more problems between the Lower Houses and myself. Any damage I could have done has already been done." I explained causing the Lich to nod in acknowledgment as we strode towards our temporary apartments. 

"May I ask my lord, what Thralls you do have currently and what roles they fill? As well as your current itinerary." Abraxxus asked me and I smiled.

"First off, unless we are in a formal setting or for some reason, at Court, address me as Jacob please," I replied amusement lacing my voice at what he was asking, but to do his job he had to know. "I have four Thralls, Drax Stormcaller is an Orc and Shaman. He has also been acting as an advisor of sorts critiquing my behavior and interactions and trying to help me integrate into Vampire society. June Moonshadow is a Drow and Dark Ranger, she was a deep scout exploring the Underdark for her people but not attached to House Dhalmass in any way. She was captured shortly after Eternal Night emerged from the Temporal Lock and was at first resentful of her position, but has come to accept it." I told him looking back at the Lich to see if he was paying attention.

"I understand, please go on Jacob," Abraxxus responded as we wound our ways through the corridors of Shadows Fall.

"Sessa Firecaller is a hybrid of Hobgoblin and High Elf, I believe but have not asked because I didn't want to offend her if she was sensitive about the mixed heritage. She is a Pyromancer and a damned good one with the literal fire support. Then I have Chalxae Freath, she is another Drow and an Assassin. She is my most recent Thrall and used to be Enthralled to Fredrick Dasgon before I put him down. She was not treated very well by him and was tightly controlled by the other Vampire so I am very careful with my handling of her. As far as roles they provide, they have been assisting in my efforts to stabilize the situation here in Eternal Night and the nearby Underdark, which comes to my itinerary." I told the Lich as I chuckled at the formal word. "With Decalin Craven possibly being here, one of the tasks might be finished, but I still have to recover crucial supplies for the outpost and have to inform Captain Thardan Dulkam what happened to his lost commander. Then I have to travel to see a tribe of Kobolds that might be on the brink of civil war and scout out where House Dhalmass is holed up and determine if we can take them out with a small part or will we need a larger response. So my near future is very full up currently." I advised the Lich as we approached the rooms set aside for me and those that followed me. 

"Agreed, you have taken up many responsibilities. Yet it seems at first glance you have surrounded yourself with capable and loyal Thralls." Abraxxus commented and I slowed and stopped.

"Can I ask, why they have not affected repairs to Shadows Fall? It is not only a stronghold for our people but a representation of the city itself." I asked Abraxxus causing him to frown.

"She cannot, do you know of the ancient strongholds of old from before the Sundering? What they are capable of and their strengths?" Abraxxus asked and I frowned, this time I was confused. "Keeps like this, although they can be repaired through mundane ways, the only way to fully restore them is to found a Faction and link the Keep the any nearby ley lines. If your Faction is destroyed, such as when the original Vampire kingdom one was two thousand years ago, they lose control of the Keep. The only way to restore Shadows Fall to its full capacity is to found another Faction here. Once that is done, the Keep's automatic repairs will seek out the ley lines and link with them to power the Keeps functions." Abraxxus explained. 

My confusion grew with the explanation, this was an aspect of the game I had never heard of. "Ok, so why doesn't the Queen just form another Faction if it is so important?" I asked the Lich.

Abraxxus shifted, visibly uncomfortable with the questions as we entered my suite. "To found a Faction, you need a few key components, first one of the actual ancient Keeps that had been built before the Sundering, the local population has to support you without that founding a Faction is impossible, and finally you have to have a Kingdom Seal." the Lich explained as the other joined us and his voice lowered. "In my three thousands years of being an Undead, I have never seen one, it is said the Kingdom Seals are consumed with the founding of a Faction and kingdom, but I have never seen it one way or the other." the Lich stated as another Notification appeared before me. 


Quest Alert: From the Ashes

Description: The ancient Vampire Kingdom was destroyed, but what was lost in the fires of war can be rebuilt. Abraxxus, your new Seneschal has advised you in order for the Vampire people to fully recover, a new kingdom and Faction needs to be founded. To do that, you have to find a Kingdom Seal, which is rarer than Demon Tears. However, if you do find one, the future of the Vampire people and Eternal Night will be more assured. 

Quest Class: Kingdom Based; Legendary Quest Chain

Quest Difficulty: Unknown

Success: Locate and recover a Kingdom Seal

Failure: Do not locate and recover a Kingdom Seal

Rewards: Unknown

Accept? Yes or No


HOLY SHIT NUGGETS!!! was the only thought I had as I read the text and with a slight tremor, I accepted the Quest before turning to address the others.