It’s Finally Time. Rewrite In Progress!
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Hey Everyone! 

I have talked about this rewrite for a long time now, and it is finally happening. The first few revision chapters will be out this month, so I hope you all are excited! THIS IS NOT A PRANK! lol This is for real.

I will be changing the structure of the overall story arcs a bit. Instead of each arc being "Until it is done," I want to make it more book-like. For example, I plan to expand out the childhood years into what could be considered the first book of the Finn Cambridge story. This means more chapters (probably 25-30 in total) for just the first 11 years of schooling into adulthood.

I want to take more time in Finn's childhood years to invest in the characters Finn interacts with, training with him and Pyra, expanding upon the club they formed, and in the transition from Finn & Lara being best friends to lovers - As well as how their relationship intertwines with Jessica.

Something I have been mulling over for a while:

I have decided not to get rid of the aging aspect of the story!

So characters will remain 2 years younger and 16 will be the equivalent of 18 in mind, body, and soul. Instead, I will be creating a forward chapter that explains the world, the premise of the story, the poly relationship I plan to have, and the aging. If someone reads past that and decides to complain, then it is on them at that point. Over the last 2 years, I have developed much thicker skin as an author. haha

Things planned for this rewrite at the moment:

  • New characters, friends, and rivals for Finn and Co. to meet and interact with so that we can set up potential story points down the line.
  • New challenges that they will have to face and conquer. It is my opinion that the first few years are too easy and without issues for Finn. The problem with Jeremy was handled too childishly and the resolution was very unsatisfying. Let's fix that. =) Here is a hint of something to come: Mystery Dungeons.
  • More battles and a whole new International School Tournament storyline. Finn and the gang will have to not only beat their school's trainers but also top competitors from other regions with unfamiliar Pokemon for a chance at glory and respect! I feel like the transition from them being no-name students to being well respected within the Gov felt a bit weird. Fame aside, why would they put in so much effort for them, and why would Professor Oak back Finn seemingly out of nowhere? As it is currently, it feels a bit too forced. Let's give the Pokemon League and big names across Arceus (The Planet) a reason to invest in Finn and Lara, shall we? 
  • Flushing out the school club they form as well as the issues they face to get others involved and to have the older students respect them. (They called him The Professor for like 2 Let's build upon that a bit more.)
  • The acting, singing, and modeling aspect of Lara and Jessica, as well as their friends, lives. As it is now, it is almost mentioned as an afterthought or to force the reader into thinking they are a big deal. It is something Lara is willing to give up being a trainer for - Why is that? Let's expand on that as well as show more sides to it and how Lara and her friends grow and struggle with it. 
  • Jessica as a whole. She was always meant to be their third to Finn and Lara's relationship, but I was a bit too sneaky with that in this first version of the story. Jessica is such an interesting, troubled, and deep character, and I did nothing but keep most of that in my head the first go around. This time, we will see things from her perspective and experience much more of her thoughts and interactions with Lara and Finn to show why they are inseparable. It will also show why her sudden disappearance affects them so much. 

Overload Is Asking For Your Help To Improve The Story!

Since you all have stuck with me and waited for this for so long, I would like the fan community to get involved and have your help to make the story even better! Here are some things I would love to hear from you about:

  • What characters (And/or their children) from the games, manga, or anime would you like to see the team meet?
  • What ideas for challenges and struggles can you think of?
  • What has Team Anarchy been doing and what nefarious plans are they cooking up? (Unrelated to the War Arc - That will be in the Jr. Leauge Book)
  • What Pokemon do you want to see throughout this first book? (Mainly 1st generation, but we can use others with the international tournament arc)
  • Are there any aspects of Finn, Lara, or Jessica's life that you would like to see or hear more of?
  • Are there any world-building elements you want more info or a deeper explanation of?

Lastly, I will be commissioning a new cover for this story, but until then, which of these do you think would be the best for the cover art?

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Thanks again for all your patience with me and I am excited to get back into this! =D

Much Love, 
