Chapter 6- Search & Rescue
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About a week has passed since the dragon incident with repairs on damaged buildings well underway. I get called to the guild master's office for what is apparently a designated request. 

-You're finally here Snake, please have a seat we have much to discuss. (Albert) 

-You mean about him? (Snake) 

I point towards the old man in a fancy butler suit standing next to Albert. 

-Yes, but before we continue, nothing discussed here will leave this room. (Albert) 

-Fine by me. (Snake) 

-Very well then, Sebastian if you would. (Albert) 

-Sir Snake, there is a situation that requires your peculiar set of skills. (Sebastian) 

-And what situation would that be? (Snake) 

-A week ago princess Diana von Terra has been kidnapped. (Sebastian) 

-I assume you want me to find and rescue her, while being discreet about it? (Snake) 

-Yes, our intelligence has good reason to assume she is some where in this area but we are unable to conduct a thorough search without alerting her kidnappers and causing panic back home. (Sebastian) 

-If i do find and rescue her, where do i take her? And for that matter how do i confirm it's her? (Snake) 

-This amulet will glow when held by a member of the royal family, once you've confirmed it's her this envelope will allow you to send a message instantly to me, allowing me to setup the meeting point just outside the Royal capital Regalberg. (Sebastian) 

-And payment? (Snake) 

-You will be paid 1.5 million dollars after the princess has been returned. (Sebastian) 

-Well then, i accept the contract. (Snake) 

I get up and receive both amulet and envelope from Sebastian. Afterwards i make my way out of the city. As i do i overhear a conversation from the bug i planted under the coffee table in the guild master's office. 

-Do you think he can pull it off? (Sebastian) 

-He can certainly deal with the kidnappers. As for actually finding her, that will be the real test. (Albert) 

Once out of the city i deploy several Dragonfly recon drones to scour the landscape looking for caves, mines, and any other remote hiding space. I even check villages incase they disguised them selves in one. After 2 days of checking villages and caves i find a cave being guarded not by men standing outside but by scouts in the nearby trees. They can't be simple bandits since they thought this much about hiding. I wait till nightfall before making my move. 

Once nightfalls i pullout my integrally suppressed MP10 SMG. I take out the scouts in the trees. 

Pfht Pfht Pfht 

After that i deploy a dirt bike for a quick getaway and make my way into the cave. The cave is made up of 3 different tunnels, the middle has loud music and cheering going on so i assume that's  where most of the kidnappers are. I decide to take the left tunnel first. 

 I reach a room with who appears to be the leader drinking wine on his desk. I sneak up behind him and stab him in the heart. Covering his mouth and making sure the wine glass didn't fall. After that i check his desk for documents related to the princess kidnapping and find letters detailing a group of nobles who hired him to kidnap the princess. I store the letters and his ledger and proceed to tunnel on the far right. 

I go down the tunnel and find 2 guards around a cage with who looks to be the princess in it. 

Pfht Pfht

After dispatching the guards i walk up to the cage and ask the blue haired girl inside. 

-Princess Diana? 

-Who are you? 

-I'm the one here to rescue you, can you hold this please. 

She holds out her right arm and grabs the amulet which begins to glow. I notice that her left arm is missing and bandages cover her shoulder. I point my left middle finger at the lock and it opens up to reveal an auto-lockpick. It starts picking open the cage and in about 5 seconds the cage door opens. 

-Come with me if you want to live. 


She hesitantly takes my hand and we make our way out of the cave. Once out i plant C4 around the entrance to make sure no one will pursue us. I lead her to my dirt bike and tell her to get on and hit the detonator collapsing the entrance. 

We ride off towards my safehouse and once there i give her set of clothes and cloak i bought from the shop. 

-Here, go take a shower and clean your wounds. 


As she heads off into the bathroom i start filling in the envelope Sebastian gave me. 

The princess is secured. Wounded but safe. Estimated time of arrival is in 2 days. 

As i send the message and wait for the princess an idea pops in my mind. I wait for the the princess to come out the bathroom and ask her. 

-Would you like me to heal your arm? 

-You can?

She looks at me with her dead eyes suspiciously. 

-Well not heal more like replace. 

-But can you do it? 

-if you lie down the operating table sure. 

She walks over to the operating table and lies down nervously. I hook her up to the anesthetics and tell her. 

-Once you wake up you'll have a brand new arm. 

Once she unconscious i start scrolling through my Holo-wrist shop looking at all the different prosthetics available. Eventually i find one designed to look as much as a real arm as possible. I decide to buy it even at the cost of 200,000 points, and set it to match her skin tone. I set the auto-surgeon for a prosthetic operation and start attaching the arm to her. 

About 1 hour after the procedure she wakes up slightly dazed and disorientated. 

-Woah slow down i just finished attaching your arm. 

-Huh? Did it work? 

She looks over the see her brand new prosthetic arm. The only thing indicating that its fake is the black band where the prosthetic meets her shoulder. She starts crying. 

-Thank you so much! 

-I was just wondering if it could actually work. 

-Still, thank you. 

As she starts trying out her new arm, moving the fingers and waving it around i walk over to the kitchen and grab a pack of Indonesian enertab rations. I open a few and hand it to her. 

-Here, you must be starving. 

-Thank you sir uh? 

-Snake, call me snake. 

-Well sir Snake i owe you a great debt of gratitude. 

-Don't worry about it, i was hired by a butler named Sebastian. 

-Ah! You mean the head butler! 

-Yup, rest up we're heading to the capital at daybreak. 

I lead her to a small bed where she can rest while i sit at the gunsmith station and do some maintenance and tinkering. 

Which is the better sound effect for a suppressed gun shot?
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  • Pfht Votes: 59 64.1%
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