7.2 Austin Wastes Time Trying to Build a Large Stone
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Unfortunately, I didn't have time to watch him play. I hadn't noticed it yet, but the sky was gradually getting darker. It'd been late morning when I got here - at least, it had been on Earth and I was assuming this planet went by the same time.

Anyway, it'd been late morning when I'd arrived and I'd spent a lot of hours being in pain, unconscious, and being in more pain. Too much time had been wasted and I wasn't too keen on experiencing what happened to weak mortals and tiny Stone-Shaper Monkeys at night. Would the Stationary Ents come alive? Would other, more terrifying plant-themed horrors come out to eat us in the dark? The fairy had mentioned possible river beasts; would they come out to lurk in the depths?

I shuddered, thinking of all the unknowns this world could throw at me. Not being able to protect myself got less and less appealing as I realized just how awful this world was for non-cultivators.

With thoughts of death in my mind, I set to experimenting with the system, trying to come up with a command that would let me see the sect building schematics. First, I retried about seeing my sect information.

Sect Management

Name: Mountain Forest Valley Sect

Leader: Austin Wu (Level 1)

Level: 1

Territories: 1

Collected Resource: 0

Disciples: 0

Cultivation Methods: 0⌋

Nope. I doubted checking my Cultivator Information would work either, so I didn't bother with it.

"Build Sect!"



No dice.

"Sect Buildings...?"

There we go!

Sect Buildings

As a level 1 sect, you only have access to 'Basic' level constructions.

Available Basic Sect Buildings: Main Hall, Cultivator Summoning Altar, Clay KinStorage Hut, Sleeping HutCultivation Hut

Built: None

In Construction: None⌋

When did I get an option for all of these new things? I hadn't seen a notification about it. Maybe it just came with it without my prompting. I wondered what else I'd get access to once my sect got more powerful.

I tried to select the altar but an error came up instead.

⌈Error! Not enough materials to build Cultivator Summoning Altar! Please collect the following resources:

Large Stone x1;  Offering Bowl x1; Summoning Formation x1⌋

I had a large stone in my hand! Why wasn't it registering as collected?

⌈Core or sect disciples must place an item in its proper storage for it to be registered as collected. If no Storage Hut is built, core or sect disciples must hold a resource on their person before constructing a system-approved building.⌋

Okay, fine. This rock must not be big enough then. But we're running out of time.

I glanced up at the setting sun, gritting my teeth when I saw it was nearing the horizon. Already, the sinking star bathed the sky in beautiful shades of orange and red. It would've been nice to look at if I wasn't on a time crunch.

Where can I find a large rock? There was no way I could find one in time.

Or maybe...maybe I didn't have to find one.

I looked over at Nun, who had taken a break from his river diving. Now he lounged on his stone pile, relaxing in what little sunlight was left. He must've felt my gaze on him because he looked over with a questioning grunt.

I smiled. Time to put the little Stone-Shaper to use.