9.3 Austin Oversells His Clay Shaping Abilities
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I dug out two more handfuls before I decided to try my hand at making a brick. I had no tools, no mold, and definitely no experience, but you didn't need all that if you had spirit!

First, I split the pile of moist clay into two. It was a bit too much, I think, for one brick. Then, I started to shape it into something resembling the brick I once bought from Supreme. Ah, I remembered that waste of money. Still, it was nice to show off to my friends. I missed them...

"No! Focus!" I cried, slapping my cheeks. I'd forgotten I'd just been digging clay and got the stuff all over my face, but it was enough of a wake-up call. I couldn't afford to get distracted by a past I couldn't return to. Maybe one day but...not now. Not while I was still too weak and mortal.

My mind made up, I set my eyes toward the lump of clay I was trying to shape. It...wasn't turning out well. It was hard to mold into the proper shape; the clay refused to change from a lumpy, malformed ball.

So I splashed more water on it. Two palmfuls, in fact. That did the trick, fortunately, and I set to work right away. My hands flowed like a master potter, molding and shaping the clay into one of the many clay bricks I would use to make the kiln. I stared down at it proudly, my success1Error! Source not found! a surprise even to myself.

After patting myself on the back - and once again spreading the clay on my hands to my shirt - I began work on the second brick. This one similarly needed some splashes of water to become more malleable and was once again another success. I set the second brick by the first - a ways away from my digging spot - and let them both dry in the sun.

I wonder how long it's going to take for them. Hopefully, not too long. Making the bricks would probably take me a while but I didn't want to wait after I finished making sixty of them. Speaking of which, let's check the progress on the clay kiln.

⌈Clay Kiln progress:

Resources; Stick x10, Clay Paste, Clay Bricks x60

Builders: Sect Core, Nun⌋

So the system hasn't registered the hard work I'd already done? Fine. I guess I'll just have to wait for them to dry.

I wonder what'll constitute clay paste, though. It doesn't tell me how much I need, so I'll probably just have to wing it. But I'll worry about that when I'm done with the bricks.

The sun shone brightly from its place in the sky. It felt nice in the forest but the trees had blocked most of the sunlight. Now that I was out in the open, the rays beat down on me fervently. I had to take off my sweatshirt just to cope with the heat.

I'd made the rest of the 58 bricks fairly quickly; they sat in six rows of ten, drying in the raging sunlight. Now that they were done, I worked on making the clay paste.

I went over to my digging hole which, by now, was about a foot wide and two feet deep. Not enough to disturb the environment, I don't think, but that might change in the future. I dug out another handful and plopped it onto the ground. It got a lot more water splashes, seeing as I needed to turn it into a paste.

It didn't get wet enough for my tastes, so I cupped my hands in the river and carried what I could to it. It took me about ten minutes until the pile was sufficiently saturated with water. I mixed it with my hands, smiling at the squishing noises it made. Gah, I felt just like a little kid.

But that was fine. I hadn't had this much fun in a while. I could play like this all-day-

<Mortal! We've returned!>

Oh, great.