Chapter 11
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Founded by the sacred Fire-Ice Lotus family, the Ice Lotus Academy was the most revered institution in the Jade City.

This was because only the academy could provide the city with the appearance of a large number of adepts in these turbulent times. After all, despite the fact that each noble family had at its disposal the techniques of development and tempering, the number of their own people was not enough to ensure the safety of the city for several hundred years.

The long-deceased first rector of the academy, and part-time the thirteenth head of the Fire-Ice Lotus family, Lao Xiang was a wise and far-sighted man. He foresaw that geniuses might be born among the commoners, on whose shoulders the city would stand in the Dark Times.

After the death of the sacred family, the position of the rector of the Ice Lotus Academy became elective. At present, Ji Liu, using his authority as rector, convened a council of elders of the city to resolve issues requiring the support of all houses.

“I am delighted to greet the elders, as well as the heads of the guilds and city pillars,” Ji Liu bowed to the eleven men and women who had come to the conference room in the academy's lecture hall.

The elders greeted the rector of the academy.

“I will not hide the purpose of convening the council of elders.” Ji Liu cleared his throat. “I suppose all of you are already aware of the academy's actions in recent days and expect to know what I'm up to.

Ji Liu waited for a pause before continuing, he carefully looked into the elders' faces since the question was very important, and the rector needed to "read" the guests' intentions.

“I received an important discovery regarding the foundations of improvement, and for the further development of research, I need your assistance.”

For the next fifteen minutes, Ji Liu spoke to the audience about the concept of the attributes of spiritual cores, elemental affinity, the shape of spiritual cores. In his speech, the attributes of the spiritual cores were the main factors determining the development of the adepts, while the color of the spiritual core was secondary. After explaining the concept of attributes, Ji Liu spoke about the shortcomings of the old cultivation methods without taking into account the individual characteristics of the adepts, which ultimately lead to a decrease in the rate of development.

“And you think we’ll believe this nonsense?” Li Wei, the current city lord and head of the Snow Wisteria sacred family, protested.” Do city residents spend money on this research?

“It’s true if the attributes of the spiritual cores really existed, then the ancestors of the founders would pass on knowledge about them to their descendants,” Tian Zun joined the city lord.

“Are you not opposed to this information?” Ji Liu was surprised at the reaction of the heads of the two sacred families. “What are you up to, young Zhe?”

“What does Rector Liu want to say?” Tian Zun was unhappy with the words of the rector because it turned out as if the Fire Orchid family were hiding many secrets.

“I was interested in your words about the attributes of spiritual cores, so I would like to hear from you,” interjected Gao Zhiwei, head of the third sacred family of the Misty Peony.

Despite the fact that the Jade City struggles to survive with the outside world, the struggle for power has never stopped within its walls. People remained people with all their vices and lust for power, and therefore it was not surprising for Gao Zhiwei that the heads of the sacred houses could hide important information.

Rector Ji Liu was relieved to receive the support of the head of Misty Peony.

“Information regarding the attributes was provided by a member of the sacred family of the Fire Orchid, sharing with me not only the methods of determining the attributes but also the importance of their research,” Ji Liu decided to go all the way. None of the heads of the sacred families can create serious problems for him since his position as rector gave the same rights in the council as they themselves. “After initial checks, a member of the Snow Wisteria Sacred Family also confirmed the existence of the attributes.”

“Who was that?” Tian Zun did not hide his indignation. “No one in our family knew about the existence of attributes, and now suddenly, Rector Liu says that one of us provided the academy with such information. It's ridiculous!”

“…” Li Wei was silent. Information about the attributes was a secret that only the head of the family's direct descendants and a few of the elders most loyal to the ruling family knew. “Did traitors appear among the elders, or did Yinzhu decide to take revenge on her family?”

“So Prince Zun did not know?” watching the reactions of the heads of the families of the Snow Wisteria and Fire Orchid, Ji Liu built a picture in his head, connecting the pieces of the mosaic.

“When this is over, I plan to give a speech to the heads of all the houses in the city with the announcement of the results,” Ji Liu recalled the words Tian Zhe said on the day of their first meeting.

“Sorry kid, but depending on what these people are up to, I will reveal you ahead of time,” as an experienced adept who has gone through more than one battle, Ji Liu developed the habit of assessing risks. He already knew that the Snow Wisteria family possessed important information. Therefore, the rector, unlike Tian Zhe, understood that the city lord could interfere with research in order to maintain a dominant position in the city.

In the Jade City, the position of the city lord is selective and is held by the most powerful adept of the city's noble houses. Nevertheless, after the death of the sacred family of the Fire-Ice Lotus, the heirs of the Snow Wisteria family became the actual rulers, and now Ji Liu knew the reason. Even if all sacred families have the same resources, the Snow Wisteria family has developed their masters by choosing the most effective methods, thereby gaining an advantage over other families.

“The prince of the moon is silent, and the prince of the sun is perplexed.” Gao Zhiwei, feeling that the situation is becoming hopeless, again intervenes to develop the discussion. “Can the rector share with the Prince of Stars and other elders information about those who provided the information?”

Representatives of noble and noble houses, as well as the head of the guild of mercenaries and city guards, agreed.

“A wandering master of unknown rank has come to the city,” Ji Liu began from afar, following the reaction of the elders. “Having penetrated into the estate of the sacred family of the Fire Orchid, he chose the second heir of the Prince of the Sun as his disciple, and this master also shared with him the information that I told you.”

“Then why didn't I learn anything from my son?” Tian Zun did not believe what he hears.

“I don’t know this. Perhaps the master of young Zhe considered that the rest of your family were not worthy of his attention,” Ji Liu tried to keep his cool, inwardly cursing the teenager for causing him trouble. “I can only say that your second son is an outstanding child, the most promising among children of his age.”

“In that case, I can congratulate the Sun Prince on the recognition of his son by a true master.” Li Wei tried to remain calm but hearing the details of the story. His face grew darker and darker. “Did the great ancestor choose a bastard from someone else's family as his heir?”

“As for the person from the family of Moon Prince who confirmed the concept of attributes, you better turn to Princess Li Xue,” Ji Liu shifted the lord's attention from Tian Zhe to his daughter in order to save the teenager from unnecessary problems.” After young Zhe shared his knowledge with me, he named the attributes of several students of the academy, including your daughter.

“…” From these words, Li Wei was speechless. At first, he thought that one of the elders of the Snow Wisteria had committed a betrayal by giving away the family secrets to Rector Ji Liu, but now the city lord was increasingly inclined to think that his great-grandfather, the only legendary adept of the Jade City, turned away from the Snow Wisteria family and chose a disciple for himself. side.

“I will repeat my request to all the elders of the city,” Ji Liu again addressed those present.  “Within a few years, the Jade City will be finally crushed by hordes of demonic beasts. Therefore it is so important that your families and organizations help with the research of the attributes of spiritual cores to improve the methods of improvement, which will be useful not only for the students of the academy but also for all adepts who have completed their studies.”

“I, Yun Shu, guarantee Rector Ji Liu that all noble families will support the study,” the elderly woman answered first. In her fifties, she was the height of an average man, and her physique betrayed her as a skilled warrior. Yun Shu was one of the few adepts who attained a venerable rank among the nobility, and for this reason, was chosen as an elder representing the interests of her class.

“Noble families will also provide all possible assistance to the rector of the academy,” followed by Yao Bei, a representative of noble houses. A man of about forty, although he was not the strongest among his class like Yun Shu, nevertheless he was one of the youngest saints in the city and, together with his charisma and leadership qualities, was able to win the position of a representative of noble houses.

“The safety of the city depends on this research!” there was a loud exclamation of an elderly warrior. “Zhong Kuan guarantees that the city guards will provide all information about the qixing from their ranks!”

“The Trade Guild is ready to meet and reduce the market value of spirit stones,” said a plump man in luxurious clothes. Mou Shan was the weakest of the elders of the Jade City, being only of silver rank, but if there was a way to rank his business acumen or the foresight of a merchant, he was definitely a devil capable of tearing apart a saint for profit.

“Ho, will the fat merchant try to fill his pockets?” Yun Shu laughed. “Really, you have played nobility in one place?”

“Leave me alone, old woman!” Hissed through Mou Shan. “Money does not matter when your own life is in the balance. The city will perish, people will perish, and along with them the value of money!”

“Greedy and cowardly as always,” another old man interjected. He was one-eyed, and the many scars that adorned his body served as proof of the strength of the holy adept who survived more than one battle. “The Mercenary Guild will assist the Ice Lotus Academy.”

“The Alchemists Guild will remain neutral. No one knows how effective this research will be,” said Kim Tien. The twenty-six-year-old was one of the geniuses of the Jade City, becoming not only one of the city's youngest golden adepts but also proving her skills as the youngest alchemist guild leader in the city's history.  “If the city is in danger, then our guild will need more people to collect resources and search for lost recipes in the Black Dragon empire's ruins.”

“The hospitals will remain neutral, but if the master of the young heir to the Prince of the Sun shares the secrets of medicine, our organization will be grateful,” Ming Wang expressed her opinion. As a person who dedicated her life to medicine, it was more important for her to develop her own lines of research.

“The lecture hall will provide specialists to assist in the research.” Kong Luan was the rector of the Jade City lecture hall, and at the same time, was an old friend of Ji Liu. Kong Luan was the first to receive all the information from the head of the academy, and his voice was only needed for the show.

“Well, since we learned the opinion of the elders, it remains only to ask the princes?” Gao Zhiwei addressed Tian Dzong and Li Wei. “What do the princes of the Moon and the Sun think about this? I, as the Prince of Stars, support rector Ji Liu.”

“I would prefer to remain neutral, but if my son is involved, then the Fire Orchid family will pay close attention to researching the Ice Lotus Academy and will not interfere with Principal Ji Liu.” Tian Zong would prefer to remain in the shadows, but circumstances forced him to join research advocates. “I believe that since Princess Li Xue has confirmed the existence of the attributes of spirit cores, the Snow Wisteria sacred family has extensive knowledge in this area.”

Comparing the information received, Tian Zong concluded that to achieve his goals, it would be enough to weaken Li Wei's influence by strengthening other families.

“What is the prince of the Sun heading for?” Li Wei did not like the direction in which the discussion was moving. “The Snow Wisteria Family has nothing to hide from the Council of Elders on this matter. Frankly, our own methods allow us to determine only the attributes of wind, water, and ice, which are most common among members of our clan.

Li Wei was not shy because he was shy or insecure. No, his modesty was due to the fact that he did not want to lose his position in Jade City.

“Come on, brother Wei,” Gao Zhiwei did not want to miss the opportunity to gain knowledge available to the family of the city lord. “According to Rector Ji Liu, a horde will attack our homeland far superior to all previous invasions. I hope the prince of the moon will not blindly condemn himself to death as the princes of Heaven and the Eclipse once did, who condemned their families to death?

“Is the Prince of Stars threatening me?”

“No, that you are brother Wei. I am worried that your intransigence would doom all the inhabitants of the Jade City to death.” Gao Zhiwei confronted Li Wei and did not plan to surrender.

“Indeed, it would be foolish to hide anything in the face of such a threat, not to mention the fact that in the Jade City there is only one master capable of penetrating my family's estates,” Tian Zun was not stupid and he, like Li Wei, suspected that the legendary Li Zi could choose Tian Zhe as his heir.

“Yes, you're right,” Li Wei had to give up. “As the city lord and acting head of the sacred family of the Snow Wisteria, I, the prince of the moon, vow to assist Rector Ji Liu.”

Meanwhile, at the Ice Lotus Academy, the true culprit of the controversy finished his synopsis, highlighting important information for himself that defines the improvement system at the conceptual level.

Tian Zhe did not know that his actions would force the masters to manifest the deep meaning of search syndrome. At the same time, no one in the city suspected that the gears of the mechanism called fate began their movement.