Prologue- Recollections of the past part-3 – Jane POV
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Well the majority of the conflicts between I and her started when we were 6 and ended at around the time we hit 12 years old, it was an age were two Major changes happened; First we started going to school and Second we stopped living with our parents.

Our parents who had already cut down a lot of their professional activity to take care of my sister were unable to cut back more on it for that time period (how taking care of a super-toddler and our regular hospitalizations was less time intensive I do not fully know, part of it being all the paperwork and sheer amount of new stuff they needed to buy and other things to attend I guess), so the three of us sibling were dropped of at a nearby relative to be taken care of.

So we suddenly needed to learn how to deal with each other; the first year was the worst: we were in the same class, with the weird ingrained rivalry we had going on, mostly her getting upset when I had something she didn't because of her own oversights and the fact we did not always do all the same things and when we did, not necessarily in the same order and me not standing it when she 'took something that was mine' and consequently dropping it or putting in the bare minimum effort, that also applied to our classmates who were treated like resources, children that age weren't ready for that amount of social warfare.

That silent war we had at school were we spontaneously started forging connections and comparing grades was nothing compared to what we did at our new home. The relatives that volunteered their house were a trio of our aunts who shared the living space, two from our mother side and one from our father's and our paternal grandfather who had wormed himself in as our guardian and took charge of our education.

Declan Turner was and still is a military man so we did not have 'just homework', no, we took part in a veritable training regimen; according to him it was the best age to build a foundation, we had both common and tailored training, common things being building physical fitness, reading and writing, global knowledge and culture, for the tailored ones: in my sister's case utilization and optimization of her powers and their incorporation in combat.

Using powers in battle is HARD even if you have a mental enhancement or additional ingrained instincts you still need as much training as with any other weapon even more if you want or need to incorporate additional weapons, humans just aren't naturally calibrated for it even if your power or inherited memories may compensate for it and may have normal weapons included you will still need to put time in learning to use those things then and use them afterwards to learn what they teach you/help you understand the things you wanted in the first place, then you have to figure out new tactics if your power is unique (no thousand of years of research to handle it in that case), or dedicate even more training time to your powers if you have a powerset and/or multiple powers, then you finally account for the mental factor: the majority of powers depend on thought activation so supers need either to be able to multitask, make split second decisions and gauging when to place an activation or play ranged dps if your power allows it and on top of all that you need to deal with the stress and strain of your own powers meaning being unable to use them in scenarios were you need endurance, so yeah compared to a normal person a Super has less physical and mental might and I really mean under average statistics to continue with the video games parlance If their type of Power or one of their powers doesn't compensate or if an incredible score in one of those is what categories them as a Super (check Mastermind type, etc...) it's why elite soldiers and other personnel compare favorably to Sups: they can also be trained in anti-super techniques and manœuvres (while also being able to take a number of certain types of enhancements and other such consideration to improve already elite troops) and being able to integrate in all tactical formations and considerations, and always just registering as 'a normal human' on detection equipment if caught by it which is always helpful.

And yeah those are what I learned; allegedly our country doesn't train child soldiers but with the age at which certain 'Training & Education' programs start to 'help guarantee a future career path for orphaned and destitute children' and the efficacy, intensity and brutality for the concealed ones nevermind those that 'do not exist' there certainly where battle-ready toddlers somewhere with 'notthegovernment' oversight well at least they never where deployed and still had a life outside of it and where not brainwashed or drugged but certainly severely indoctrinated and my Grandpa and his contacts had certainly access to the more advanced training plans and the people who wrote them or researched the subject, plus our family's methods or the 'homebrew' training. While at six years old doing excessive physical training would be counterproductive someone is never too young to be subject to mental training but like the body when the mind is young it is better to make an exceptional foundation than to start building, for some military families or scientific and researchers and some artistic ones this training starts in the womb making the child listen to certain music or other audio (some politician ones and the others also like to put popular speeches from their ancestors or renowned geniuses) expose them to a maximum number of language or certain ones, some mental games and challenges or other things destined to nourish their creativity and/or problem solving ability.

So martial arts their philosophy and history and the why behind every move, which one to use in reaction to your opponent and make the opponent react to you, how to achieve control of the rhythm of battle and the surroundings, strategy board games, foreign languages, make mental models of certain people or mindsets, learn tells, how to manipulate people, bluff, feint, conceal, when to advance or retreat, acting, sense motives, discern plans and how to act to break them or change them to further your goals, how to be diplomatic, mental organisation, analysis and deduction and a splattering of other things, a big number of them my sister would also learn but while it was impossible for me to learn and be proficient in all of them even as a novice I did memorize the techniques used and how to identify a lot of them, what I did truly learn and would try to master on the contrary was how to learn and train effectively, strengthen my willpower and vigilance, organization, compartmentalization, optimization and clarification of my information, senses, thoughts and time and finally meditation and analysis those where I would go further than expected.

One of the things about the tailored training is that it was tailor-made in practice it meant that the trainer would try to identify the traits, biases and talents of the trainee and choose how to best appeal to and nourish those that were desirable, remedy weaknesses by training those weak points and up the average of the stats, squash and extinguish those who are problematic, and foster and grow new ones for which we are suited and would support already existing ones. so at home it was all games and rarely fun except our favorite subjects, we would be given files with our training schedules projected for the next couple decades and resources we should consult along possible career paths where our talents would be of use.

In my case those meant my cool-headedness, propensity to think before acting, stubborn behavior, cooperate with recognized allies, organization skills, steadfastness, my ability to plot paths and plans, anticipate peoples thoughts and reactions, and natural sneakiness and grace(I already knew how to muffle my steps at 4) and a minor affinity with decryption and analysis.

So Home wasn't a place of respite and our rivalry was maintained in those subjects we had in common, still we did not continue the War there, it's also why we started respecting each others private spaces and sanctuaries outside of there.