Author’s Update Part 3
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Hi, its been quite a while, huh?

I'm here to let anyone who isn't aware about my new story A Blooming Soul which is up to a total of 40 chapters as of the post of this message.

The story follows a premise very similar to that of this story, but in my opinion as well as others, is signifgantly better executed.

Now why am I posting that here?  Well the truth is, even though the vast majority of votes went to me continuing this story, I can't. I have no sense of direction for the story to go. But fret not, if you were enjoying the overall feel of this story, feel free to click that link to my new story. If you were here for the antics of a certain slug, I actually have a new story, a sort of rework if you will,  in the works. I'll be posting a teaser chapter here in the near future, so look forward to that.

Other than that, I send you my sincerest thank you for taking the time out your day to read my work.