Chapter 1- A New World
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Here is how to pronounce the characters names and a few terms.

Evetta: ee-vet-ta     Myrna: mear-na     Vestele: ves-tel     spyra: spy-ra     spyr: spy-er

A soft comfort surrounds me, I feel warmth all around. I open my eyes to find it dark, with some discomfort at my back.

What’s going on? Where am I? Why’s it so dark?

I stumble around, trying to figure out where I am. There is a soft cushion below me, and a heavy itchy material above. Moving to try and find a way to get out from underneath the material, I struggle atop the cushion, crawling in a random direction. I suddenly fall, the cushion no longer there.

“Ow,” I say sitting up. Well, I guess I found the edge of the cushion. I am still underneath the material, surrounded by darkness.

What kind of place is this? I now have enough space to stand up straight, the material leaning against the cushion.

I notice the ground I now stand on is also rather soft, not as soft as the previous cushion, but not as hard as I remember the ground to be. Why’s the ground so soft? I begin walking in a direction alongside the cushion, the material overhead making it difficult to move at times. Moving along, I constantly feel something rubbing against the material overhead. It feels weird, kind of tickles, like I am sliding a finger against the itchy material. The feeling originates from somewhere on my backside.

I try to turn around to look at what it was, but it is even too dark to see my hand in front of my face. I move my hands to feel along my backside to figure out what is there. I can feel my hands touching whatever is on my back, but the feeling my fingers are getting feels like it is thin smooth cloth. As I touch the cloth, a tingling sensation runs through my spine. 

Hah!? What the heck is this thing? I give up for the moment, deciding to figure it out, after I could see what I was looking at.

Jeez, how big is this thing, I don’t even know what this material is, some kind of giant itchy movable wall? I put my arms against the material and begin to push the wall, the material slightly moving. I pull my hands away and the material returns to its original position.

After walking for a bit, following alongside the cushion, I round a corner, and see some light in the distance. Making my way toward it, I suddenly feel free, and cold. The warmth around me washes away as the cool air and bright light welcome me.

In front of me is a large wooden wall, continuing on for a good distance. My eyes follow along the wall, seeing what looks to be a cabinet in the distance. Looking around, I see a table, and what looks to be a dresser, with a picture atop it. Everything about this room says I am in a  bedroom, but what is weird is that everything in here is huge.

“What is this place?” I say as I take in the sights before my eyes.

I slowly step back toward the wall, realizing it to be a bed frame. Tripping and landing on my butt, I keep inching my way back, until something else catches my attention. As I go to lay my back against the bed frame, the odd sensation on my back reappears, again drawing my attention to whatever is behind me. I turn my head to look back, but my hair gets in my way.

I shouldn’t have long hair, and is it white? My hair’s supposed to be dark brown, not white.

My heart starts to race. Then I see what is on my back.

“Wings?” I say. Wait wait wait. Don’t panic. Think. Who am I…

My name’s Evetta? That, that doesn’t sound right…but why’s that the only name I can remember? I recall being a forest ranger working in my state’s national forest maintaining the trees. I was 28, male…

Then it hits me, slowly looking down, I find that I am naked, and no longer male.

“I’m a girl!? What’s going on?” I scream aloud, realizing even my voice is distinctly different. What was once a fairly deep, masculine voice, is now a soft, feminine voice.

No, this has to be some kind of dream right? Maybe some kind of prank, by my co-workers? Why, why can’t I remember how I got here, or what happened to me!?

My mind is completely blank about the events leading up to my current situation. Suddenly a sound comes from the giant door, drawing my attention back to reality. The door begins to open and a giant woman steps in.

A fairly muscular woman, she has long brown hair put into two braids that come down both sides of her head, her pointed ears poke out from her hair. Her green eyes stand out due to her tanned skin which is covered in a layer of dirt. She is wearing crude animal hides, shaped into clothing. A strip of leather wraps around her chest while her stomach is hidden behind an almost white pelt. Her shorts are tattered and torn and stop at her upper thighs, revealing her very scarred legs. Her nose is crooked, and she is covered in scars, a particularly large one covers her shoulder.

Holy crap, she’s huge! And what’s with those clothes? Pretty rustic, no wait, maybe primitive would be the correct word?

She starts walking toward the bed. Standing up, I begin running toward the cushion to hide behind it, realizing it to be a pillow. Walking over, she feels fairly slow, but each step she takes seems to have astounding force.

I peek my head out from behind the pillow to see what she is doing. She is still walking toward me! What’s she going to do? My heartbeat continues to increase, my whole-body sweating, fear takes over as she now stands right in front of bed.

Doing my best to stay out of view, she begins lifting up the itchy material. I determine it to be a blanket. Her face changes as she looks down. Is she looking for me? The woman then looks around the room, abruptly pulling the blanket off the bed and begins scanning both sides of it.

Clearly, she’s looking for me.

The woman says something aloud in a language I have never heard before, one I definitely can not understand. She says something else, panic seemingly taking hold of her, tears falling from her eyes. She cries out again and again, saying the same phrase repeatedly.

Is she really that upset about me not being there?

I continue watching the woman from behind the pillow, she wipes the tears from her eyes. She moves over to the nearby table and places the blanket down on it.  She starts looking around the room, watching the ground each time before she takes a step. She gets down onto the ground to look under the bed, then under the dresser and cabinet.

Well it looks like she’s calmed down at least.

Standing back up and walking over to the bedside, she begins reaching for the pillow. Shit! Oh no, this is bad. I begin to panic as the pillow is lifted up from in front of me.

Her face starts to relax as she stares at me. Panic overwhelms me, my body temporarily frozen. Run… Run. Run!

Forcing myself up, I begin running over to the other nearby pillow. Once behind cover, I peek around the pillow to look back at the woman, she just stands there, watching me like a hawk eyeing its prey. Staring back at her is all I can do, for I am paralyzed with fear. Yet the woman only stands there.

What is she doing?

Putting her hand inside her pocket, she pulls something out. Her fist clenches onto it as she reaches toward me. Seeing her arm approach me, I again hide behind the other pillow.

I wait for several moments, this time, though, nothing happens. Huh, what did she do? I look back toward her. The woman stands there, her eyes bouncing between me and something else.

What’s she looking at? Following her eyes, I notice something laying where the first pillow was.

What is that? Looking back at her, she stares at me while nervously fiddling with her fingers. I guess she’s waiting for me to do something.

I look back at the item, quickly run to and pick them up. I then run back behind the pillow. Once again behind cover, I begin checking to see what it is.

What is this, some kind of dress? You can’t be serious; she made a dress for me? Nothing else? I look back to make sure I did not miss something, then look down at myself. The cool air sends chills across my nude body. I guess beggars can’t be choosers.

I resign myself to putting on the dress. Well, at least it fits. The white fur dress loosely fits me, going over my shoulders as it covers my torso, leaving my arms exposed. The length of it comes down to my knees.

It feels more like some kind of baggy poncho without sleeves. I still feel pretty exposed though. I wish I had some kind of underwear too… I look back at the woman, she is now moving back toward the door. She opens it and then leaves the room, closing it behind her.

What’s going on? I start to consider my current situation.

I wonder if she will let me leave. Heck, I’m not sure if I should even leave, I don’t know where I am, but from what I can tell this place is at least safe, I hope. Thinking about it, I guess I now know why fairies and sprites were so scared of people in fairytales now.

Laughing lightly at my thoughts, something dawns on me. If I’m now some kind of fairy, then that means I’m no longer on Earth. My heart again starts to race, as I fall onto my rear.

Okay, calm down, think. I’m some kind of tiny female fairy, in a place that isn’t Earth. I’m in a room, likely the room of that woman that was just here. She didn’t do anything to hurt me, and she gave me clothes. So, she seems to be helping me? That would explain the clothes, but that still doesn’t help me figure out what happened to me, or explain how I got here.

The door opening again, the woman walks in holding an item in each hand. One, a round red object, the other, likely a cup. What is that? An apple maybe? Seeing things from this perspective makes it way more difficult to figure out what they are... 

The woman walks over to the table, takes the blanket from the table, and places it on the bed. She also places the cup down on the table. Turning to look at me, she takes a blade from within her clothes and begins cutting up the red object. She takes the miniscule pieces and places them on the bed.

The rosy white chunks are now where the clothes and pillow were. Is she giving me something to eat? Well, it sure seems like she’s helping me, so hopefully I don’t have to worry about her hurting me.

I walk out and head toward the sliced-up chunks. Standing next to them, the tiny chunks are about the size of my foot. This is weird seeing an apple this big, well assuming it’s an apple.

Looking up at the woman, she again just stands there watching me, holding her hands together down in front of her stomach with her fingers interlocked. Tapping her thumbs together, she begins saying something different from before.

Uhm…Am I supposed to know what she said? Is she saying apple, food, eat maybe? I turn my head to the side and look at her, confused. She continues repeating the word from before. This time, I focus on what she is saying.

I try to repeat the word she had said. Oh man, I probably butchered that pronunciation.

The woman nods her head up and down. She seems excited. Probably because I repeated that word. Tears again form in her eyes. Gazing back down at the apple bits, I pick one up. The soft juicy block is awkward to hold. I say the word from before again, then take a bite from it.

She nods again, still crying, as I slowly eat the food. Feeling tired from holding the chunk of apple, I place it back on the ground. The juice from the apple now soaks my hands and clothes.

I feel like I’m a child being watched by their parent as they learn to eat for the first time. The woman puts the rest of the apple down on the table, grabs the cup, and places it in front of me.

So, she is indeed helping me, but we are speaking different languages. If I’m going to figure out what happened to me, I need to be able to talk to her. That means, I need to learn her language. Alright, let’s just hope nothing changes and things will go smoothly.

The woman stands there awkwardly. It really looks like she is waiting for me to do something again. Well, let's start with learning some simple objects. Walking toward the cup, pointing a finger at it, I say the word she had previously told me.

The woman shakes her head left and right, then says a different word. Alright, it looks like this will work.


Over the next month and a half, I spent my time living with this woman. I learned to talk with the woman, whose name I now know to be Myrna. I slowly learned how to understand what she was saying and how to speak, starting with the items in the room and then moving to the other objects in, and around her house.

Myrna's house only has two rooms, a single bedroom, and a main living room. The bedroom had a single bed which was mostly animal pelts stuffed with grass on a bed frame that Myrna built herself. There was a table where Myrna worked on her projects, a small cabinet with carving tools and other kits for sewing, and a dresser with a picture on top. The frame had no glass cover and was held together by some kind of cord. The picture was half burnt with two elves in it that I assumed to be Myrna's parents.

The living room also acted as Myrna's kitchen and storage area. There was a chair with a table for one person, and a shelf with several platforms holding various items and objects. The kitchen had a table with a bowl, a plate, and a single set of eating utensils on it. Other than that, there was a bucket that Myrna used to wash herself. Myrna even made a separate bowl for me to bathe in.

Appearance wise, I’m a little shorter than an apple. My white hair extends down to my lower back. My limbs are thin, my chest flat. My body lacks any kind of muscle mass, which makes me feel weak compared to my previous body. I really do not like looking at my body, it's extremely nerve racking. Even though it's now my body, I have yet to come to terms with it.

Myrna seems to live on her own in the middle of a forest, somewhat similar to the forest I remember. Probably the biggest difference from this place and Earth was that the seasons cycled differently. The order was still the same, going from spring, to summer, to autumn, and then to winter. However, rather than lasting for several months at a time, each season only lasted for about a week at a time. This meant that all four seasons would happen each month.

The vegetation was thick around her house, the climate similar to some northern mountainous regions from Earth. Another difference I noticed was that the flora and foliage of the plants were several sizes larger than the plants on Earth; and that is not accounting for my small size, making the flora and foliage appear even larger. Something else that struck me as odd was that the apples that Myrna would gather were not coming from a tree, but rather a shrub a bit larger than herself.

Myrna also had a garden around her house, which she used to grow various plants, herbs, and some berries. When I asked her about the plants, she told me they were used for medicine.

When I asked her about why she lives on her own, she told me that it was simpler to live like this. After spending the last month and a half with her I had to agree. Not needing to worry about other people, the worries involving technology, or the need to be on media platforms seemed to ease many of the burdens one would need to worry about.

Another thing I learned about Myrna was that she was not a human, but was in fact an elf. She has yet to tell me how old she is, but I always enjoy teasing her about how old she might be. Every once in a while, though, she gets angry at me, at which point I cease my comments on the topic.

Myrna also seems to be capable of using magic, though she does not call it magic, she calls it spyra. When I found out that this world had magic, I became overjoyed about the idea of it. Myrna later confirmed that I am indeed a fairy. Thinking about it, if I am a fairy, then having magic, or spyra, is not so farfetched.

Aside from wanting to learn how to speak, I added learning about, and how to use spyra to my list as well. I think that would be really cool. Shooting fireballs, or controlling winds, it is definitely a fantasy world that I found myself in. Myrna told me that, unfortunately, she will not be able to teach me spyra, as she can only use a handful of them at a fairly weak level and lacks understanding of what is happening.

Alongside my language practice, I have also been trying to learn how to fly using my wings. Lately, I have been able to fly for a couple of minutes at a time. The feeling of being able to fly is unlike anything I have ever experienced before. At first it was weird, hovering above the ground with my legs just dangling. Not touching the floor was pretty scary. I also had some issues learning how to stop and land, but after the nerves about falling wore off, it started to become something really fun. Everything has been going alright for me here at Myrna’s house.

“Myrna. How find me?” I ask, finally comfortable enough with speaking to try and attempt to learn about how she found me.

“Hmm…”, she looks over at me as I hover around her. “How did I find you? Is that what you want to know?” she asks me back, trying to confirm my question before continuing. This is something she does regularly as she found out early on that I have struggles with speaking.

“Yes,” I respond, nodding my head.

Walking toward a chair in her living room, she sits down.

Flying over to the table and landing on the tabletop, I sit down to hear her reply.

“Well, a couple of months ago, I was going out gathering some fruit from one of the apple bushes. Then everything around me felt weird. The plants all started to grow; the sunlight got really strong too,” Myrna pauses for a moment to make sure I was still keeping up.

Seeing that I did not look confused, she continued, “Then it just got dark, and it started raining and snowing, the wind was also blowing really hard. A moment later, a thick fog appeared and then a light appeared not too far from me. It landed on the ground, so I went to go take a look, and there you were. Just lying there.”

That all happened? Rea…

“Ow,” I cry in pain, placing a hand on my head. My head. Hurts… I- I remember.

Details leading up to my arrival here appear in my mind. Wait, what about that woman’s voice, and the light that I saw?

“Only me? Me only light?” I ask, looking back up to Myrna.

“Only you?” she mumbles. She then looks like she started to think about my question. “Are you asking if you were the only one there?” she then asks.

“Yes,” I again respond.

“Yeah, you were the only one there, there was no other light around either,” Myrna answers.

So, I’m the only one here huh? What happened to that light then, and what about the voice?

Myrna looks at me confused. “I don’t know a lot about it, but I think that’s how fairies are born,” Myrna tells me, trying to cheer me up.

I take a deep breath before sighing, “Thanks.”

Wait, so if that’s the case, then that day, did I die back on Earth, and me appearing here, was me being born in this world? That can’t be right, can it?

I spend the rest of the day wondering who or what that voice was and how it turned me into a fairy. In the end, I just spend the rest of the day mulling over my thoughts before finally going to sleep for the night.


“…ta…vetta…Evetta.” I hear a voice calling out my name. “Evetta, Evetta. Come now child I need you to wake up,” The voice says again.

Opening my eyes, I find myself lying on a white, fog-covered floor. Everything around me is a vast plane of white as far as the eye can see. Above, the sky is completely white, with a single black circle floating in place. The only other thing I can see is a woman two heads taller than me, with white hair and wings similar to mine, except they are rainbow colored while mine are white. A fairy?

She has long limbs, which are accentuated by her hourglass figure. She has an ample bosom, prominent due to her hands being held behind her back. Her white hair glistens in the night sky while her large pearl-like eyes draw my gaze to her. She has thin lips, a delicate nose, and pointed ears. Her flawless beauty pairs perfectly with her graceful posture, while an air of dignity radiates from her. She is adorned in white robes that are decorated with almost every major colored gemstone. She has four separate wings; the two forewings are larger than the hindwings. Thick veins travel up and loop back down the wings. The veins cycle through the colors of the rainbow, while the area between the veins are translucent white. At the end of each tip, there is a black circle. Rainbow glitter falls from her wings as she moves.

“Hello Evetta,” The woman says, staring at me before running over to me, crouching down, and giving me a constricting hug.

“I’m so sorry I couldn’t talk with you earlier, my child,” She says, holding onto me, starting to cry.

Who is this woman, why is she hugging me, and how does she know my name? After waiting a moment for her to calm down I begin to ask, “Um…who are you? Where are we? And how do you know my name?” I look around, an odd comfort coming over me.

Why does it feel so nice, being hugged like this?

The woman pulls herself back, “Sorry about that, I couldn’t help myself. How should I put it.” She pauses for a moment then continues, “Well, it might be best if I just tell you, I am your new mother, we’re currently in your soul, and I know your name, because I’m the one that named you.

“Huh?” I mumble. My new mother? My soul? I turn my head to the side in confusion, and look back at her.

“I’m sure you have plenty of questions, but for now please just let me explain,” She says, looking at me. “Care to go for a walk with me?” she then asks.

“Sure?” I respond. I’m not sure if I have much of a choice in the matter here. She stands back up, and we both start to walk through the white plane, the woman just stares down at me.

“Uh, is something wrong?” I ask, looking up at her. Why’s she just staring at me?

“You look just like me when I was younger,” she replies. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,” she continues, before pausing and taking a deep breath.

I look like her? Me? I look her over once more, taking notice of her beautiful face, and her hourglass figure. She’s joking… right?

She begins talking again, “My name is Vestele, and as I stated before I am your mother, at least I am now. Several years ago, I was caught up in a dispute with a vampire.”

So, there’s vampires too?

“He was not fond of my answer to a question of his and we got into a bit of a dispute. During our fight, he severely wounded me, and then sent me off to a different world.” Vestele stops in place, looking up at the sky. She takes another deep breath before looking back down and continuing, “Where I found myself was a world with little to no spyr, your world to be precise.” Vestele says with apprehension in her voice.

Why does she sound so upset? Wait…I’ve heard her voice before!

“You! You’re the voice that I was hearing in the forest!” I exclaim.

“That is correct. Gravely wounded as I was, I began calling out to anyone for help. After a couple of years, I started to give up hope, but then you appeared,” Vestele replies.

No way...The new investigation area?

“I was desperate, I needed someone, so I tried to communicate with you, while I gathered what spyr I could from your world. However, it seems you could only barely hear me,” Vestele says, the apprehension in her voice becoming more noticeable.

“Realizing I only had no other choice, I used what spyr I had left to lead you back to me.”

Wait, so all those crazy events was her doing? Vestele continues to speak.

“That was where I used you. I needed a solid source of spyr; so, I used you as that source. I took the spyr from your body, and used it to fuel myself, allowing me to return to this world,” Vestele explains, tears starting to roll down her cheeks, “However, I could only create one body.” 

So, I really did die back there, and it was because of her. Sadness washes over me.

Vestele runs over to me, crouching down, and wraps her arms around me again, “I’m sorry! Because of me, you died back in your world.” Her crying causes emotions to well up within me as well.

My vision becomes cloudy as tears began rolling down my face as well. Falling to my knees, Vestele also drops to her knees still embracing me. 

After we both calm down a bit, Vestele continues with her explanation.

“I did not want to bring you any harm, since you had been talking with me for all those months. It warmed my heart, knowing that I wasn’t alone anymore. That’s why, I brought your spirit with me,” Vestele says softly, still embracing me, “I planned on keeping your spirit within my soul until I returned to the spirit realm, there I’d be able to give you a new body… but something seems to have happened.”

“What do you mean?” I mutter quietly.

“Instead of me being in control, your spirit ended up being used as the core of the body I made,” Vestele answers, “I’m not sure what happened, but now, you’re in control of the body while I’m stuck within your soul.”

So, my spirit ended up in this body. And because this body was meant for her, I’m now a girl, and a fairy. How funny, she’s the cause of both my death and life. Still holding onto her, the comfort she provides makes me feel better.

Vestele continues, looking over at me, her eyes still filled with worry. “I’m sorry, I needed to come back to my world. I hope you understand, I meant no harm, but that does not change the fact that I did alter your reality and life by bringing you to this world,” Vestele says, hugging me again with tears rolling down her face.

“I have no issues with you hating me. I will receive any punishment you desire, and will do whatever I can to help you, but please before any of that, I have a request. Please make your way to the spirit realm,” She says, crouching as she gets me to stand up. She then stands up and takes a step back away from me.

“Vampires and spirits, other worlds, and realms. And then, you ate my spyr or whatever to keep yourself alive? And now you want me to go to this spirit realm? Why should I?” I ask glumly, several emotions welling up in me. These emotions were a mixture of anger, sadness, disgust, and oddly enough, happiness?

Why am I feeling happy? I can’t seem to place it, but just being around this woman, Vestele, I just get this sense of comfort.

Sighing aloud, Vestele replies bluntly, “To answer your questions, yes, there are vampires, spirits, and many other races throughout the various worlds and realms. I did not consume your spirit, but rather your body’s spyr. Yes, I would like for you to head to the spirit realm, as it is the home where us fairies normally live.”

“As for your last question, I would love to say that it’s because your mother is requesting it, but I doubt you would be satisfied with just that,” she pauses before taking another deep breath and then continues. 

“So, let me reintroduce myself. My name is Vestele Nobalesca Zoan, the current queen of the fairies. As the queen,” she explains, “I am in charge of managing the elements within the other realms of our world. Without proper management, the elements can run rampant or diminish. This will cause natural disasters throughout all the realms within our world. If I am not able to return, then many disasters are likely to befall various civilizations.”

Queen of the fairies?

Vestele, taking another breath before asking, “Is that a good enough reason for you? Ah, it looks like we’re out of time.”

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“Look at your hands.” Vestele replies.

 I look at my hands and see that my hands are becoming transparent. I scan the rest of my body, it’s also disappearing.

“What’s going on!?” I scream, panic in my voice.

Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. You’re going to wake up like normal,” Vestele explains.

As I continue fading away, she runs over to me, hugging me once again. 

“Please think over my request. I will look forward to your answer, my daughter,” Vestele cries, “Please be good, and stay safe.” She holds me tightly until I completely disappear.

Did I do a good job describing how it would be to be small? How did you guys feel about Vestele? Would you be angry at Vestele if you were in Evetta’s shoes?