Chapter Five : The Diners Who Dueled and Chapter Six : The Choice of Her Path
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Chapter Five : The Diners Who Dueled

Kozuke looks at the three in the corner of the dining room, eyeing the youkai anxiously together. He chuckles and walks around the table. After a moment, Kiyomi stands, her fluffy tail swishing as she follows him with a little smirk on her face. Sensing it, Kozuke looks over his shoulder and gives her an admonishing look before turning his attention to the three. Kiyomi sticks her tongue out at him and grins at the three, following him.

When Kozuke comes to a stop, he bows slightly. “I apologize that we borrowed your dining room. One of the best way to pay youkai for services is to feast them.” He smiles.

“Oh, is that true?” Mana asks, with an interested expression. “That’s very good to know,” she comments as she smiles.

“Would you three join us at the feast? You are to be honored by the feast as well.” Kozuke smiles.

“It’s for us, too?” Tatsuo asks, and looks nervously at the four gorillas who have already started devouring the contents of the table.

“You must be quick. Those four appear to have quite a voracious appetite after the work they have done. They aren’t finished with their work, but they will be soon,” Kozuke comments.

“What is it they’re doing here?” Tatsuo asks with a frown. “What are you all doing here in my friend’s house?” He steps between Madoka and Kozuke. Kiyomi covers her mouth and laughs softly behind it.

“What are you supposed to be, a guard vulture?” she laughs.

Kozuke chuckles and eyes her. Madoka looks at Tatsuo and chuckles a little at that herself.

“Haven’t they explained the situation to you?” Kozuke inquires with a raised eyebrow, looking at Madoka.

Madoka blushes intensely. “Ah… um… I got around to explaining how youkai are real, and that I’ve changed…” She twiddles her fingers and eyes Tatsuo. “I haven’t really gotten around to explaining beyond that.”

Mana laughs. “Ah, it’s hard to believe the rest,” she comments as she watches with an interested expression.

“The truth is, Tatsuo-san, that Madoka is none other than the one and only special shrine maiden for the kami Fujitabanare-sama,” Kozuke states with his tone laced with respect and pride. “And I am the lion-dog servant of the kami.”

Tatsuo whistles and gasps. “A miko? Not just a girl but actually a miko? Is that true?” He looks at Madoka, stunned.

“N-no… I never agreed to it!” Madoka yells.

Kozuke shakes his head and chuckles. “The kami protects you from the oni… but that blessing is not perpetual. If you don’t train you will not survive. These are the cards that your power, your fate, and your kami have dictated. Will you fight your fate?” Kozuke inquires gently. “Is it such a hard destiny to accept that you are a priestess?” he asks.

“Yes! I don’t want to be some kind of typical priestess running a shrine! It’s not what I thought I would be doing with my life. Why do I have to do that?” Madoka protests, hands on hips. She glares at Kozuke, her face flushed with anger and discomfort.

Kozuke shakes his head. “You misunderstand, Madoka. Kami is not asking that you live in a shrine or care for one. All that Kami asks for you at this time is that you take your training seriously and strengthen yourself to the point where you can protect yourself, if need be. To fight this is foolish,” Kozuke murmurs.

“I don’t know how foolish this is, crazy mutt. Your kami stole away my friend’s masculinity from him. She wants to turn him into some kind of biddable servant who will do whatever she wants, right? That isn’t right!” Tatsuo challenges Kozuke, staring into his face. For a long moment, the two face each other off and for a moment, Madoka sees the image of a vulture facing down against a lion-dog, both with battle auras blazing, as they stare each other down.

“Greaseball here has a point, Kozy.” Kiyomi puts a gentle hand on his arm and looks at Madoka. “You’re too vulnerable, and too scrumptiously delicious smelling.” She grins. “The fact of the matter is, the youkai will have a very difficult time resisting the urge to devour you, not just the oni. Kozy is right, you know. Sooner or later, something or someone, such as I… will outfox him and you’ll become someone’s tasty little treat.” She smirks. “If you’re so against training, with some form of… payment… I might consider protecting you.” She licks her lips lazilly, eyeing Madoka.

Madoka blushes redly and hides behind Tatsuo.

“It’s a youkai… how am I supposed to protect you from that?” Tatsuo protests as he struggles against Madoka’s sudden tight grip.

Meanwhile, Kozuke eyes Kiyomi; the aura of a lion dog with bristling hair emanates from him, and she stares back at him with a challenging expression, her own aura emanating from her while Kiyomi idly taps her fan against her free hand.

“Do something, or they’ll wreck my house…” Mana protests, moving behind Madoka and urging her quietly. “Just do the right thing and take your miko duties seriously. Be a good daughter and…”

“No! I don’t want to!” Madoka yells, clinging to Tatsuo. Tatsuo, on the other hand, suddenly notices that Madoka’s breasts are pressed firmly against his back. His expression of exasperation turns into a silly grin and his nose starts bleeding.

“Hey… that’s cool. I’ll fight anyone for you, Madoka.” He grins giddily, and snorts, steam seeming to pour from him; his vulture-like aura seems to magnify, and the other two who were still standing off against each other eye him again with raised eyebrows.

“Tatsuo-kun, don’t be stupid.” Mana frowns as she steps in front of him. “She’s a miko now. She has a costume too, and it’s adorable. Don’t you think it’s a good idea for her to learn how to be a miko? You know you want to see Madoka in that costume, right?” she whispers into Tatsuo's ear.

Kiyomi steps forward and runs her fan from Tatsuo’s stomach to his chin, looking into his eyes as she emphasizes her amazing body in her yukata. “Don’t you want to let her go? I promise I’ll dress her up in amazing clothes that will make your eyes pop. Don’t you want to see that?”

Tatsuo gasps and an even sillier grin spreads on his face.

“Mom!!!” Madoka protests, seeing Tatsuo’s reaction, blushing. “He’s my best friend.” Madoka lets go. “It’s not right for a guy to lust for his friend like that,” she protests.

“Guy and girl relationships aren’t normal. It will give you a bad reputation.” Mana wiggles a finger at Madoka. “Anyone looking might think that he’s your…” Mana warns Madoka.

“No! Don’t say that!” Madoka gasps, clapping a hand on Mana’s mouth quickly, eyes as wide as they can go. “I don’t like guys!” she whispers fiercely.

“Personally, I really like the idea of your becoming a miko. With a body like that! But on the other hand, you wearing amazing sexy clothes...” Tatsuo grins, a perverted lustful expression on his face.

Madoka gasps at Tatsuo. “You’re a total pervert!”

“Why don’t we shelve this and have some dinner and talk more civilized about it afterwards with full stomachs?” Kozuke suggests, eyeing Tatsuo with distaste.

“I can agree with that. Based on her decision, we’ll decide her fate.” Kiyomi smiles that challenging smile.

“Isn’t there any more food?” one of the gorilla youkai asks.

Everyone turns to the table, and note that the entire feast has been devoured. One of the gorillas belches loudly.

Later that night, the four gorillas shuffle out in a line and bow repeatedly as they walk out of the yard. Kiyomi watches them go and turns to Kozuke with a smile. “My job is completed faithfully, Kozy. Now let’s talk about this ravishingly lovely girl’s fate.” She gestures towards Madoka with her fan.

Madoka blushes and squirms.

Kozuke sighs. “I see you’re going to be difficult. Why would that be?” he inquires.

“She’s too delicious to pass up on. Oh, I don’t mean to literally eat… I speak rather of a special relationship.” She eyes Madoka with a very inviting expression, and a very hungry one.

“Yuri?” Tatsuo gasps. “You know Madoka used to be a guy, right?”

“I’m well aware.” Kiyomi smiles primly.

“You don’t care about that at all?” Tatsuo asks her.

“You don’t care either right? She has a great body! Somehow I don't think it makes any difference to you either.” She chuckles.

Tatsuo blushes brightly. “No… I really don’t.” He laughs.

“You have a girlfriend, you lech!” Madoka gasps, blushes, and scowls at Tatsuo.

“What do you want to do, more to the point, Madoka?” Kozuke eyes the two with a sigh. “These two obviously lust after you. Kami’s and my intentions for you are pure, mostly for your benefit. Which do you really prefer? Kiyomi might have cleverness enough and power enough to protect you, but you won’t have any power personally. It seems clear what the best choice available to you is.”

Madoka frowns and squirms a little. “I don’t have to dance at festivals? No weird rituals?” she asks, hedging.

“If you elected, you certainly could, but none of that is required of you. You will have a completely normal high school life, and more important, you’ll learn how to control the spiritual power that is attracting youkai.” Kozuke gestures, his hands imploring.

Madoka hesitates.

“Of course choosing me is the best choice, isn’t it? You used to be a man, and you know exactly what you like, don’t you, Madoka-chan?” Kiyomi suddenly quickly glomps Madoka and snuggles her, seizing her head and pressing Madoka’s face firmly into her very impressive breasts. Madoka turns red from head to toe.

Chapter Six : The Choice of Her Path

Madoka flails and blushes furiously; finally she stops struggling against Kiyomi’s firm grip on her head and instead snuggles as she considers the situation.

I don’t understand why she is so interested in me… it’s very flattering… but I don’t want to just rely on someone for the rest of my life. I’m not a child! she thinks, sighing softly.

“Oh… have you chosen, lovely one?” Kiyomi asks gently, stroking her hair.

Madoka looks up at her face between her bosoms and blushes a little more. Finally, she steps back and straightens as Kiyomi releases her with a warm smile.

“You know the right thing to do, don’t you?” Kiyomi asks.

“What will you do?” Kozuke asks with a sigh. “I can’t make you to do anything. I’m not permitted to make the decision for you,” Kozuke murmurs.

“Oh, sweet one,” Mana murmurs sympathetically. “I raised you to be dutiful. You know what is right.”

“Oh, man… this is pretty heavy.” Tatsuo grins a wry grin.

Everyone stares at her, watching her, surrounding her.

“Make the choice.” Kiyomi taps her fan against her wrist with an impatient expression on her face.

Madoka stands upright and clenches her fists firmly, taking a deep breath.

“I’ll do it!” Madoka yells aloud.

Everyone stares blankly at her in response to the shockingly raised volume of her voice. Kiyomi smiles faintly, her expression somewhat smug. “State what you will do.”

Madoka looks around, blushing, and moderates her vocal volume. “I will train and become a Shrine Maiden,” Madoka says, her tone fragile, but with undertones of self-assuredness in it.

“Of course!” Kiyomi raises her fan and swats Madoka with her folded fan. “It’s the only proper decision you could make. I would have cared for you until the time you chose it for yourself, but it seems all is well.” She grins. “Although, I must admit the temptation to take a nibble would have been nigh irresistible.” She laughs aloud.

“What?” Kozuke gasps as he approaches Kiyomi. “You are toying with her. Are you serious?” he exclaims, baffled. “Did you not mean to fight me tooth and nail for her?”

Kiyomi unfolds her fan and laughs behind it, her laugh a typical haughty “Ohohohohoho!”

“What does that corny laugh mean, foxy wench?” Kozuke asks, his expression like that of a dog or a cat with bristling hair. “Answer me clearly.”

Kiyomi folds her fan and thrusts suddenly; Kozuke catches the tip of the fan like a sword blade, his expression serious.

“I meant what I said, butler-dog-lion-sama!” she grins. “The child intrigues me. I will look after her from time to time as well. You can count on my assistance. I won’t give up on a chance for a tryst, however.” She eyes Madoka with a coquettish expression.

“Good day, little mistress. We will see each other another day soon.” She laughs and walks up the path in the direction the four gorilla youkai went, her hips swaying in a way that draws everyone's attention like iron filings to a particularly potent magnet.

Even Kozuke watches her leave, shaking his head and adjusting his collar. Tatsuo watches with open lust in his eyes. “What a lady!” He whistles aloud.

“She’s shameless, but interesting,” Mana sniffs, her tone slightly disapproving.

Tatsuo turns and looks to Madoka. “Isn’t there any small bit of manliness left inside of you? You can't tell me that that walk doesn’t affect you, ma--mmm…” he mumbles, looking at Madoka uncertainly.

Madoka looks away from her to Tatsuo and shrugs, blushing. “I don’t know what you mean by manliness. I don’t feel very… manlike anymore, honestly. This is so disorienting, man. But her walk does affect me, among other things.” She blushes and twiddles her fingers.

“Oh, really? Well, that’s good. You’re still my wingma-- wing… wing... err…” Tatsuo trails off.

“Wing-girl?” Madoka asks with a little laugh.

“Oh, Kami, that’s incredibly odd. If we went together anywhere, it would look more like a date, ya know?” he asks, with a little gleam in his eyes.

“Oh, no thank you.” Madoka’s nose crinkles.

“What’s wrong with me, exactly?” Tatsuo asks, clutching his chest as though a knife had plunged into it suddenly.

“Er… nothing, really… you’re a good guy. But a guy doesn’t do it for me…” Madoka squirms, blushing.

“Oh, you think I’m a good guy? That’s a place to start, I guess, eh?” he laughs. “Well, fine. That reminds me, nice guy I am, I brought you your homework and notes from class. I left them in your living room in a daze when this whole situation was sprung on me. I lost track of it with everything you told me all about your situation earlier.” Tatsuo chuckles awkwardly.

“Oh… right, thank you, Tatsuo. I’m glad you took the time to do that for me.” Madoka smiles in an amazingly cute way that makes Tatsuo’s heart throb for a moment as he stares at her.

“That won’t be necessary,” Kozuke states, his tone regretfully. “I must inform you that Madoka will not be able to resume classes at the same school. This must not become publicly known. Do I need to reiterate that this must remain a very closely kept secret?”

Tatsuo gapes at him, suddenly looking poleaxed. “What? I didn’t realize that she wouldn’t just return to… I guess it makes… sense… man… we’re not going to school together anymore? What a drag…” he trails off, disappointed.

“Oh… that’s right.” Madoka sighs.

Suddenly, Madoka notices her father inside the gate, his gaze turned in the direction where Kiyomi disappeared. His expression seems far away. He turns towards the people gathered in the yard and blinks.

“Oh, hello. Butler-san… Tatsuo-san. Why are you all gathered on the doorstep. Was that beautiful silver-haired lady coming from our home?” he exclaims.

Beautiful you say, Anata?” Mana inquires with a brittle tone and a flat look.

“Oh! Yes, lovely! Stunning, but nothing as amazing as my lovely wife,” he laughs. “Don’t you think, Butler-san? No one beats the loveliness of my wonderful wife… and my daughter!” he laughs.

Kozuke covers his mouth and covers a smile.

“Err… oh… speaking of what we discussed this morning, I’ve successfully managed to pull some strings through my bosses… and thanks to their kind assistance…” He looks at Madoka and gapes, trailing off.

“Where did you get that expensive yukata… Mana, we can’t afford that! What have you done? Are you spoiling hi-- her…” he groans.

Mana expression softens sympathetically. “No, although I think you need to understand that we will need to take on the burden of paying for a new wardrobe for Madoka. I don’t think we can afford anything quite as extravagant as this lovely yukata. Doesn’t it make her look incredibly lovely?” she asks with a proud expression.

“It does… it really looks amazing on her,” Nobuo comments, shaking his head. “You said we didn’t buy her this yukata?” he asks with a forced smile.

“No. It was the silver-haired beautiful lady,” Mana replies crisply and primly as she eyes him.

Nobuo laughs loudly and runs his fingers through his hair and grins nervously. “Oh. Such a fashion sense… yes. Speaking of which, I do believe we will have to foot a bill for purchasing new clothes for h-- her. I think we can afford a few... new…” Nobuo murmurs.

Mana cuts him off. “More than a few. If we want everyone to see what a beautiful and stylish daughter we have, she should have the best. A girl that looks like ours should be as stylish as possible, don’t you think?”

“I… I think that’s a good idea… but I don’t see why…” Nobuo tries to protest, looking confused.

“Of course you don’t. You’re a man.” Mana rolls her eyes. “You’re fine with three good suits. That’s fine for a salaryman, and plain modest clothing will do for myself, but for a lovely girl who is very much model material -- like Madoka -- needs to look her best. I have every confidence that she will grow up to be someone really special.” Mana’s eyes sparkle as she looks at Madoka.

Madoka gapes at her mother’s bulldozing over her father’s protests. His attempts to protest become weaker and weaker until he finally surrenders, looking defeated.

“If it helps, I think I can help a little with this effort. We understand the burden that this will impose upon you. You aren’t alone in this struggle, sir.” Kozuke bows with a splendid flourish towards Nobuo. He stares dully at Kozuke and a grin slowly spreads on his face.

“Oh! Kozuke-san. Such a decent and splendid man you are!” he exclaims happily. “You are such a wonderful addition to this family. Why don’t we discuss this further… you did say something about a sumptuous and delicious dinner, did you not?” He slaps Kozuke on the back and urges him towards the house door. Mana smiles a fond smile as she watches him walk into the house with Kozuke, his arm patting him heartily on his back.

She looks at Madoka. “We will get more details about this later. For the moment, I think it would be best if we went to a mall. I think perhaps in Shibuya. Kozuke can reimburse us later. Let’s go.” She eyes Tatsuo with pursed lips. “Come along, young man. We could use the assistance of a muscular young man.” She smiles.

“A muscular young man?” Tatsuo asks, his eyes suddenly wild and casting back and forth for an escape. “Actually, I think I…” he trails off.

“You want to help your best friend, don’t you? I’m sure you’ll enjoy seeing Madoka try on new clothes, won’t you?” Mana smiles.

Tatsuo gapes a moment and a look of pure lust shines in his eyes for a moment, and he straightens. “Uh… well… I’m kind of busy, but I guess I’ll let you twist my arm this time, ma’am. I’m a gentleman after all, you know?” He grins.

Madoka eyes Tatsuo and chews her lip, then looks at her mother.

“But I don’t want any more frilly clothes… I’m getting used to this… I don’t think I’m ready for…” Madoka protests.

“Ready for it or not, it has happened, daughter. You have to live with the cards that have been dealt to you, and honestly, you’ve been dealt a winning hand. Don’t complain about the kami’s blessings. You are going to be an amazing woman.” She laughs and gestures towards Madoka’s yukata, emphasizing her high regards for the quality of the yukata. She hesitates a moment. “Wait here a moment. I’ll let Nobuo know, and get my purse. You should go with me in that lovely yukata.” She beams, gestures, and rushes into the house, leaving the two alone in the yard.

“You really going to do this? You going to let her dress you up like a doll?” Tatsuo asks.

“Well, that’s what you want, right? I could see the lust in your eyes again, you pervert!” Madoka blushes and pokes Tatsuo’s chest.

“Well, yes.” Tatsuo smiles eagerly. “I do.”

“I should just run away while I can.” Madoka bites her lip.

“Nah. You run away from this and you’re not a man,” Tatsuo responds with a smirk.

“What?” Madoka asks with an incredulous expression on her face, hands on hips.

“You heard what I said. Be a man and give it your best.” Tatsuo grins.

“.... you… you… asshole,” Madoka mutters, crossing her arms under her breasts and looking away.

Tatsuo grins, hiding a victory sign behind his back.