Chapter Thirty : The Miko Who Fought That Guy Again, I Mean Seriously, When Will He Quit? Part Two
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Hihi! Here's the second half of the final chapter, but there's a bonus chapter! I will release it on New Years day when the new novel is released! I hope you'll all pile onto that and give me some decent starting stats! <3 Expect next week to be skipped for Christmas, but come New Years Day which coincidentally a Wednesday, they will go live simultaneously. The last chapter of this story goes first so I can announce the release! Assuming nothing goes amiss, it will be done on time! There are a few complications with the cover art, but I have faith in my artist friend! <3  Nyaaaaa!

Chapter Thirty : The Miko Who Fought That Guy Again, I Mean Seriously, When Will He Quit? Part Two


Madoka sits on the edge of the platform taking a deep breath. Aoi hugs her tightly Kiyomi stands next to them.

“It’s time we fight!” Kozuke snarls. “There’s no time for doubt or hesitation!” He shifts into his komainu form and launches himself from the platform down to the street below. Madoka watches for a long moment and then touches her magatama. Her new jeweled golden spear materializes in a flash of energy. She grips the spear tightly and looks into Aoi’s eyes.

“We have your back. We all do. Call on everyone and we’ll destroy Yoshimaru’s followers. Believe in us and yourself.” Aoi gazes into Madoka’s eyes and suddenly presses her lips to Madoka’s. Madoka gasps and returns the kiss softly.

“Ohhhh… you owe me a kiss, Madoka-chan! I’m a good girl! Love me too!” Kiyomi gasps as she leaps down. She shifts into her ninetails form on the way. Madoka and Aoi kiss lingeringly, and suddenly Madoka yelps as she’s pushed off the edge of the platform. She hears a giggle as Kanna takes form in a flurry of green motes as she follows. She dances in the air. Nearby, Eiji takes form in a furious flame. When they near the ground, a platform rises momentarily in the square. Ippei appears atop it as the others land and Aoi leaps down. A flow of water explodes from a nearby water main and slows Aoi’s descent. She lands calmly and gracefully by Madoka’s side.

The four pose to either side of Madoka who lands surprisingly gracefully herself. Kiyomi and Kozuke flank the platform dramatically. All around the square, robed forms surround them. They cry out and charge inwards towards them. Ippei lifts his hands and powerfully yet rhythmically lowers them. The platform drops to restore the square to its normal form. The followers of Yoshimaru unsheathe their assorted weapons.

“Go!” Madoka orders. The four grin and explode outwards to meet the rush of Yoshimaru’s followers’ attack. Madoka wields her spear and then runs into battle herself. Kiyomi and Kozuke snarl and leap into the fray. Kozuke bowls over numerous cultists. The sound of cute screams fills the air as they bowl over. Kiyomi rains lighting energy on them and they scream even more loudly.

More than few’s robes explode into shreds, destroyed by the quick work of Kanna, to reveal overly sexy feminine bodies.

“YES! Fight for my glory, my brave warriors! All you dream of will be yours! With Kami on your side, you can’t lose!” Yoshimaru laughs, filling the square with his menacing voice.

A surge of zeal explodes within Yoshimaru’s followers and the tide of the one-sided battle takes a turn.

“Now attack, my youkai disciples!” Yoshimaru cries out. Suddenly, portals open all around and assorted youkai leap from them; the roar of a familiar youkai’s cry shakes the square as wings beat heavily above. Madoka looks up to see a dragon.

“My Kami commands me. I’m sorry for you that I will not humor your silly request,” Ashes snarls as she leaps for the hospital bed, sword lifted high. She brings it down savagely.

A squirming form wiggles free of the blankets next to Nobue and a kawaii kitsune face appears. She thrusts her cute arms up and golden light coalesces to meet the blade of Ashes. She flinches, but her determination focuses.

“Oh well… the cat’s out of the bag… or should I say the little fox?” Arisu giggles and charges in, claws first. “Well, the cat is here too!” Her tail lashes and she spins into a powerful kick that takes Ashes in her back.

“Whew! It’s a Maid Force victory!” Momo and Nami cheer together. “Good for you, little cousin!” Momo grins at Sari. “You’ve grown so much!” Sari squirms out from under the blankets and her face beams. She shows that she’s wearing a maid costume again.

“I’ll show baka how completely defeated she is!” she giggles.

“No… let me help!” a voice chimes in.

Madoka gasps, looking up at the screen, distracted suddenly while she lashes out fiercely with her golden spear, disabling one after another follower, her weapon flying faster than she could imagine.

Her eyes stream tears as a new figure shows up on the screen with a victory pose. She tosses her blonde hair and smiles brightly.

“Fight hard, Madoka-chan! You need to fight hard because I’ll surpass you senpai!” Emi winks. “And you can fight, because there’s an amazing surprise for you!” She stands and gestures grandly, posing in the maid costume she’s wearing at the moment.

“Meet our honorary Maid Force members!” Arisu crows as she skirmishes with Ashes. Ashes growls, blushing.

“Are you still broadcasting this, Kami? How cruel!” Ashes complains loudly as she fights naked.

“Ummies… so it’s my job to show… so here you go, older sister Madoka!” Sari giggles and whips the blankets and sheets off the bed to show a pile of pillows under it.

Madoka gapes, and Ashes’ expression is equally stunned. “No!!!” she screams, and her expression becomes even more determined as spiritual energy wells from her body. Emi turns towards Ashes, and Madoka gapes as she sees spiritual energy well from Emi’s body on the screen. The pressure of her energy is visible! Can anyone see how she shines? Emi reaches into the air and a bow appears in her hands. She draws back the string of the bow and the eyes of Ashes and Emi clash. The tension is plain to onlookers.

“Miko apprentice battle, go!” Arisu yells out like the MC on a television program.

Emi lets loose her energy arrows in a flurry towards Ashes. Ashes cries as she spins her oversized blade.

“With your power, you’re a flickering candle compared with me!” Ashes yells as she charges towards Emi.

“I have the Maid Force at my back!” Emi giggles.

“Yes!” the girls cheer all together. Ko reforms on the floor of the room and starts beatboxing as though to create a theme song for their battle.

Chie charges and sends a flurry of her pinions towards Ashes to join Emi’s long-range assault, though the room is small. Ashes yelps and struggles to block and dodge the attacks, and some of Chie’s pinions strike true in sensitive locations. Ashes screams. “If you want to take this to a different battle site, it’s to my benefit! Follow me!” she yells as she sends a surge of energy to explode the window outwards and leaps out of the room.

The girls dash after, though Emi moves more diffidently than the maids do. Arisu pauses to make a victory pose for the screen. “Don’t worry! We have this, Mistress Madoka!” Arisu cheers and bounds after the others. Her tail whips as she leaps with a squeal.

Meanwhile, as Madoka continues her fight, twirling and swinging her spear with abandon around her, she notices that the oncoming youkai are a greater threat than the followers are.

A group of large oni charge in towards Madoka. Aoi dances to her right and Kanna sails to her left. The three meet their charge head on and Madoka slices with a mighty strike that cleaves an oni in half. Aoi’s watery blade strikes precisely with her amazing technique.

“How are you so amazing?” Madoka giggles as she battles a second large oni. To the side, a youkai battles Kiyomi, her hair alive. Madoka gasps. Aika again? You’re still my enemy?

“Because I always idolized samurai. I am samurai, goshujinsama!” Aoi cries out loudly as she spins and her liquid katana clears a path through followers. She bounds towards an oni and leaps into the air. Her sword strikes with a flurry that the eyes can’t follow. The oni gurgles and topples over. Water explodes from its body as though it were blood.

“You won’t outshine me, Aoi-chan!” Eiji grins as he rushes to back up Kiyomi against Aika, who looks more fearsome than ever. A torrent of hair explodes from the pavement and seizes Kiyomi and Eiji, who burns the hair as quickly as it comes at him, but the hair is endless. His fists beat out rhythmically, sending bursts of flame.

Ippei springs from the ground and dances. As he does, the ground seals around Aika’s hair and her attack is blunted. She screams loudly and sends a tsunami of hair to finish Kiyomi. Kiyomi screams; a torrent of water orbs appear, and a deluge drenches Aika’s hair tsunami, making it closer to a real tsunami, yet the power of her strike is blunted magnificently.

“Have a taste of your own medicine!” Kanna yells. She reaches into one of her pouches and slings an object into one of the water orbs around Aika. The water orb seethes with soapy suds.

Kiyomi laughs. “I adore your shikigami!” She grins with her fox face. The orb explodes, buffeting Aika with the soap-like substance.

“Take our combination depilatory cream attack!” Kanna crows as she lashes out at the remaining followers. Their robes tighten around their oversexed forms as though their cult robes have become straitjackets. Meanwhile Aika screams loudly. Her hair disintegrates as she lashes out towards Kiyomi. Every strike results in more and more of her hair tearing free to fall flat and brittle on the pavement.

“You recovered after I humbled you? You’re pretty determined. Why do you fight for that oni?” Kiyomi asks.

“I-it’s my loss,” Aika cries as she goes to her knees. “I’m sorry. He gave me everything I wanted. My dreams I had to be a world-famous hairdresser… I can pursue those dreams now even though I’m a youkai… he gave me a generous grant.”

“Awww… chase your dreams, Aika! Just because you’re a youkai doesn’t mean you have to give up your dreams. Just don’t sell out. Your determination will see you to victory!” Kiyomi says supportively.

There’s an eruption noise and a new wave of youkai charge in. One of them appearing as an enormous grinning skull. Madoka yells and everyone jumps to her side as Kiyomi, Kozuke and Madoka’s shikigami prepare for a final stand.

Aika cries as fearsome youkai tromp around her.

Madoka brandishes her spear fearlessly. “Go! We’ll beat them and make Yoshimaru face us head on!” she yells.

Ashes waits in the street outside the hospital. Rare onlookers stare as the nude woman stands holding her sword looking like a giant.

The maids leap down. When Emi jumps down, the kitsune twins catch her and set her down. Emi redraws her bowstring to her cheek. Chie and Arisu flank her and the twin kitsune stand behind her.

Sari looks down from above with a cute smile. “Did I do well, Kozuke-sama? She looks towards where the screen would be broadcasting. No camera exists in the room. Only magic allows for the transmission. She winks for the screen and poses with her fingers separated like a salute as Yoshimaru cuts off the broadcasting.

Meanwhile, Emi lets loose her arrows and Ashes moves her blade in a flurry. “Haha… you think that’s enough to defeat me, weakling? I’ll show you that my spiritual power trumps yours!” She fiercely grimaces as she charges the Maid Force.

“We’ve got your back, Emi-chan!” Arisu grins gleefully as she rushes to meet the attack. Ashes brings her blade down on Arisu, and she deftly catches the blade in her clawed hands, her tail lashing and her ears twitching.

“So cool, Arisu!” Chie grins. “I won’t lose to you my rival!” Chie flaps into the air and spins into an aerial divebomb. Her skirt flies up around her torso.

Ashes stares up with a blank expression. “Did you think a moe attack would affect me? I don’t like girls!” Ashes spins and turns her blade into a skewer to impale Chie. Suddenly there’s a burbling behind Ashes.

“Let me translate for Ko-chan. Ahem…” Momo says. “I know your weakness!”

Ashes gasps and her eyes widen as she looks down to see her lower body encased again by Ko. “N-no!!!” she screams loudly.

At that moment everyone piles on top of Ashes, except for Emi and Sari, who look on.

“K-kyuuuuuu!” Ashes screams desperately. Emi and Sari turn red and look away bashfully.

The giant skull youkai bears down on Madoka and her desperate forces. To the side, other strong youkai charge in to put an end to her career.

“Madoka! I’m not the only youkai who has had a change of heart!” Aika yells loudly for a moment, drowning out the shrieks and yells of the attacking youkai. A loud roar from above sounds and something massive lands on the enormous skull poised to devour them all.

“The dragon!” Kiyomi yells and laughs. “The service of my maids has shifted its heart! It’s on our side!” She grins a foxy grin and shifts to her girl form.

“Fear the power of a girl!” Kiyomi says behind her fan. Electrical orbs form all around her and disperse. The shikigami charge into action and attack more fiercely than ever.

“Save your energy, goshujinsama, for your final fight!” Aoi cries out.

“Beat that evil bastard, goshujinsama! It’s time!” Eiji crows and beats his fiery rhythm down on the heads of the youkai attacking them.

The dragon roars at it combats the giant skull youkai.

“Very well. I agree. The time is right. I’ve collected enough prayers… now my hand moves. It’s my victory!” Yoshimaru’s voice yells as he appears in a burst of ridiculous dark power. His appearance is strange. He crackles with energy and there are strange cracks in his mask.

Suddenly the shikigami shriek as one. “W-we’ll defeat you all!” Aoi screams. “M-Madoka… win! We believe in you! You can do it! I-I love you!”

The shikigami turn into beacons of energy: red, blue, yellow, green. They shine at four corners around Madoka, and her weapon shines more brightly than ever as she charges at Yoshimaru. His dark blades ooze darkness as he meets Madoka’s attack. His body thrashes in a creepy fashion as though he’s possessed. The two skirmish for a long moment, Madoka’s spear savagely moving with speed far beyond her abilities. Yoshimaru’s blades move with a speed that seems truly godly.

The energy of the shikigami erupts outward. The yokai are bowled over and rendered helpless as they fly around the square, their attacks impossibly strong In moments the only ones left in the square are Kiyomi, Ippei, and Madoka.

“F-fight on!” Aoi flies past Madoka as Yoshimaru and she disengage. Their eyes meet for a moment. Aoi’s eyes are filled with tears. The shikigami dissipate into motes of light.

“P-Perhaps she’s low on energy after that…” Kozuke suggests, now in man form. Kiyomi flanks Madoka on the other side.

“No…” Kiyomi turns Madoka’s head and looks into her eyes. Madoka blushes as she looks into her eyes.

“She’s brimming with energy still… she doesn’t need my kiss yet,” Kiyomi states.

“Then why did they flee?” Kozuke asks as he shifts back to Komainu form.

“Why indeed?” Yoshimaru growls mysteriously. “The answer will come to you soon enough.” He laughs ominously. “You all are in my hands!” He charges Madoka again, blades first. Madoka gasps and meets his attack. Ripples of energy erupt in every direction, rocking the skyscrapers around. Kiyomi shifts into her kitsune form and the two charge in to join the fray.

The assault of the three batters Yoshimaru backwards. Despite his words, it seems he’s at a disadvantage. Meanwhile the dragon battles the giant skull youkai in the background, making the Shibuya scramble square louder than it ever has been. Kiyomi dances backward and launches an ice attack to freeze Yoshimaru in his tracks. Kozuke harries Yoshimaru’s legs, seeking an opportunity to hamstring him.

Madoka attacks with a flurry of golden energy. The darkness of Yoshimaru rises to answer her power. Parry after parry fly one after another as they furiously battle each other. The explosions of their blows meeting each other ripple through the square. Kiyomi charges in and rains down a torrent of lightning bolts summoned from the nearby electrical lines. Yoshimaru’s blades parry those, but his hands begin to smoke. As quick as light, he bats the blows away. In a moment of distraction, Kozuke’s jaws lock down on Yoshimaru’s leg. Yoshimaru yells loudly and draws his arms back to deal a lethal blow to Kozuke. His blades strike true, stabbing into his body repeatedly, but Kozuke doesn’t hesitate. His jaws close even more savagely on Yoshimaru’s leg.

“I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t abuse that poor mutt!” Kiyomi yells and charges in savagely. She seizes Yoshimaru’s neck in her jaws, crackling with energy.

“Y-you fools!” Yoshimaru yells. “Don’t think it’s your victory!” he snarls as Kiyomi’s jaws tighten. Yoshimaru pulses with dark energy and his blades move like a flurry, stabbing repeatedly into both. Their jaws remain locked on their respective target areas of his body, though their breathing becomes heavier as bloody froth leaks around their jaws.

“No!!! I won’t allow you to kill them!” Madoka yells. Her eyes flash, and suddenly incandescent golden energy surrounds her body. Her aura expands in volume to match the ripples of darkness emanating from Yoshimaru’s twisted form. “I won’t! Just die, Yoshimaru!” Madoka’s determined voice echoes through the square powerfully and she charges in to deliver a barrage of terrible stabs. Her eyes are fierce and hard as she drives her blade in over and over. Dark blood flows as her attacks land.

“You think it’s so easy?” Yoshimaru gasps and explodes with energy. Madoka flies backwards and braces herself, her shoes skidding on the pavement below as she comes to a stop unsteadily. Kozuke and Kiyomi are knocked far across the square. Kozuke crashes through a window, and his body lands limply on the floor of a shop. The alarm goes off, filling the square with even more noise. Kiyomi flies against a building and crashes noisily to the pavement prone.

Madoka charges in again, her teeth clenched, and Yoshimaru snarls. “No… you will die, Madoka,” he says with a strange calm.

His blades fly faster than Madoka can catch and she screams as she desperately protects those parts of her which would mean immediate death: her head, chest, main arteries and torso. Madoka’s beautiful kimono costume is drenched swiftly in her blood as blow after blow lands on her.

“Did you think you could defeat a God? You’re only a weak miko. You will now die. Your father may survive, but not for long. I will find him and he too will die. Your little friend Emi? All your silly little maids… I will hunt them down one by one.” Yoshimaru stabs Madoka repeatedly. Madoka screams loudly as she struggles to fight off Yoshimaru’s attacks. She gasps raggedly and coughs up a mass of blood.

Is that the highest you’ve risen, my Miko? You’re capable of more. Show me your true power! Kami urges Madoka. You can do it… show me your real power!

Madoka gasps as her heart starts hammering. She stares into the hateful expression of her enemy. With the encouragement of Kami, she feels at peace.

She closes her eyes and her stance relaxes as though to surrender her life.

Yoshimaru cackles and joins his blades, his body ripples with dark energy. Despite how ragged his form is now, his silhouette conveys only victory and strength. “You will die now, Madoka. You would never be anything were it not for me, and now you will be nothing at all!” he yells as his swords fuse into a larger blade. He wields it and moves in to impale Madoka at the speed of light.

Suddenly, golden light erupts from Madoka’s bloodied wrecked body. Her magatama shines with energy that buffets the dark energy surrounding the square. Yoshimaru’s blow lands true on Madoka’s body, and yet his strike is blunted. Madoka’s body shines and he gasps as he notices that her body is covered with armor now, in the style of her kimono costume. The components of classic Japanese armor are now her raiment. She wears kote, dou, kusazuri, haidate, and all gleam golden.

Tears stream from Madoka’s eyes as she raises the spear above her head. It’s now a two-ended spear. She moves her hands apart and it separates with a chain between the two parts. Yoshimaru gasps and draws his blade back; it separates with a flash of darkness into his two blades. Madoka suddenly charges forward as though powered by a rocket. Yoshimaru flinches before her lightning quick attacks, and she instinctively uses the chain to advantage, flinging the weapon at Yoshimaru, stabbing him repeatedly, and when he readies for more launches, she dances into his defense zone. Her repeated attacks score over and over as she stabs him. He yells and screams and the cracks in his mask deepen as Madoka’s blows rain down on him.

Madoka gathers herself and charges her energy for a final strike. Yoshimaru blocks it desperately, but his blades crack and shatter under her attack.

“Take your empty victory, fool… you’ve granted me my desire! We’ll see each other anon at the most crucial leyline in my grand plan! Find me again if you can, or cower here in Tokyo for all I care!” he snarls as his mask breaks into pieces. His body dissipates into dark motes before the searing light emitted by Madoka’s attacks. Madoka comes to a stop, passing through the motes; she falls to her knees and her spear and armor dissipate. Tears leak from Madoka’s eyes as she hugs herself.

“Something is… gone…” Madoka murmurs as she trembles and collapses.

Madoka gasps as she wakes up and her eyes open wide. She sees the form of her father standing over her. She sobs as she sees him, looking as hale and healthy as ever, though there’s a ravaged expression on his face. He takes Madoka’s hand.

“Madoka… you’ve been through so much…” he cries. “My son… my daughter…”

Madoka looks into the eyes of her father and her sobbing quickly becomes a flood of tears.

Nobuo looks down on Madoka for a long moment and he embraces Madoka as he might a daughter. They embrace for a long moment.

Madoka is wheeled out from the hospital in a wheelchair by her father. A group of friendly faces greet her, Kiyomi looking healthy and well, Kozuke looking well though a little ragged around the edges.

Emi waits with a warm smile. “I’ve made some arrangements and there’s a surprise waiting for you, senpai.” She winks at Madoka.

Madoka smiles brightly and sighs, exhausted.

“It’s time to rest isn’t it?” Madoka sighs softly.

“For now, Madoka.” Kozuke smiles. “Kami is pleased with her miko.”

“What surprise?” Madoka asks.

“You’ll see, Madoka-chan.” Kiyomi smiles as she charges towards Madoka and scoops her into her arms. “Can I have my reward now?” she asks with pursed lips.

Madoka turns scarlet and looks at Emi. “I’m so happy that you’re alright… where have you been? We were so worried for you!”

Kiyomi pouts. “I-ignored again…”

“In any case,” Emi states as she points to a large limousine parked before the hospital. “Here awaits your ride to your new home, Madoka-chan.”

Madoka gasps. “That’s unnecessary… I don’t need fine things like this… I’m fine riding on a bus.”

“No, allow us to spoil you.” Emi smiles and walks over to Madoka. Madoka looks into her eyes and they hug tightly. Madoka cries softly.

After a long while, Kozuke opens the door to the limousine and Madoka gasps to see that the maids are waiting inside. They grin as she’s helped inside. “E-everyone!” Madoka cries. “Thank you so much for your support!” She weeps.

“Of course! Everyone wants to support Madoka. You fight so hard!” Arisu exclaims. Chie sits down right next to Madoka and smiles shyly at her.

Meanwhile Sari charges at Madoka and climbs into her lap. “Oneechan! You’ll feel better!” She winks and puts her hands to either side of Madoka’s cheeks.

“Good girl!” Kozuke approves with a smile as the rest climb into the limousine. Madoka looks into the eyes of the small kitsune girl questioningly and she gasps as energy pours into her. She feels her body invigorated.

“I… I thought I wouldn’t be able to walk again… the damage was too much…” Madoka gasps.

“Nevwa too much for me to fwix. I’m determwined!” Saru exclaims with a childish lisp.

Everyone laughs and cries tears of joy as they embrace each other.

Book One - Mouikkai Musume Mohitotsu - End

- Credits -

Thanks to Trismegistus Shandy once again for polishing the story to make it much more!

Thanks to Yuki Kitsune for beta reading the entire series! She always gave me the best feedback, and thanks to her I was able to keep moving forward!

Thanks to everyone else who favorited Mohitotsu or me, and offered wonderful feedback and comments that warmed my heart along the way!

Please wait patiently and happily for my new novel and the chapter dedicated to Emi! It's in her viewpoint, so you learn about her mysterious reappearance! <3  I'm so looking forward to launching the new book! So much effort is going into it! *purrs*