5. Barling
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After finishing the repairs, and getting an actual paycheck of 30 gold coins from the now name-known, Captain Damian, Kooky quickly scampers off into Barling right as the ship lands at the dock for proper repairs. 30 gold isn't all that much, but it's enough to buy a book, and so off Kooky goes to pester random strangers about the nearest bookstore. Accan, on the other hand, has already been in Barling once, and had a book ordered at the only bookstore in the city, The Page's Of A Library. A quaint little shop nestled between the alley of the main road and the slums, built onto the side of the well known tavern, Callista's Tied-Tiefling.  

Maya, having climbed off the back side of the ship and making her way to a rendezvous point she had been informed of a few weeks prior, catches sight of Accan heading into the very same Alleyway, just as she sees Kooky waving at a buff woman before running into the Alley as well. Fate might seem strange and convoluted at times, but Maya called bullshit today, and was proven right when Accan entered the bookstore next to her rendezvous point, along with Kooky. As Maya enters the Tavern, and tosses a silver coin to the barkeep, Callista, she signals that she needs to speak with The Nose before heading into hallway off behind the bar.

Inside the bookstore, Kooky quickly starts rummaging through the disorganized shelves, looking for any books that may have hidden spells or formulas, as although not commonly done, some wizards were known for hiding their spellcraft and knowledge within story books and the like. Accan on the other hand greets the owner of the bookstore, a gnome who goes by the name of Kord. With his greying hair braided down his back, and what remains of his old glasses adorning his face, of which is stuffed in a rather mundane appearing book about baking desserts and candy.

"He-hello I'm here to pick up, pick up a book I had ordered, a general book on the, various deities that bless people. Like me. Deities and their blessings. Y-yeah I'm, I got the notice that the book was ready." Accan mumbles over the counter to the Shopkeeper, after he put down the cookbook he was reading.

"Why yes mister Con-man, I did indeed get the book in this recent month, I hope you're not too bothered by a wee bit of wear and tear, alright? Let me just go into the back room and bring it out for you Accan. An' please watch that Kobold so they don't steal nothing, thanks" The Shopkeeper whispers the last part, after teasing Accan over his name.

Kooky on the other hand, had managed to find a spellbook disguised as a historical fantasy rendition, detailing the journey of one "Bigosh Dekhesh", a profound fighter from another continent. Each chapter, from what Kooky could tell, detailed a different spell, but only "Mending" seemed any use for Kooky, since it was also the only one they didn't already have memorized. Skipping past the shelves and getting to the counter just as the Shopkeeper came emptyhanded out from the backroom.

"Ah, Mister Ren, I've been waiting for you to come by. You're order is ready in the backroom, if you'd follow me." The Shopkeeper states, without his prior teasing tone, holding the backroom door open, and just stands there.

"I'm not, I'm Accan, not 'Mister Ren', I uh, I-I don't think I should be going in, into the backroom. I would like to just buy my, buy the book. If that's o-okay?" Accan nervously looks around, and takes a few steps towards the store entrance. "I think I'd-I'll come b-back a bit later, after Mister Ren has gotten th-their books."

"Oh Mister Ren, your books are ready right now. If you'd just follow me into the backroom, we can get the process all sorted out." The Shopkeeper says again, still holding the backroom door open. 

The front door to The Page's Of A Library opens with Maya walking in and casually picking Kooky up, before hearing the door slam shut behind them, with the Shopkeeper, Hendrick, once more saying in the same exact polite tone,

"Mister Ren, your order is ready. If you would just follow me into the back room, we can get everything sorted out."