Chapter 108 Idol setbacks
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5th Felerach of Desariel 1237

Christine's POV

" Urgh, my head hurts a lot..." I said as I woke up, looking around I realized that I was in Bel's house... Except

Half of it is in ruin, at least from what I saw from the window that is half broken and is replaced by a thin cloth.

" Took you a while," I turned to the voice and saw Petrasha, with her having huge bags below her eyes. Clearly, she isn't sleeping well...

" You don't look good, have trouble sleeping? Want me to sing you to sleep?" I asked her. While Petrasha is no longer a child, nothing can be solved with some good singing~ especially mine which I have painstakingly trained years for!

" Yeah, just 1 week of no sleep. I have been living on kape for the past week. Mainly doing my work and babysitting you." Petrasha said as she let out a huge yawn.

" Huh? Why babysit me? Wait, how long was I asleep?" I asked.

" Not too long, just a few days. Didn't know that you have that kind of reaction to Bel's blood. I mean, I thought May's reaction to it was worst but you clearly take it up a new level." Petrasha answered. 

I am confused. Bel's blood? Hmm, judging by the fact that she said reaction, it probably means I consumed it. Ignoring the fact that I don't remember her feeding me it. The problem here is that I ingested dragon blood, and judging by anime tropes, having a negative effect upon consuming dragon blood means that my body is having trouble accepting it. Which probably answers why I slept for so long.

I am not sure what negative effect it will have on me, I will have to test it out. Commonly, the effect would be like a severed mana path or damaged organs, but I will leave the testing of it for later. What is important now, is that I have to find out one thing.

Why, did I consume Bel's blood? 

If we follow common isekai or just fantasy tropes, it would mean either I received life-threatening injuries, or there was an emergency that ensured that. Though judging the lack of bandages on me, it is probably not the first one.

" What happened?" I asked Petrasha.

" From what I know and the information that I have gathered, someone has been influencing our mind, causing us to fight Bel. The exact details of the fight are unknown to me as my memories of that is quite hazy and there aren't many witnesses. But do know that we have a demon in custody now for some reason. If I have to guess, he might be the one who is the cause of this. But I don't want to rush to conclusions yet. Oh, you're not the only one that drank Bel's blood. All of us had." Petrasha said, so we all got controlled... but why is Bel excluded? Nah, no need to tell me. She is a dragon, if dragons can be easily controlled, the world would already is in shambles.

" Though I am probably the only one that got grilled the most..." Petrasha said with a sad face, huh, something happened while I am not here? Meh doesn't matter.

" So what are you planning to do now? Bel won't be back so soon, so we have a lot of time to figure out things and try to reconcile. From what Paelisher said, Bel isn't mad but is still felt quite sad at our 'betrayal'." Petrasha said. What to do now huh, to be honest, things go as usual. Except that there won't be any more training for us, I can do with that, Bel's training is a bit too spartan but is good for us. But I could do with some time off with that, maybe it's time to spread the idol magic again!

" No, you won't be doing your idol stuff. I already told the girls in your group that you are taking a long hiatus." Petrasha said behind me...


No idol Christine? 

" You can't do this! It is my career!" I yelled.

" And it is your best friend that you hurt!" Petrasha yelled back.

" But she is not here! I will apologize when I am back then!" I continued.

" Whatever, you do your stuff, I will be going to grab the rest and hunt down the remaining humans then. Have fun while we do the dirty job." Petrasha said as she wears her jacket and went out.

Hunting humans huh? We were once humans you know... Talking about hunting, it still makes me nervous that we are killing fellow humans. In the games isn't it that we normally start with small fries like goblins or kobolds? The huge jump up to enemy soldiers is a lot... Plus... for real, the way Bel can kill them without even budging an inch scares me. Although I didn't see it straight up front, through the scope, I can see her face. It's like she became a cold heartless killing machine.

It scares me.

Lying back on the bed, I sighed. This was very different than the typical isekai story, not only are most troupes gone or invalidated, but our lives are completely different than what a typical isekai is. We don't kill monsters, we don't hunt down bandits, we just... do what normal beings do, live a day without fighting much. Just like back on Earth, living, working for money, and partying occasionally. Except I am now an idol!

I might sound like an ingrateful person but... I want to try the life of those isekai protags. Hunting down mobs, leveling up, getting stronger, just not a harem... I don't want a reverse harem... well not any harem to begin with. But to be honest, I don't even know what I want now. I want a life without fighting, yet I want to feel the thrill of fighting mobs, sometimes I felt like I keep contradicting myself...

Urgh, I don't know anymore... lets's just sleep for a while...


How long have I slept? It is quite dark outside, is it nighttime already?

Wait... we are in a volcano, even if it's nighttime, it will still be quite bright!

Panicking I rise from my bed and head to the window. What is in front of me is... shocking... no that is an understatement... the entire volcano... it's just all gone, the red magma is gone, replaced by cool black magma rocks... the streets that I know, it's all gone too, replaced by a husk of its former glory, all the houses are in disarray, windows broken, roofs torn off.

" Just what is going on... wait where are the others!" I yelled as I headed out. Petrasha said that she is going out to hunt down humans, but I don't think she would be outside now right?

Heading out of the door, the normally normal mansion now looks like a ghost mansion, with overgrowth everywhere, cracks in the walls, roofs, and even on the outer walls. Weeds growing all around in the garden... 

" Ha, look at you, alone in here, your friends all had abandoned you~," a masculine voice said behind me. 

Looking behind I saw a man behind me, having bright red skin and demon horns. Who is this guy?

"Don't worry about that. I am not someone you should worry about." the demon said. That is sus... but being the only one here, maybe he knows what happened here.

" Who knows, all I know is that a certain individual did this," he said, huh?

" I mean I am sure you know her right? The self-proclaimed only dragon in this world. But then again, the way she presented herself is pretty abysmal huh." the demon keep saying things that I don't understand.

" You still don't understand? Well, let me say it straight, the scene you're seeing now, is what happened if that friend of yours went on a rampage. After all, she already turned a part of a forest into a permanent ice age. So what is stopping her from turning the entire world?" the demon said, while logical, the conditions and situations are different...

Plus... she won't have a reason to do this... right?

" Oh trust me, when people have a lot of power they will want to do a lot of stuff. My world has been turned into hell too by someone with a lot of power. My family is lucky enough to leave it before the total destruction." the demon said, taking a piece of paper out of his pocket and giving it to me.

" Forgive the quality, we don't have cameras like your old world have. Never had the time to go to that stage. But this is my family." looking at pictures of two other demons that have similar characteristics to him. The other two are both females, probably his wife and daughter.

" Why are you showing me this? Both the photo and this scene. This is definitely a dream right?" I asked him.

" No need to be so defensive, I am just showing you the potential destruction that your friend can cause. Of course, not everyone would go straight for destruction, but it's better to be safe than sorry right?" he said. Looking in the distance, the former grand capital of the kingdom.

" I..." I wanted to say something but I can't...

" I am not saying you must kill your friend. But, think of it, if this happens, what will happen to your new friends here, your new family here? Plus, she is different from before isn't she, the feel is different. Could you even imagine your old friend killing people like this?" he said more and more stuff. 

" If she can kill humans without any problems now, what is stopping them from killing anyone? I know that if I have the power, I won't stop it." the man said.

" Sadly, the one with power is not me but others, which causes me to be doing this now, attempting to prevent other worlds from falling like mine," he said solemnly. 

" Alright, time to let you back, just think of it alright? The past might be important but so are the present and future. Sometimes it's better to let go of the past for the present and future." he said as I felt my eyes closing.

Man... how gullible can that girl be... 

If only I were not damaged so badly by that winged bitch I could just control her directly... good thing is we are in a mana-rich environment I could quickly recover enough mana for this... it is so sad that I have to reserve this, thank god that I managed to plant a failsafe in them in case something happened to the magic. But to think that among all of them, only one is left... my skills have degraded after so many easy missions...

But I think not all hope is lost, that girl looks pretty convinced to me, I can't believe that those words came out of my mouth though, I kinda felt disgusted that I even said that. And I am glad she didn't notice the discrepancies in my words, ha, how naive can one be ~

Well, now I just have to wait for the result, hopefully, that is enough for her to rebel, if she can bring the others to rebel then it too will be enough to-

Christine's POV

" So it is you huh, the one that is trying to brainwash us..." I muttered as I retrieve my blade from the corpse.

Truthfully, I want to do more than just stab him when he can't even move. This guy is truly the demon, tempting and controlling people. It makes some of the villains I know pale in comparison, but as the typical isekai troupe goes, and I truly believe that it follows, there will be a mastermind behind this, someone more powerful than him, someone more deadly than him, and probably, even more deadly than some of the gods, but, I done my part, I cleared the bug that has been festering at here.

Well time to do something very typical in isekai.

" Nothing beats friendship, you demon bastard," I said while spatting at him.

Astrea: Been a while... I missed this place you know, the only place that I can laze around.
Akre: You don't need to be here to laze around you know? 
Astrea: I just want to be here is there a problem?
Akre: No... how do you think about this?
Astrea: To be honest, I am surprised that she managed to find out the culprit. I guess it's her stubbornness to the isekai trope that leads her here huh?
Akre: No idea.
Astrea: I gotta admit something though, that last line is pretty cringe. Good thing the good ol me has saved it down! When they visit next time I must show the others this!
Akre: ...

Man... been a while... author here! Sorry for the long hiatus... I had to sort things out as my work just suddenly piled up too much... having less than 4 hours of sleep per day sucks... but here is the next chapter! And I promise new chapters will be coming out soon!!! I will never abandon this baby of mine! (and well, I have some art prepared too ;3)

And here you are~ Christine in her normal mode~


