Chapter 110 Calm before the storm
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4th Tekulach of Jariel 1238

Belgrynd's POV

You know, I felt terrible right now, it has been 2 weeks since the run-in with the pompous captain... and I totally left Cyber there. But at the very least I can now have time to clear up this continent. I can show him whatever trick I have later... when he is not so traumatized.

" Alright, this is the last one for today, time to hunt some game and rest," I said as I lit up yet another pest bonfire. This should be the last one in this kingdom. At least that is what my map told me. I wonder why the demons are not united. I mean, together they could easily do more stuff, right? Yet they are fractured into several kingdoms...

Whatever, politics aren't my cup of tea anyways. I can leave it to the others. Plus, it's not like I showed myself to any of them, so they won't know that it is me who did this~ though the survivors might tell them, they don't know much about me anyways, plus, passports aren't really a thing so I can just cross these countries freely, no need to introduce myself since I won't be here for too long anyways~

I stayed in the nearby area on top of a tree to make sure that the nearby town guards or army would arrive to save the ones that survived. Of course, when they reached here, they first ask the survivors what happened then realized that they aren't in a mental state to talk properly. Sheesh, they sure are very eager to know what happened, sadly for them, it will be a while before they can get any info from the victims. It felt bad that I am using them as a shield but for the sake of your race, bear with it ya, at least from what I saw, there isnt a jerk like the captain back then. I wonder why there are so many idiots in the human race though... 

Seeing that they are safe and I am no longer needed here, I start to prepare to go to the next place... after I prepare dinner of course! It is late and the amount of stuff I did is making me hungry~ though... I might need to go back to Cyber soon... I ran out of fresh vegetables and the wild vegetables in this continent are more herbs than actual veggies... I guess it's great as most inhabitants in this continent don't eat vegetables... from what I know only the normal demons and dark elves eat vegetables, and succubus and vampires drink blood from the animals that they herd. Meat is nice, but having a balanced diet is important... urgh...

While thinking about my future food problems, I did another scan on the continent, after all, these pests sometimes will move their entire base if it has been discovered by the locals. So having a daily update on their location is very important for me. I don't want to go there only to realize that they are at another place. Good thing is that there won't be someone telling me that my target is at another castle.

" Hmm... this isn't good. Either the pests in this continent belong to a different branch of their military, or they are getting desperate." I said as I checked using my mana again. This time, rather than a lot of pests gathering in one location for a last stand, they are planning to surround a town from multiple bases. And judging by the amount which is still increasing, it won't be long before they start marching. I changed the filter and search and realized one bad thing. They are targeting one of the kingdom's capital... if I didn't remember wrong, that kingdom is the one that majors in mining... Geo-whatever.

I do not know how, but somehow the pests still have an enormous amount of manpower left, which is good for my food stocks, but bad for everything else...

Oh well, I guess I should rush there first, after all, if somehow that kingdom falls, they would have a foothold here. Which is bad for everyone except for humans.

3rd person POV

" How much longer until the rest of the troops are ready." a huge old man is asking his subordinates, who are currently running around inside the cave to handle the logistics within the base.

" Approximately 10 hours sir. Though the north and northwest bases would need an additional 5 more hours to finish assembling their siege equipment. If everything went smoothly, all 8 bases would be ready to attack the city in a day sir!" the soldier replied and then continues to work on what he is supposed to be doing.

" Tsk... we are supposed to do this last month, but thanks to the failure of other divisions, we are delayed so much..." the commander grumbled before he sat down on the table, facing the other person in the room, or more accurately, a demon.

" Hmm, at least they aren't slacking. But I must say, this outcome isn't what I expected..." a demon said as he checks on one of his bracelets, it is obvious that one of the stones is no longer lit like the other four.

" Your brother failed huh, I thought the army there is already weak enough, I can't believe your brother belonged to the same category." the commander said before he earned the glare of the demon.

" You humans are tasked to fight against normal people, while we demons are supposed to fight their elites. Do not ever clump us together. If it isn't because this operation is against a kingdom's capital, I wouldn't even be here too." the demon said, grumbling even. His mind focused on the dimmed-out pearl.

" Tsk, maybe your brother just got unlucky and accidentally got killed?" the commander asked, trying to avoid getting yelled at.

" We are not like you puny humans who would die with a hit in the head. Urgh, whatever, I will be here when the attack starts. You prepare your men and make sure that they won't attempt to run away afterward. I don't mind having a meal before the fight." the demon said before standing and leaving the room.

" Urgh, I still don't understand what the emperor sees in these inhuman bastards... but to win, we have to work with them... the enemy of my enemy is my friend after all... it would be best if they could just kill each other and then we humans just take over. Ha, that would be the best!" the commander said before also leaving the tent to prepare for the fight.

" How is the situation going," a man with white robes said to others with similar attires.

" Judging by the speed we are proceeding, we can get to Arcadia in one cycle and Antares in three cycles. Though getting to Akre will take longer." a man with deer-like antlers said.

" Good, how about Astrea, his pet project shouldn't be that guarded no?" the man asked.

" Sadly Bert messed up which caused a mortal to absorb his powers... so that place is taking longer than expected, but Berith is letting his demons convert the realm to his control. If things go according to plan, we should have that realm under our control within ten cycles." a demon said this time.

" Good, once Arcadia is done, start the invasion of Aria and Astrid. If possible make sure that their inhabitants are not harmed. We need extra control. Destroy and merging the realms is easier but right now we need supplies." the man said as he dismisses the other beings in the room.

" Akre, I will have you know, that all you can blame is yourself for taking what is supposed to be mine." the man said as he vanishes into thin air.

Akre: I sense something...
Astrea: Such as?
Akre: I don't know, prepare yourself.
Astrea: Urgh so cryptic...

This chapter is a bit short cause I don't seem to know what to write before the siege... 

Also... sad news is... I am going to cut this story shorter than I wanted... BUT BUT! I will entire rewrite it, as to how, I will keep it a secret ;3 but if you followed my twitter and saw my conversation with a certain someone, you will probably get the hint ;3