Chapter 27 Spotting Something Atop the Trees
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"She's dead! lets go already, before they catch up to us!" the Magician urged Allan.

Allan looked at the Magician menacingly. He hasn't given up, that gleam that he saw in Insania's eyes is the burning will to live, he knew out of all of them here she's the one that is able to fight that battle and get out of it alive.

'She has to be alive!'

In Epic of The Gods if you die infront of an NPC they will instantly forget about you, this is a safety measure for the Non-player characters. It is so that they won't find out that there are immortal beings among them, It would make kingdoms/nations very uneasy after they knew of such monsters. Being able to reincarnate can only be done by Chaotic Beings after all. The enemy of all races.

"What I do not understand is why she didn't ran towards us when she got unbound" Hetir spoke her piece.

"You can't blame her, she never would've made it, the beastkins got through my hailstorm and were about to corner us. My teleportation spell can only encompass a small circumference" It was the Magician that gave his answer. When they escaped, they had to huddle up in order to get in the Teleportation magic circle. Anything that is outside the magic circle while it is activating will get chopped off and left behind. So it was too risky to be on the edges of it.

"We'll have to make camp here... If she still can't find us. Then we'll leave by morning" Allan said.

"That I can agree with, we are all spent up on that fight. We need a well deserve early rest" The Ranger said on behalf of all his allies. Allan nodded and told the Magician to stand guard.


Onille was at a loss with what just happened. The city that was attacked was a commercial city, so the kingdom couldn't dispatch enough troops to defend it and instead ordered it to stall for time, resulting in so many citizens getting left behind and slaughtered. It was done in order for the next closest city to have enough troops for battle.

This had nothing to do with Insania but if the cities keep getting destroyed, Atoru kingdom will commence a temporary lockdown. Barring entry from people outside their borders, but worrying about it won't change anything. All she can do is hope some guild can deal with this problem fast before they get back to Atoru. Onille spent the rest of the day, with his same routine and once it was 15:00... He prepared his new bed but still walked all over the room, trying to form a plan once he logs back in. 


Insania got up from the sleeping bag and lightly stretched.. Isn't it weird how people who plays this game practically have two days? But far from it, its still currently 3:47+ in the morning and its still pretty dark out today, any normal person would easily get lost in this forest and get killed by the roaming nocturnal hunters but Insania isn't your average gal. She folded up her bed and looked around ascertaining the way north and northeast and did a couple of jumping jacks. Her workouts are intense IRL, no need to bring them back here.

Finally feeling lightfoot she made a running start and jumped off the thick branch that she slept at. The trees are huge in this grindspot and they are very spread apart, halfway in mid-air between the two trees, she used [Double Jump] and made a hard footing below her soles. She then jumped off it again and landed on the branch of the other tree. Or so she thought... She missed a step due to the darkness and one of her foot didn't stick the landing properly making it very awkward, she desperately clawed the branch and pulled herself up.

'Well that was embarrassing' She dusted herself and took a short break for the duration of the cooldown which was 10 seconds, she then resumed jumping from tree to tree.

In under a minute if she doesn't waste a single breath, she can make six jumps, and then in under an hour she can do three hundred sixty [Double Jumps] from branch to branch. Two hours passed and she still couldn't find any trace of them. She must be farther from them than she thought.


"Any luck?" Allan asked Mal when his bird cam back to him. Tamers have skills that allows them to communicate with their tamed animals from a fair amount of distance called [Telepathy]✓ but Mal seems to not have that skill, Tamers also have a very loose skill build. Just because all the physical class skills of the other classes are available for them, doesn't mean they'll be better at using it compared to the real deal, there's also the fact that Tamers have an extremely hard time leveling up their weapon mastery compared to the rest of the classes, Magical type Tamers even have it worse.

"No, I still can't find her" Mal dejectedly shook his head.

"Hey Mark... how long can you make another teleportation rune?" Allan approached the Magician.

"Yeah its already finished its cooldown but tell me what does it have to do with me?"

"Please, just do it..." Allan said in a lowered tone.

"Ugh... Fine! But I better get something out of this!" Mark was still under a contract, so he can't really say no to Allan, but he still had his pride of being a high leveled Magician.

"Mal, do you have a flashy Archer skill?"(Allan)

"Nope, but I think..."

"I have one..." The Ranger spoke stopping Mal from finishing.

"How come I never saw you use it the last time?" Allan furrowed his brows.

"Its loud, flashy, and its guaranteed to draw the aggro of all the monsters in a 50 meter radius."

"OK... thats perfect, lets wait for Mark to finish, and also get everyone up" Allan said and the two nodded. Allan moved towards the carriage and heard Mark give his opinion while writing runes.

"It's honestly dumb how you try so hard for a dead woman. Aren't there enough pussies for you up your high estate?"

"She feels different from those money grubbing hoes, I am quite confident in the glint I saw in her eyes." Allan said.

"We'll if I heard your plan right, its either we get overrun by mobs or the beastkins which is after us find and surround us first. The chances of her getting here before the two former are extremely low."

"Yeah... The odds of her getting here are below 10% But I still believe she can do it. She's already done things no human I've ever seen do."


Up the air, Insania spammed the [Dis-Charge], [Re-charge] combo with her now whooping 2630 Manapoints thanks to both the Ring of Mana-Vitality and the Aruks teeth. She used the two skills a total of four times already and then used [Over-charge]. Giving her an additional 238.4 Agility. Making her so fast she could jump from branch to branch without the help of [Double Jump]

If she ever wanted more mana all she needed was to use the skill of her newly found ring. In a minute Insania is able to regen 1500 Manapoints for the low low price of 1800 Hitpoints. That isn't even counting her own MP and HP regen.

She flew from tree to tree like some orange ninja that talks too much. Then she heard a loud crackling sound and stopped at a branch, she climbed up the treetop and saw firecrackers exploding in the distance.

'Woah! I didn't know fireworks exist in this world! WAIT? IS THAT?' She saw a small dot flying around the fireworks. She sighed in relief, and hastened her pace while [Over-charge] is still up.


"How many are coming?" Rez asked while everyone listened for Mal to speak. "More or less a hundred Bogey's"

"How long?" 

"They'll be here in less than ten minutes. And they'll probably surround us before eight."

"Why am I not hearing any praise?... If I weren't here all of you'd have died twice now! INCLUDING THE Young Madam!" Mark the Magician proudly said.

"Will you shut up man? Lets get ready" Hetir scoffed and didn't even give him the satisfaction of getting praised.

The team anxiously watched from all directions, which is gonna get to them first? Insania? or the hordes of high leveled mobs? The wait was quite stressful and out of nowhere something dropped from the sky, sporting black leather armor, black shoulder bracers, a skirt and a skull? They were about to attack but it frantically waved around its hands. 

"Its me Insania!" She took off the Aruks skull and stored it back in her bag.

Allan walked forward, his eyes became watery, almost crying tears of joy. He knew it! He absolutely knew she could find them! He ran towards her with the intention of giving a big bear hug. Insania wanted to dodge but he used a charge skill to get close to her making her unable to react. 

"Allan I'm alright! so let go of ME!!" she yelled as she pushed Allan away, she had to get out of this bear hug before things become weird! and it did.

Feeling her body becoming extremely hot, she suddenly blacked out. Unknown to her, her body moved on its own and with great increase in strength and speed pushed Allan to the ground, sitting on top of him. With bated breath she stared at Allan's eyes, gone were the eyes of the rational and levelheaded girl. Replaced by the Insatiable desire to JUST DO IT!

Allan was shocked at first but he didn't resist and just let Insania do whatever she wants, Allan didn't really have any perverted thoughts even though he saw those eyes. He knew what her slit irisis was indicating, it was the first stage of the Possession of the nasty Curse of Lust.

"Stop her already Allan! The mobs are already HERE!!!" the Magician shouted. Insania finally snapped out of it after 6 seconds and got off Allan, she saw the entire mercenary group along with Mal crying and the Magician shaking his head, feeling extremely embarrassed she used [Concealment]! But it was unsuccessful due to not having enough mana.

"Lets go already!" It was Hetir who shouted, she panicked when she saw the charging high leveled mobs. It was so imposing it would make anybody choke.

Insania softly spoke to Allan's ears and went towards the carriage ahead of him, her face was flushed she didn't know what happened but she felt so embarrased even though she's a guy! She can still feel that giant lingering desire to mate, Its not disappearing! and for a second there she felt like hours passed despite only seconds, her brain was very hazy.

As Onille Arvurg he prided himself with his strong determination to never give up, rational thought process and bottomless willpower! BUT THIS! 

After the comical skit they all teleported out of the monster encirclement and were now somewhere at the edges of this forest, they disembarked and finally gained steady ground with the occasional rest, Insania asked Allan if she could have dibs up top first before everyone else, she felt so worn out after constantly jumping from tree to tree for two hours straight. She curled herself up and slept like a cat, not bothered by the discussions of the Mercenaries and the constant bump in the road.

She felt as if she hasn't slept in ages. Its not a matter concerning low stamina, its more of a mental tiredness and not a physical one. If she was merely physically tired she'd never sleep in like this. But the constant use of skills and Possession took a huge toll on her.