Ch 69 – Bidding Goodbyes
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The camp had come alive with activity. White-cloaked figures hurriedly packed their belongings into the wagons under the tanned woman's guidance. The mercenaries were also receiving their instructions amidst the bustle, creating a sense of controlled chaos.

Amidst this flurry of movement, the Almond family remained in a quiet corner, a bit removed from the commotion.

My mother held me tightly, her arms draped around my neck as if reluctant to let go. Beside her, my father stood, affectionately ruffling my hair. At that moment, a profound silence enveloped us, and words seemed to falter in the face of the emotions we shared.

For a stretch of minutes, we simply stood together, wrapped in the cocoon of our shared love, a charged stillness hanging in the air. Amid this emotional pause, I found myself feeling a touch suffocated by their overwhelming affection.

Clearing my throat, I finally managed, “I think it's time for me to go…”

My mother's grip around my neck tightened playfully, and she shot me a mock glare.

"Whoa, hold on a second! Nobody said it was time to leave yet. Why are you in such a rush to escape your mother's clutches and hang out with those strangers over there?"

I managed to wriggle free from her grasp,
"Oh, come on now! They made it quite clear that we were still not out of danger, and those assassins might come sniffing us anytime. I am just worried for your safety."

Dad joined in the conversation with a chuckle, his eyes gleaming with affection,
"Well, it looks like our little one has grown up faster than we thought. Now he’s worried about his parent's safety."

My mother, sporting a mischievous glint in her eyes, suddenly pinched my nose, "Aww, our little worrier is concerned about his dear parents? That's adorable! But you know what, dear son? You might want to redirect that worry towards yourself."

Here we go, I muttered in my thoughts.

She continued,
"Can you even manage to stick to a proper sleep schedule or get dressed without my intervention? And those Royal Academy folks won't be there to sort out your underwear or guide you through your sock choices. So before you fuss too much over us, try to get your own worries resolved first."

I shot a glance at my dad, silently pleading for help! But he just shrugged, a grin tugging at his lips. It seemed I had opened a can of banter for me to clean up.

Taking a deep breath, I surrendered, adopting a mock tone of surrender, “Alright, Mother, fine. I'll not further worry about your safety, okay?.”

My mother's frustration only seemed to heighten at my response,
"Oh, so now you've suddenly become a big shot, huh? You're all high and mighty now that you're joining a royal academy. It's quite the bold move to say that you don't care about your parents anymore," she chided, her tone a mix of annoyance, as she pinched my ear.

"Wait I didn't mean-", I just dropped my shoulders in submission.

She continued,
"When I said not to worry it doesn't mean you shouldn't care about your parents at all! I didn't know I raised you in such a manner, did I? I remember when you were just a little baby and helpless! Unable to do anything, not even keep on the diapers. Look at you now, trying to act all grown up and arrogant... blah blah blah"

And with that, my mother launched into one of her trademark nagging sessions. While a part of me was exasperated, another part realized I might miss her scoldings when I will be away.

She went on for a good 7 or 8 minutes on her rant.
She told me life lessons like respecting my elders, recounting the little mischiefs I'd gotten into as a child, the crockery I'd accidentally broken, and how I used to detest wearing nappies. She shared anecdotes of teaching me to read, the ups and downs of growing up, and all the little moments that had woven our lives together.

Finally, she took a deep breath, her expression turning somber. "Sometimes, I wish you didn't have to follow the path of a mage. Perhaps then, we wouldn't have to be separated like this."

I hugged her tightly, trying to comfort her,
"Mom, don't worry. I'll be back home during the vacation. We'll have plenty of time together."

She held me close, her voice still tinged with sadness,
"And during those vacations, you'll be with me the whole time. No mountain training or anything else. Understand?"

I nodded, a grin tugging at my lips. "Yeah, yeah."

But before I could fully escape her grip, she playfully grabbed my ear,

"One 'Yes' is enough."

“Got it, Mom.”

Then, it was my father's turn. He stepped forward and pulled me into a warm embrace, his voice carrying a mix of earnestness and amusement,
"Son, I know you're drawn to battles and all, but promise me you'll keep your head level and not go looking for unnecessary fights."

I nodded, responding seriously, "I understand, Dad."

He held me at arm's length and continued, a glint of mischief in his eyes, "However, if anyone tries to mess with you and cross the line, don't just turn the other cheek. Give 'em a taste of the good old Almond spirit."

I couldn't help but grin, surprised by his words, "Dad, where's this coming from all of a sudden?"

My mother chimed in, looking less impressed, "I suppose today's little adventure has made him more adventurous in his advice."

My father's cheeks turned slightly pink, and he scratched his head sheepishly, "Well, do you think I went a bit overboard?"

"Yes," my mother deadpanned.

I interjected, "Hey, at least your piece of advice was more practical than all the nagging Mom did."

Suddenly, my mother's frustration took a different turn, "Oh, so you think I've just been nagging this whole time? Well, if you want some real-life advice, I've got a thing or two to say."

I chuckled, trying to defuse the situation, "Mom, I was just joking."

She wasn't having any of it, her expression stern,
"Listen up. In Celestia, there will be plenty of girls. I better not catch wind of any foolishness from you. No messing around with the opposite gender. I'll be the judge of who's suitable for my son."

I attempted to speak, but she said, "Don't forget to eat your meals on time. And if you're still hungry, don't hesitate to ask for seconds."

"Mom, I-"

"Hush, let me finish!" Her scolding continued, "Now, remember to make friends. You're going to be a healer, so having trustworthy allies is important. Don't start fights unnecessarily."

She carried on, seemingly oblivious to my attempts to interject, "And stay away from those noble types. If you find trouble, go to your teachers. Speaking of which, be respectful to them. It's crucial to be in their good books."
Her advice continued to flow, seemingly endless, until the grumpy cloaked woman intervened, scolding us for the delay. Only then did my mother's barrage of guidance finally subsided.

Accompanied by my parents, I made my way to the waiting monster wagon. As I entered, I found the stern-looking cloaked woman already seated inside.

She shot us a disapproving look, her tone matching her expression, "Hope we're not in for more delays."

My dad scratched his head in slight embarrassment, while my mother seemed to wilt a bit, her head bowing.

They handed over my luggage to a white-cloaked worker who began arranging my belongings neatly within the wagon.

Climbing into the wagon, I looked out at my parents standing by.

"Benji, we'll arrange to have the rest of your belongings sent to the academy soon," my father assured.

I nodded, "Alright."

My mother's grip tightened on my arm, her eyes serious,
"Promise me you'll keep in touch through letters. If I miss even one letter, I won't hesitate to storm into Celestia Mercy myself. Remember, your mother is a mage, and I'll go to any lengths to protect my baby boy."

I managed a wry smile, assuring her, "I won't forget, Mom. I'll stay in touch."

The tanned woman's expression turned to anger, her voice sharp, "You think it's appropriate to discuss threatening to attack the academy right in our presence?"

The other cloaked figures also seemed irked by the comment.

My mother, however, met the tanned woman's gaze firmly, her tone resolute, "I'm entrusting my son to the academy. While you've saved us, it's your responsibility to protect him until he's capable on his own. If anything happens to my son, I won't hesitate to take on anyone, even if you're the Royal Academy!"

Her words hung in the air with authority, and even the other white-cloaked woman fell silent under her commanding tone.
Even me and dad took a cold breath seeing Mother threatening so openly. Shivers ran down over nerves as we both simultaneously muttered, "Badass"
No wonder she was a former adventurer mage.

The stern woman finally relented, exhaling a sigh, "Fine, I understand. Your son will be looked after and cared for. You can visit him in the dorms a couple of times a year if you wish. Now, can we get moving?"

My mother's face brightened, "That's good to hear!" She then pulled me into a warm embrace, planting a kiss on my cheek, "Take care, my dear."

I hugged her back, feeling a mix of emotions, "You too, Mom."

My dad joined in the embrace, and for a moment, we were a tightly knit trio, bound by love and a touch of sadness.

As we held each other, I committed this warmth and affection to memory, knowing that I might not feel it for a long time.

"I'll miss you both," I whispered, my voice betraying the emotions I was trying to hold back.

Then, with a creak of wheels and the gentle pull of reins, the cart began to move. I waved back at my parents, watching their figures grow smaller and smaller in the distance. My mother seemed to be holding back tears, her gaze fixed on me until she was no longer visible. My dad supported her grabbing onto her shoulder as he waved as well.

Beside the two, Ultear stood in the back. She was carrying her metallic cross and looking in my direction.
She was a mystery in many ways, but her presence gave me some comfort in leaving my parents in her care.

The Celestia Agents had thoughtfully left a monster wagon for my parents, so they could escape safely as well.

As the scene faded into the night, I settled into the wagon, taking a seat.
My new traveling companions were the uptight lady and other cloaked Celestia ladies. Just fucking great!

Thanks for reading as always.
Have a nice day :3