Book 1: Act I Scene 16 Randame’s betrayal
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Scene 16

Randame’s betrayal

Dozens of yellow light bulbs attached on the ceilings let out yellow light. Three or three groups of Hellbeasts separated talking about what they have minds or minding their own business. To be in more detailed view, dozens of the benches were seen under the wooden tables and on the benches Few Hellbeasts were spotted drinking some sort of new kind of beverages that cannot be seen in Human world. Some Hellbeasts were eating something out of the silver dishes. Peaceful scenery in the guild, but this peaceful scenery was intercepted by one girl. One girl named Kyondame. Late information, but She was also in the same guild as Yami and Druel. Instead of black dress, this day, she was wearing fine blue silk tank top and short blue jean. The sixteenth scene takes place in the Yami guild, which Yami himself formed.

"You guys are pathetic! What are you guys doing in here instead of taking missions?"

When Kyondame yelled out of nowhere, everyone in the guild placed their eyes on her. They weren't sight of hatred or anoyance though. It was the sights of despondent. Because Kyondame didn't have any recent records of any missions or tasks. Well, except for the visiting in Human world. She was about to say something more, but stopped right away when she saw Yami coming out of the room with a smirk on his face. She turned her face and approached him.

"Hey! What did you get information out of? That human with the weird aura?"

Yami wasn't that interested in what she was saying. He just swayed his hand up and down gesturing that he didn't care. However, he gave out a reply out of respect.

"Indeed your information was interesting."


"Let me continue. Everything you have told was no mystery now since it was solved by Druel when he was in Human world. He told me about that Human."

The information was classified between A rank and S rank, but he told her anyway. Kyondame's face was flabbergasted. She didn't know what to say next. She just stuttered in front of him trying to figure out what to say. Finally, few seconds later, she continued the conversation.

"Wha, what happened to Randame then?"

Yami sighed heavily.

"That too is taken care of. Druel said he he took care of her, but she is most likely to be alive since he was interrupted. Anyways, it's only matter of time, we get track of her. That's what we do after all. We kill those who betray us."

Yami didn't even bother listening now. He just passed by Kyondame. She, on the other hand was more curious about the situation. She decided to go into the room where Druel and Crescendia were in.

"Hey! What the hell happened to my Randame?"

In the room, there was no Druel, but only Crescendia in the room sitting on the floor writing something in the memo. She looked up as the door slightly opening on the other side.

"What's up?"

She asked with curiosity.

"What did you guys talk about? and what happen to Randame?"

Crescendia seemed interested as she put her hand under the chin rubbing it slowly.

"Hmm, Randame, eh? You gave up calling her your sister?"

"She ain't my sister now. She betrayed us after all. If she is caught, I will kill her myself."

Crescendia gave her a despondent look. She was rather disturbed by what Kyondame was saying.

"Whoah, whoah, hold it. you know it's not her fault."

However, Kyondame gave a sharp stare sticking out her index finger pointing at her. Her temper was lost and it turned into burst out yelling.

"How could you say that! You weren't even there! That bastard deserves to die after she tried to invade Yami sama's guild. She killed dozens of our mates even though Yami sama tried to welcome her. Who does she think she is?"

There was silent in the air for a while. Crescendia locked in her own thought. Then she finally said with a sympathetic face.

"Ya know, one who killed your father is Yami sama, right?"

Kyondame pretended not to hear what she just said and turned back.

"What Yami sama did was right. Only strong will survive and my father was weak, that was all."

Right when she was going to leave with a amazing quote, Crescendia intercepted.

"One more thing. Why are you calling Yami sama "Yami sama" in front of everyone else, but when you actually speak to him, you just say "Hey"?"

Her face got bright red and gave no response. Instead she just shut the door behind her loudly as if she was in hurry. Crescendia just shrugged it off to move on with conversation with Kyondame. Then she wrote something down in her memo. As she wrote down, she read it with nice and clear voice.

"Kyondame: Somewhat like Randame, but grudge against his father. Later she might be dangerous."

She was writing each members in the guild trying to analyze their personalities and traits. The memo was around 30 pages long. The page she was in was estimation of 16th page meaning she analyzed at least sixteen members in the guild.

"Hmm, anyway, I wonder what will happen to Randame chan. She probably is in hands of Mage. She might get killed."

Along with her mumbling she stood up stretching her arms and legs.

"I guess she will die at some point. In the Hellbeast world or in the Mage world. Enough said, shall I get going? It is nice day to hunt some big ass creatures and sell them to earn money."

Back to the Kyondame perspective, she was heading outside. She murmured as she took first step outside of the guild.

"That Yami, why didn't he commend me to kill Ran? I should have killed her regardless. What exactly is he planning?"

Outside of the guild show the big road and buildings stood still accordingly right and left. Some were houses and some were just small merchandise stores. Between those buildings, there were few gaps between. Among those gaps led to storage and basement of the houses. But few led to hidden path as such as black market, secret meeting room. Kyondame walked straight avoiding Hellbeasts in the road. She walked until she got out of the hectic city. There was no one in the end of the road. There were just empty dark blue rectangular concrete structures standing which led to other city.

She just passed by the rectangular shaped structure and stretched her arms as though she was going to meet someone important.

"Hmm, he certainly said he was here. I guess I'll finally meet him."