Book 1: Act I Scene 28 Potential
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Scene 28


As soon as Junpei hit Gillua in the face, everyone's eyes observed Junpei closely. On Leheinvus's side, Yaru paused to think how he was moving that fast. When he was locked in his thought, Kuren gained his conscious. He sat up to see what was going on. He was conscious, yet still had a dizzy head from his injury. He realized he was still in the guild. Seeing the ring, Mages on the other side, and finally, two Mages in the ring, he reckon the match was still going. But he was having second thought. That was why? Why are we still here? Why is match not over yet? Yaru tapped his shoulder as he pointed his finger at Gillua. He then saw him kneeling down. The twenty eighth scene will be covering fight between Mages.

Kuren slightly turned his head to see who did it. When he saw Junpei, he froze for a second to think how it happened like this, but it could not think of any scenario how it was possible.

"What the! How the hell did that little kid injured Gillua?"

"Calm down, if you see it through, you'll understand. It was hard for me to believe it too, but I guess that amateur like him can run too."

As they were observing out of the ring closely with excitement, it was completely different in the ring. It was rather complete opposite. When Junpei's plan worked accordingly, he didn't think after math. He saw red aura pumping randomly widening the territory outside of Gillua. widening and spreading aura was what Druel did in Human World few scenes ago. He used it to immobilize the opponents by heavy aura pressure. As for this aura, but it featured different effect. The surrounding aura floated around side way. Instead of pressuring, it tried to blow everything in its path.


Junpei stomped the floor to maintain his balance. He was so busy maintaining his body, he slipped his mind that there will be another attack coming. Right ahead, red magical circle was summoned. Inside of the circle, three thick woods came out trying to strike him. Even when he managed to shun them, They changed direction and stretched out to attack him.

"What the heck is going on?"

When Junpei ran hastily across the ring, Gillua was waiting for him there. He took out knuckle holder with spikes on them in his pocket and put them on to strike him. He was adept into this kind of situation now. Hence, he tried to dodge the punch, but at the same time, three woods came out of the bottom binding his arms and legs. The thick woods softened a little to change the size.

"Hey! No breaking! Ye knoa how much money I had to spend to renovate this guild?"

With Junpei tangled in woods, there were nothing holding Gillua down. He saw right through Shinji smiling.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. You know thank you for having him to fight me. It's over, but I was entertained. Tell you what, I'll fix it up good even if take a whole week. Shinji gave a thumb up and observed again.
As for Gillua, he was waiting Junpei to give up.

"Hey kid, you have done enough. Now give it up, will ya?"

Junpei tried to budge, but it was too woods were too tight to get out of the situation. Right when he was about to give up, there was a female voice. Her voice came strong.

"Yo! you are here again?"

Junpei looked around to see rather someone was there. No one was there. Only same Mages in and outside of the ring. It seemed like voice was only in his head. The voice started to tease him again.

"Calm down, will ya? Always focus on what you are doing. It was your......."

When voice stopped, Junpei knew whose voice it was.

"I guess you are right. I guess I almost forgot your promise."

"What are you mumbling about? So, are you....."

Before Gillua could finish his sentence, Junpei interfered his words smiling.

"Hey, do you think I have any chance to get out of this situation?"

Gillua looked at him funny.

"Out of 100 I guess 0.1? Don't play with me, kid."

Junpei closed his eyes to breathe slowly. He concentrated to accumulate the electricity. Soon, he could feel the electricity streaming within his body in one place. As he was still breathing slowly, he let all the lightning stream again. This made lightning in his body to run smoothly. There was no tingling sensation. This made he felt as if he was a lightning itself. At the same time, he could feel an unknown energy source flowing.He had no idea where it came from, but he didn't think it mattered right now. Right when he opened his eyes to try to get out, the unknown energy source covered all of of him. After that it spread the huge vibration making strong wind breeze.

"What is this?"

Gillua also felt the energy source too, well everyone did. He stepped back as he was sweating. He then realized what the source of the power was.

"How the hell are you capable of opening Gate of composure?"

When he was done talking to Junpei, the bolt of lightning appeared both of his hands and legs. Soon the woods were zapped with lightning dying the woods with color of black. Gillua stepped few back. He could feel the overwhelming pressure around him.

"Interesting, interesting. I don't know how you opened the second stage of the focal zone."

Junpei could feel the wide view of the ring, every spots in the lobby. He could see the members in Leheinvus, members in Empty World even though they were behind him. His intuition got sharper and heard things clearer. The voices, sound of the wind, and sound of the breathing. With this kind of new sensation he was feeling, he was kind of confused whether it was good thing or bad thing.

On the contrary, time didn't wait for Junpei to stay in confusion, Gillua appeared before him trying to kick him. This time, before he lifted his leg, he was seeing the vision. The vision of him kicking in the head. Out of his own instinct, he stepped back to predict the situation.

When he landed, he made a sign to summon few of boulders in front of his sight to shoot at him. Likewise, he was aware of the boulders. he moved his body slightly right to left in patterns to slip by all the boulders. Dozens of image after image appearing as though they were pages turning continuously in the book.

Next image in his mind, he saw Gillua trying to wood magic, but didn't have the next image him how he was going to do with it. Just as he thought, he made magic circle to summon two long woods just about to crush Junpei. Right that moment, he moved hastily to get behind him to punch him for the second time. However, he grabbed his straightened arm right away.

"You are fun. You know that? It seemed like you didn't actually open the Composed gate in the Focal zone yet. You are only getting there."

When Gillua turned back to look at Junpei, He felt the oppressed sensation. Overwhelming energy source was surrounding him.

"Kid, you have potential. It took me good two years of training to open the Composed gate. Train more then I will take you more seriously, Glittering Hopper."

Gillua gripped tight on to his arm and just threw him out of the ring. The time he was out of the ring, the wood was gone and Gillua too walked out of the ring.

Then the last match was finally over.