Book 1: Act II Scene 2 Nursing room
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Scene 2


Nursing room


Place takes place in extraordinary world that no human knows about, Erlias, Mage World called Erlias. Where Mages, Swordsmen, Outkast, and others trying to fit in. Instead of golden sun shining down upon the landscapes along with calm water surface. The stray of azure blue light made the world look more tranquiled. Within the world of Mages, there are many branches of Guilds. And among those Guilds, there was Guild called Empty World.


In this Guild, four presences were spotted. All four of the presences were in the bed taking a rest to patch up their wounds and heal up after all the matches that happened yesterday. In the room there were four beds lined accordingly along with plastic sheets that were hanging around between every beds. Surrounding walls were painted with pink and purple all blended altogether to fill up the four sided concrete walls. The ceiling in the room was white though. In the center of the ceiling, light bulb was dangling that lit up pink light. Not only the unique color of light, the shape of the light bulb was also unique. It was shaped in form of eight angled star.


In the first bed, Rian was sleeping silently. In the second bed, Shikihime was still unconscious. Rather than uniform, she was just wearing her white panties, but she was wrapped around with white bandages under shoulder to her waist down. To go into more details, both of her whole arms and legs were covered in greenish blue liquid. Although it was liquid, it allowed to attach something whenever it touched something. Seeing liquid on her, her arms and legs were attached with the bed. This liquid's purpose was to get injured patient immobilized in order to treat them easier. In third bed, there was Junpei. Junpei had the least injuries out of four. He was still bandaged here and there. Finally, in the fourth bed, there was Randame. She was also undressed, but only dressed down half part of her whole body. Likewise, She was wrapped with bandages. The second scene will cover the just the ordinary scenery after the devastating match.


While everyone was sound asleep, there was exactly three knocks on the door.


Knock, knock, knock*


At the same time, there was a female voice.. The tone of her voice was osaka accent and kind of low toned. It was Sonya. She came by to check if they were doing fine.


"Hey, you guys woke up yet?"


When there was no reply, she assumed they were not. So she opened the door to enter into the pink lighted room.


There was another female voice coming behind Sonya.


"Hey, I don't gesya! it'sya my lab, I don't see why I can't enter ma lab withouta knock!"


This voice was coming from Kaori. Sonya didn't rebly, however, she lifted up her hand lifting up her index finger only to gesture saying that she had to quite down. Sonya asked as she observed four of the injured patients.


"So, what do you think?"


"What da ya think?! Who do ya think I am? They are going to be fine and dandy."


She mixed sarcasm in her sentence, but next words coming out of her mouth was low toned and serious.


"There is one thing that I am concerned. That girl, she is no doubt that she is a human, but she was able to see us and also matched a physique of a Mage. That makes me wonder if she really is a human."


Kaori's eyes fixated looking at Shikihime top to bottom as she took black pen out of her pocket.She took out the cap off to draw a circle around vital areas she had been hit. She explained in details while she was drawing.


"This two thigh areas between her groin is quite durable than normal human along with her shoulders. Thereby, allowing her to withstand heavy attack. Hmm, but then again, she is rather in fine physique."


"What are you trying to say? She is just extraordinary person who happens to see us?"


Kaori didn't reply back. Instead she drew circles around her ankles and continued talking by herself.


"Then again, how she was able to make quick reflex and movement by moving these ankles were incredible. Verex might be able aware of the situation, but her body shouldn't be able to handle moving swiftly."


Sonya never saw Kaori this intrigued before. She had so many questions, but she decided to keep listening to what she was mumbling about.


"Also, when I was bandaging her, right down her shoulder, there was squared symbol on it. It is too visible to be a simple birth mark, I would say. If by anything, this squared symbol is the key to her identity. It's no human language nor Mage's language. What could it be?"


She was about to say something more, but was stopped by the sound of someone wiggling in the bed. It was Junpei. Thankfully, because of all the treatment taken care by Kaori, he healed pretty quickly. Furthermore, his mana helped him to restore into original form. taking care of the wounds even faster.. Kaori was rather surprised how fast his mana was taking care of his body. The reason was because it was taking effect faster than any other Mages. As he gradually making weird noise, he got up sitting with crooked back rubbing his eyes to see where he was.


"Whe, where am I?"


When he fully opened his eyes, he realized he was in the nursing room. That was was the first thing he realized, and second thing he realized was that he could sense the life forces in the room. He slid the right plastic sheet curtain to see who was here.


When he did, he saw Shikihime lying in the bed with heavily injured body with bandages wrapped around her. He stood right away see if she was okay. His eyes were filled with worries and his voice came strong.


"Class President? Hey, Hey! Are you okay?"


Right when he was about to touch her, he saw two other girls standing next to him. Sonya was making a rather surprised face not because he was right in front of a girl with just her underwear on, but how healthy he was. As for Kaori, like always, she used her sarcasm speech to tease him.


"Ha! I see ya blushin! This is your chance, Lightning chan, you could do anything to her..."


Before she could finish her sentence, Junpei interrupted with a serious face.


"Is she alright? she should be treated more. Last time I checked her chest was busted penetrated. What exactly happened?"


"Chill, Jeez, I treated and closed the serious wounds, she is fine now. It's just the matter of time. And who do you think I am? Amateur? However, there is one thing that is holding me to check her life line now."


Sonya spoke as she looked into his eyes. Junpei didn't know what she was talking about. He shrugged waiting her to tell him the reason. Without saying anything, she pushed him away back to his bed and closed the plastic sheet as she let out out a heavy sigh. Kaori looked up to Sonya with a sympathetic face. She spoke quietly so only Sonya could hear it.


"I don't know if he is gay or dense., I mean, is he asexual? He doesn't react to everything."


Outside of the closed sheet, voice came out.


"I am not gay nor asexual, I am just trying to be supportive, that's all. And it's just simple anatomy of human, there is nothing I should be ashamed about."


Kaori was still shaking her head as though she was talking to a brainless monster.


Before any criticism came out of her mouth, they heard someone wiggling, but this time, high pitched voice came out.


"Hanya~ Hanya~ I ma hungry, nya, nyan."


It was Rian. she had a shock about what was going on so far, she fainted. However, the impact in the battle field could have had easily damage her fragile body. Kaori noticed the voice and she right away knew it was Rian. She slid herself to where she was and she sniffed around her. As though she was interested in Rian, she approached her close enough to touch nose to nose.


"Ah! This aroma! This aroma, I don't know what it is, but smells so nice! Can we keep her?"


"Kaori, focus, please."


When Kaori took eyes off of Rian, turning her face to Sonya, Rian rubbed her eyes to open her sleepy eyes. She sat up straight and observed the situation, but there was no one, since she was only normal human here. She tilted her head to the left with puzzled face.


"Aya, Ayaya?! Where did everyone go?"