Chapter 11: Checking Out Clubs
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After the last period ended.
Arita-sensei came to our classroom.
"I've got something to announce before you guys head out since the majority of you know this, I'll still say this for Okita-san and Ikeda-san over there. Clubs are mandatory and you have a week to pick or join any clubs you fancy. That's all."
Arita-sensei, a young teacher who just recently graduated from a university. She got straight-black hair and glasses, she's always emotionless whenever I see her. A young beauty too, I wouldn't be even surprised if she got her own fan club here. If she's just not emotionless I bet people would be all over her right now, but right now, that would be impossible she's emitting an aura that says 'Don't come near me or you're dead.' kind of aura.
"Is it really mandatory?", I said.
"Yep.", Arima who's at my back said.
"If you two are going to check out clubs, are you guys planning to check some sports club too?", Arima added.
"Hmm... I guess? How about you Naoki?", I said then turned to Naoki who's writing something in her notebook.
"Ha? Ooh, uhh, maybe? I don't really know, I'm not really that invested in sports.", Naoki said.
"I guess we can, you're in the basketball club, right?", I asked Arima.
"Yeah, I played in my middle school.", Arima replied.
"Are you planning to go professional?"
"Nah, even though I play, it doesn't mean I'm great at it."
"That makes sense."
"How about you? You playing basketball?", Arima asked.
"No, I tried it but I suck at it.", I replied.
"Then, how about other sports?"
"Uhh, swimming?"
"Swimming as in competitively? or just swimming in general?"
"I don't know if that counts as a sport though...", Arima said facepalming.
I shrugged.
I don't have any experience in sports since the only physical exercise, I did, was from my dad's training. And, I can't play sports outside because of my constitution. It was only last year that I could finally able to talk to someone.
"Does chess counts as a sport?", I asked.
"Yeah? Maybe? Don't really know.", Arima said.
"Yes, chess is considered as a sport.", Naoki said.
"Ooh, then that's my sport, Arima.", I said.
"You serious?", Arima said while looking at me dumbfoundedly.
"Yeah? What's the problem with that?", I asked.
"Nothing, I was just expecting something."
"Like what?", I said while tilting my head slightly.
"Well, like how you betrayed my image of you, at first I thought you're a gloomy otaku person, but when I greeted you earlier. I was surprised at how easy to talk with you, plus you acing the exam. Then, I thought of the saying 'Appearance can be deceiving.'."
"Well, you are correct on the otaku part."
"Really?", Arima said.
"Duh, I said earlier that my hobby was online games."
"Uhh, that doesn't really add up, nowadays that's a normal thing to do, even me."
"Oh.", I said.
"I'm still an otaku since I like reading light novels and mangas in my free time, but not a hardcore one though, I'm more of a closet otaku."
"Ooh, I see, I guessed one correct.", Arima said.
I looked at Naoki who's still busy writing.
"Hey, Naoki, what are you writing?", I asked.
"Err... Ah!? N—Nothing", Naoki replied in surprise.
"O—Okay then..."
Then the bell rang.
I stuffed all the stuff I needed into my bag. Then, I grabbed it and went to Naoki.
I'm waiting for her to fix her stuff before we head out.
"All right you two lovebirds, I need to go.", Arima said then he went out.
I didn't even manage to retort because of how fast he went outside.
Then I saw, Nagasawa who glanced at both Naoki and me briefly with a bitter face then went out, and of course, the girls who are with him followed him even Arima's childhood friend. I have no idea, why they're following that altruistic guy. Was it because he's a good and easy-going person? Though I admit that his looks are above average but that doesn't mean anything.
"Let's go, Tatsuya", Naoki said.
"All right.", I replied.
Then we proceeded to walk in the corridors, and the stares at me are still the same as earlier, though I don't why Naoki was acting this way. She's getting closer to me as the day goes by, when we were walking earlier to school she's not this close, but right now she's even pressing her whole body to me. It's not like, I don't like it, but the way she's acting right now could give me some misunderstanding.
We separated when we reached the locker area, and we'll meet later at the front. I'm surprised that no one's confronting me, in light novels if a gloomy guy is with the beauty they would confront him when he's alone.
After putting changing my shoes, I proceeded to the front door and saw Naoki standing there waiting for me. I could see some guys are trying to hit on her, but they got rejected outright, there are still more who tried their luck on her, then Naoki saw me she waved and smiled at me ignoring the guys who are near her. She started walking towards me.
"Let's go?", Naoki asked me.
"Yep.", I replied
We walked towards the club building ignoring the guys from earlier. But, one guy confronted us.
"Hey, you kept ignoring, was it because of this guy?", the guy asked Naoki.
The one who confronted us was a handsome guy who's a bit shorter than me, and skinny.
"So?", Naoki said while having frowned face.
"Why don't you go out with me? Instead of this, bozzo.", the guy said with a smug grin on his face.
"And, why would I?", Naoki asked in a cold tone voice.
The guy flinched but he proceeded to talk, "Of course! I'm handsome! And my family is rich! Every girl's dream!".
"Only that? How narcissistic can you be?", Naoki said.
"Huh!? How can you even compare me to that guy?!", the guy pointed at me.
"Yeah, how can you compare yourself to Tatsuya, he's much better than you in every way.", Naoki said.
"Pfft—hahaha him? How much did you pay to make her your girlfriend?", the guy said to me.
I could feel a wave of deep anger inside me rose. It's okay if he's insulting but he crossed the line and insulted Naoki too as if calling her a prostitute.
"Sh—", as I was about to speak.
Naoki interrupted me and slapped the guy, "*Slap*"
Because of his skinny physique, the guy falls down easily, then all the students that were walking stopped and looked at us.
Then he looked at Naoki while holding his cheek that has been slapped by Naoki, and said, "H—How dare you, BITCH!"
He stood up and was about to slap Naoki, but I intervened and grabbed his wrist hard.
That time, all the anger that was boiling inside blew.
"Fucker, don't touch me!", the guy said.
He was about to throw a punch from his other hand at me.
But, I was faster than him so I grabbed his cheeks then he looked at me in shock.
"I don't care if you insulted me but you insulted Naoki as if treating her like a prostitute. Then you tried to slap her are you even a man? How do you want to die?", I said in a cold terrifying voice while glaring at him.
I stared at his eyes menacingly. I could see his eyes shivering in fear.
"Even if you're rich or from a noble family, I don't care. I will destroy you."
All of my rages flew out of my body, that I even had the urge to break this man's bone into pieces.
When I saw him raising his hands to Naoki, a sudden surge of anger grew inside of me I can only think about one thing.
I want to kill him.
I want to kill him.
I want to kill him.
I want to kill him.
I want to kill him.
I want to kill him.
I want to kill him.
I was about to lose my mind, just imagining, what if I didn't stop that and Naoki got hit. And with that, my rage boils once again. Something inside me snapped.
I gripped hardly of his wrist, that he screamed in pain even though it was muffled and started crying, I was leaking bloodlust with killing intent, and the nearby onlookers looked at me in fear.
I was about to break his wrist. But, Naoki stopped me, "T—Tatsuya, please stop!!!"
When I heard that, I release the guy and flopped on the ground, and all the rage and anger that was in me dispersed.
I looked at the guy, he's screaming in pain as he holds his right wrist, the one that I gripped.
Then I saw his pants, it was covered in pee.
"Where's your sorry?", I said in a threatening voice.
"Hieee—", he looked at me in fear and his whole body is shivering from fear.
"What's going on here?!", a girl shouted from the crowd.
She emerged from the crowds, she was a 3rd-year student from the looks of her ribbon and she got an armband attached on her that says 'Public Committee'. She got long bluish-black ponytailed hair and a slender body pairing it with her huge breast, in terms of the body she's not behind Naoki.
She then rushed towards the guy on the ground shivering in fear. She then called the two guys that were with her, "OI! Come here, He needs to go to the clinic!", then the two guys carried the shivering guy towards the administrative building.
"And, YOU! Come with me!", she pointed at me.
"Okay.", I replied with an indifferent face.
Naoki tugged my blazer, and said, "I'm coming with you."
Then we followed the girl walking towards the administrative building.
"I guess, our club checking will be postponed.", I said to Naoki who's walking beside me.
"Yeah, but it's not your fault, that douche just got in our way.", Naoki said in an irritating tone.
Then we arrived, at the administrative building.
"Wait here, I'll just report this first.", the girl glared at me.
On the first day of school, straight to the guidance council.
What a day...