Hidden Class
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Name: Mia Rose

Class: <None>

Profession: <None>

Race: Terra Human

<Active> Title: Mankind’s Hope

<Inactive> Title: Last human standing of a fallen race

Attribute Point: 0





















After allocating my AP, I closed the status page. It was time to think about creating a skill and what class to play. I had already made my mind up about playing a tank role, but there were many tank classes that one could choose from.

Protection warriors were the standard warriors using a gate shield. In my past life, people who chose this class were called shieldbearers, they could not attack but possessed a high defence and taunt management skill, but it lacks resource management.

Totem warriors, use a pet summon skill to mitigate damage. The tank takes the damage but it is only registered on the pet. Although the class sounds overpowered, it has the lowest defence of all 3 tank classes as most of its skills are focused on damage dealing. 

The last class is Tattoo Warrior. These tanks mark his body with defence buffs which are displayed in the form of tattoos. This class has a high defence and resource management skill, it lacks taunt management and monster control.

Lower Class

Advance Class

Protection Warrior 


Totem Warrior


Tattoo Warrior





At this point I noticed a few square tiles lighting up and people walking out of the light. Everyone tried to look around to see their competition, as if the system knew this would happen, as soon as others appeared a wall of light was created around each occupied square. I already knew this would happen, hence why I did not bother getting up to have a look at those coming out of the light.

An accurate guess would be each person is going through their status page and choosing a class. I better hurry; if I remembered correctly, it was possible to trigger a hidden class at this stage, but the only catch was how many people would be able to survive the test of a hidden class. My previous time here I wasn't that lucky, but those who were lucky enough to activate it complained about the difficulty of the trial. It became general knowledge that a hidden class of that difficulty must have been a legendary class.

[Congratulations on completing the testing stage.]

[Each human will be receiving the same briefing in their own area.]

[You need to choose a class. To help you in selecting the correct class you must decide if you want to be a Melee Frontline fighter, Agile Fighter or a Magic Wielding Mage.]

Mia: “Mage”

[Mage – what specialization?]

Mia: “Priest”

[By selecting a shield in the testing area, mage class and priest specialization, you have activated a trial for a hidden class.]

[Do you want to proceed with the class trial?]

Mia: “Yes!”

[You have 60 seconds to prepare for combat.]

I don't know what I will be facing but it won't hurt to create that skill...

Mia: “Create Skill! <Ignore Pain>, It should use its mana resource. Make it instant cast.”

[Is this your final choice?]

Mia: “Yes.”

Ignore Pain

<Instant Cast>

Level 1/3

20 mana/sec


Description: Fight through the pain, Reduces a % physical damage.


Generally, reduces the amount of pain felt when taking damage

Well, it was not like I had a problem with managing mana. I activated <Ignore Pain>, picked up a new sword and shield in preparation for the upcoming battle.

[To complete this trial, You must survive 50 attacks without dying.] 

[Since you are a Priest, Class skill provided: <Prayer of Mending>]

Prayer of Mending

<Instant Cast>

15% of Base Mana


Description: Heals you the next time you take damage



I could see why people complained about the difficulty of this trial; one, you had to survive 50 attacks and two, you could only cast a heal skill that took 15% of your base mana.

I took the same stance as when I fought the goblin: I reduced my surface area behind the shield. The quest only said taking 50 hits, but it had never mentioned that I could not block them. I also didn’t know if the attacks would only be from one direction or not.

I cast <Prayer of Mending> on myself before the first attack came flying at me. I was already in the ideal position to block it with my shield, but I wanted to see how far I could go with just taking it with my body.


Even with <Ignore Pain> it hurt like a b@t&h. Normally that would have taken about half my health points (HP), but with <Ignore Pain>, only about a quarter of my HP was deducted. Based on the rough calculation I just did, the registered damage was the same amount of healing done by <Prayer of Mending>. That would mean I would have close to zero damage.’ After doing the calculations in my head, I could finally relax a little knowing that if I played my cards correctly, then I would be able to complete this trial.

So far, the maximum number of attacks at the same time had been 3; I guessed that the final attack would be four. I must make sure that I am at full HP before the last attack.

Soon, 46/50 appeared on the screen above me. I checked my health, which was at 100%. I cast <Prayer of Mending> on myself, in preparation for the attack to come. As predicted, four attacks came from different directions for this last attack. 

I blocked one with my shield. 

The remaining 3 attacks made it past my shield, hitting me on my back, chest and stomach. One of the attacks activated the healing effect of <Prayer of Mending>, healing half of the attack. 

“The other two attacks could only be registered as confirmed hits. Luckily, I have <Ignore Pain>; with it activated, just above half of the attack was mitigated. It made sense why no one wants to be tankers.” I was successful in completing the trial with half of my HP spare.

[Test complete.]

[Class award: Legendary Bunker Warrior.]


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