13. Pig Teammates
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"Shall we move on?"

Dream Xiao Songfen dropped the branch. The light pressure on Bai Yiyan's sternum disappeared and was replaced by a subtle feeling of loss.

The branch disintegrated into ashes as it fell and blew away like burning incense. The Willow Peak Elder stood up, dusted off his robes, and walked right past his disciple. The sofa he sat on turned gray and dissolved out of the spotlight into the darkness.

Around them was nothing but undefined space. An in-between dimension inside Bai Yiyan's inner self.

Bai Yiyan turned to look at his master standing in the cloudy darkness with a curious expression.


“Come. If you want to succeed in your breakthrough, you'll need to withstand being struck by lightning a few times1 Referring to the lightning strikes of heavenly tribulation. Because my Chinese is still baby mode, I'm actually not sure if the correct term is 天劫 tiānjié or 重劫 zhòngjié lmao. A trial that cultivators face during breakthrough points in their cultivation which they must endure in order to ascend. This is because cultivators are defying the heavens by cultivating immortality so the heavens is retaliating. Heavenly tribulations are usually in the form of lightning strikes..” Dream Xiao Songfen spoke. His voice was infused with a tone of mild tolerance.

Bai Yiyan obediently moved his legs to follow.

As soon as Bai Yiyan reached Xiao Songfen a dense dark fog closed in behind him, engulfing them both.

“Stay close to me.” His master warned. "We don't want you getting lost in your memories again."

The two walked seemingly without direction, but the Willow Peak Elder's steps were swift and sure. A sourceless breeze caused their clothes and hair to sway and ripple faintly. Bai Yiyan followed carefully without taking his eyes off his master's back.

“Shizun…” Bai Yiyan began.


“How…can you be here?”

Xiao Songfen stopped and turned to look at Bai Yiyan with a surprised expression.

“What do you mean ‘how’?” He chuckled. “I'm here because of you. I am a part of you.”

Dream Xiao Songfen leaned in towards Bai Yiyan, making sure his face was close and in clear view.

He closed his eyes for a brief second and then opened them again, the warm and comforting aura disappeared.

Bai Yiyan was given a glimpse of its true form visible in the depths of his master's gaze. Or rather, something imitating his master's physical form. Inside the shell of this person's gaze was a small shapeless undefined qi form, twisting and turning in on itself.

This was not his real master.

The qi form was familiar and its nature was the same as his own, likely a self-aware offshoot of Bai Yiyan's own qi. Dream Xiao Songfen blinked and the exposed qi form was once again engulfed by a warm aura, slipping back into a perfect copy of the Willow Peak Elder.

Dream Xiao Songfen did a quick spin. His robes fluttered slowly as they spun with him.

“Mn. Even though I am also you, I’m still impressed. Your memory is very good. Or should I say 'our' memory?” Dream Xiao Songfen praised as his fingers smoothed out the fabric of his sleeve. A beautiful emerald brocade with exquisite patterns. “Accurate…down to the last thread of embroidery."

Bai Yiyan simply let the imitation of his master continue to talk as he observed quietly. Xiao Songfen's peach blossom eyes framed by gently arched eyebrows looked back at him. Dark irises slightly warm with a subtle hint of playfulness. Carrying nothing but clean emotions.

The fog around them swirled and oscillated like wings of flying ospreys, enhancing Xiao Songfen's otherworldly appearance. Looking at him gave one the feeling of being lost in a bamboo forest, accompanied by the sound of running water and bird cries.

(Indeed.) Bai Yiyan agreed.

He had very good memory.

The Xiao Songfen in front of him looked exactly like the real one. He spoke like the real one too.

Bai Yiyan felt a subtle feeling of satisfaction from the scale of his accuracy.

“Speaking of your memories…twenty years old.” Dream Xiao Songfen closed his eyes and tutted with a slight shake of his head, immersing in the personality he was supposed to emulate. “Turns out my disciple has so many secrets. Ha…the real one out there has no clue his sweet little disciple is already a sly black-bellied adult. Looking taller and stronger than me too. We2The qi form is speaking a strange mix between using third and first-person worried about your meals and growth for nothing. And even after mooching so many things off your poor master, you still went to steal that beast core from Sanchuan Bazaar. Tsk, laozi has been raising a white-eyed wolf3recap: 白眼狼 bái yǎn láng: lit. a white-eyed wolf. An ungrateful person, ingrate. Someone who bites the hand that feeds them.."

Bai Yiyan stiffened slightly. He could not deny or argue with this version of Xiao Songfen who was privy to all his inner thoughts and memories. He had no choice but to admit it.


“...but somehow right now, I don't feel upset about it at all." The qi form mused. "I even feel like I'll forgive you. Comfort you and have you continue to be my disciple.”

It glanced mischievously at Bai Yiyan.

“Is the real Xiao Songfen out there really this magnanimous and forgiving? I wonder…” It teased. “…if this is all your wishful dream?”

Bai Yiyan subtly avoided eye contact. Maybe his memory wasn’t that accurate.

Fully aware of his thoughts, the qi form laughed in response.

“What? Afraid of being kicked out of the sect when you wake up later?”

“…don’t know…” Bai Yiyan answered awkwardly, dropping honorifics since the being was not really his master, but one of his own creation. “My memory must not be very good after all.”

The qi form laughed out loud.

“Mn.” It acquiesced, deciding not to tease Bai Yiyan any longer. "We shall see, won't we? After all, there can be no true lies here in your soul if you want to break through to the next stage. It's about time to move this along."

The qi form suddenly reached out and plunged its hand into the thick mist surrounding them. At the sudden motion, the mist swirled and tumbled around its arms. There was a sudden flash of light, reminiscent of a lightning strike.

The beginnings of a heavenly trial and tribulation.

Lightning flashed, illuminating Dream Xiao Songfen's face. The qi form smiled a ghostly smile, like a god disconnected from the mortal world, no longer mimicking Xiao Songfen's personality.

Wind slowly began to swirl aggressively around them. Their robes and hair whipped back and forth.

“Ready?" It asked Bai Yiyan enigmatically.

Bai Yiyan nodded and stepped forward.


Following the qi form with Xiao Songfen's appearance, Bai Yiyan briefly worried about his real master outside.

It would be nice if his master didn't get too angry with him later...


— meanwhile —

Slash! Hack!

(AHHHHH FUCK ME.) Xiao Songfen screamed internally.

The onslaught of Gu worms was endless. Soaked in Gu worm blood and guts, he had only managed to move Bai Yiyan and himself a mere ten meters towards the lobby where Yang Zishan was.

His golden core inside rippled and buzzed, working overtime to keep his body from succumbing to Gu poison as his skin came into contact with the toxic body fluids of Gu worms. Luckily, his quick thinking allowed him to grab some spare clothes out of his interspatial ring and completely cover Bai Yiyan from head to toe.

Bai Yiyan was cocooned safely like a swaddled newborn.

(Really. I. Am. SO. Lucky.) Xiao Songfen's thoughts dripped with sarcasm.

(Carrying a pig teammate4猪队友 zhūduìyǒu - a teammate or ally that is more of a hindrance than a help (wiki) while I fight the ugliest creatures I have ever seen. Bai Yiyan, you should be so thankful that I am fond enough of your face to cover it for you.)

His disciple was wrapped up and secure, but Xiao Songfen could not accurately assess Bai Yiyan’s internal state under all the protective covering. The clothes could only shield him for so long. They needed to quickly get out of this situation so his disciple's breakthrough could be observed safely. Xiao Songfen could not afford to lose even a sliver of focus.

All the hair on his body stood on end as Xiao Songfen reluctantly breathed in the smell of slaughtered Gu worms through clenched teeth.

(Just breathe. Breathe through the nose...)

Yaoye slashed another Gu worm.


A sound that could only trigger shudders of disgust as worm entrails splattered across the floor.

(Why are these things so gross?!)

Fatigue was starting to set in when he heard Yang Zishan’s voice call out from behind.

“Xiao Huan!”

Xiao Songfen felt a sense of relief wash over him and the subtle urge to even shed a few tears. So there were benefits to this friendship after all.

“Xiao Huan, are you slacking?!”

The tears brimming in Xiao Songfen's eyes immediately retreated back into his tear ducts.

(Ai, wasted my emotions. Even in this situation, he makes me really want to hit him.)

Xiao Songfen couldn’t afford to look in the direction of Yang Zishan’s voice.

He grunted as he slashed at another large Gu worm head-on while holding on to a swaddled Bai Yiyan in the other. Poisonous fluids trickled down Yaoye's blade towards the hilt. A few drops landed on his hand. Xiao Songfen hissed quietly in pain and gave Yaoye a hard flick to shake off the poison. Sweat beaded on his forehead as his golden core worked hard to detoxify the little poison that had been absorbed through his skin.

“It’s so noisy outside." Yang Zishan complained as he approached leisurely from behind. "What are you-AI MOTHER!"

Yang Zishan jumped back in disgust, narrowly dodging a lunging Gu worm.

"When did all these things come out?!”

Xiao Songfen rolled his eyes, wondering if Yang Zishan had selective smelling in addition to selective hearing. How could he not notice the heavy stench of slaughtered worm matter?

He immediately whipped out his guqin and strummed with practiced force. The aggressive sound waves filled with qi radiated outwards at an unbelievable speed, causing the surrounding Gu worms to seize up and shriek in pain. Some of the weaker ones could not stand the sheer force, their bodies bursting on the spot.

Yang Zishan quickly closed the distance between himself and Xiao Songfen. They stood side-by-side with their backs to each other.

"How far along are the sect reinforcements?” Xiao Songfen inquired.

“Still on their way.” Yang Zishan replied while simultaneously strumming his guqin without pause. Like the person playing them, the notes were deceptively subtle and melodious in contrast with the amount of damage they caused. The wave of Gu worms slowed to a manageable rate, impeded by the constant pressure of the guqin. "I thought you went to find your disciple. Where is the brat-OH."

Yang Zishan saw the human-sized swaddled cocoon in Xiao Songfen's arms and sent him a critical look.

"...Xiao Huan," He began with a tone of patronizing disapproval, "I know he is young but to wrap him up like a newborn is a little-"

"He is breaking through." Xiao Songfen immediately cut him off.

Pig teammates, both of them. One is physically incapacitated and the other has brain damage.

Xiao Songfen hacked another Gu worm in two.

“I covered him to keep him from getting hit with Gu poison. But the chaotic turbulence of his current state will keep attracting them. It will be difficult to keep up our defense at this rate. Especially when the heavenly tribulations start."

Xiao Songfen looked up at the sky. They still had some time, but it was starting to look a bit gray. Some thunderclouds could be seen approaching in the distance.

"Did you take care of the unconscious people?" He asked meticulously.

Yang Zishan scoffed as if he were offended the question was even asked.

"What kind of person do you take me for? I left a barrier array around the main building after giving them some general treatment. Their condition is something that needs to be treated by the Gingko Peak Elder."

"How large is the array? Can we fit?"

"Erm...probably? My array formation skills aren't as good as yours. You may need to make adjustments and reinforce it."

"Then we retreat to the lobby first."

As the clear sky continued to fill with clouds, the two painstakingly fought their way back towards the lobby building of Sanchuan Bazaar.

There was a flash in the sky. Thunder. Rain began to lightly drizzle.

Xiao Songfen's sword swung faster and faster with a higher sense of urgency. Yang Zishan also had a more diligent expression than usual as he played the guqin expertly.

A trail of dead Gu worms stretched from the warehouses all the way towards the back entrance of the lobby.

Xiao Songfen's back hit the entrance door.

With a swift kick, he burst in carrying Bai Yiyan with Yang Zishan defending closely at the rear. Crossing the threshold caused the array formation Yang Zishan had drawn earlier to flash in recognition.

The lobby was mostly empty now as Yang Zishan had moved all the unconscious people into the smaller private rooms.

The wrapped Bai Yiyan was laid gently on the floor a safe distance from the doors and windows.

"You watch him while I reinforce the array." Xiao Songfen ordered as he swiftly pulled qi from his third eye to fortify the array formation. Gu worms were gathering around the formation barrier, attracted by the scent of the vulnerable living inside and Bai Yiyan's turbulent qi circulation. With a few swift movements of his hand, qi strands were sent out and woven into the surrounding formation drawn on the floor.

"What did you do?"

"I added a counter-reaction to anything that comes in contact with the perimeter."

He nodded over the doorway they had come through. The door was broken and could no longer close but it was no problem as the formation array was an even better defense. From inside, they could see Gu worms being shocked with some sort of invisible attack as they tried to cross the door threshold. They dropped to the ground, fried, like flies on an electric swatter.

Xiao Songfen wrinkled his nose at the sight of sizzling flesh.

"...and I also made it keep out smells."

Crisis temporarily overcome, Xiao Songfen finally relaxed and shed his poison-stained outer robe. He set his sword on top of the pile of fabric. Yaoye was very dirty and would have to be thoroughly cleaned later.

"I will go check on the injured." Yang Zishan said as he turned and disappeared into the first side room.

After doing a quick scan to make sure there was no poison on the surface of his skin, he made his way over to Bai Yiyan.

He carefully unwrapped Bai Yiyan from the layers of fabric and laid him out in a cleared area on the floor.

Thunder could be heard outside as well as the downpour of rain increased. The stars in the sky were completely obscured by dark heavy clouds.

Xiao Songfen sighed in resignation.

It was already too late to move Bai Yiyan anywhere else. His disciple would have to undergo his tribulation here.

A rumble in the sky.

With no further warning, the first bout of lightning struck the main building, blasting a hole in the roof above Bai Yiyan. The array formation strained under the sudden attack, absorbing most of the force but unable to completely stop it.

Xiao Songfen shielded Bai Yiyan from the falling debris with his sleeve.

Remnants of the lightning strike headed straight towards Bai Yiyan.

Xiao Songfen frowned.

Were the lightning strikes for heavenly tribulations always this strong?

A second strike, more potent than the last. Xiao Songfen calmly sealed up the cracks forming in the array formation. He was not mistaken. The power of these lightning strikes were definitely stronger than expected.

“…nnng…” Bai Yiyan suddenly groaned in pain quietly. His body, previously cold and clammy, was now emitting waves of intense heat.

The hair on Xiao Songfen’s neck stood on end as Bai Yiyan suddenly groaned.


Bai Yiyan’s eyebrows were knitted as if he were having a bad dream. Sweat beaded on his forehead.

Xiao Songfen was in a dilemma.

He could not keep absorbing the lightning strikes for Bai Yiyan. It was necessary that Bai Yiyan face them himself in order to successfully break through. Prolonging it would risk bringing more damage to Bai Yiyan’s body and cultivation. However, if Xiao Songfen completely undid the array formation now, they and everyone else would be vulnerable to Gu worms.

As he silently fretted, Yang Zishan returned from the side rooms.

"All look stable so far…what’s wrong?” He noticed Xiao Songfen's worried expression and looked down at Bai Yiyan. “Something wrong with him?”

“The lightning strikes have started, but I can’t let them through the array formation without putting all of us at risk.” Xiao Songfen spoke wearily.

“Ha! I have a quick solution.” Yang Zishan offered, tossing his sleeves back confidently.

“And what is that?”

”Bring him to the roof of the building. If we stick his body just outside the array formation to catch the lightning, then you won’t have to worry about repairing any damage it will cause to the formation. And we can pull him back inside as soon as he finishes breaking through.”

(Like…a lightning rod?) Xiao Songfen thought incredulously. He conjured up an image of sticking Bai Yiyan out like a pole to catch electricity.

“…the only problem is someone would have to hold him out there and defend him from the worms while also enduring the strikes with him…” Yang Zishan mused, then sighed and raised his hands in defeat. “Ah, maybe this won’t work after all. We should just wait until reinforcements-”

“I'll do it.”

”Ha?! How? You two barely made it back to the lobby in the first place."

”There's not much choice." Xiao Songfen pressed his lips together in a grim expression. "If we wait too long, his cultivation may get damaged."

Xiao Songfen stood up and held his right hand out.


Yaoye swiftly flew into his hand. Xiao Songfen channeled qi into his arms to increase his strength and then lifted Bai Yiyan with his left arm.

He made his way towards a winding staircase going to the rooftop.

"Make sure to support the perimeter while I'm not here." He instructed Yang Zishan.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Yang Zishan questioned. "Sharing strikes of tribulation will be very painful."

Xiao Songfen stopped just before the first flight of stairs. He looked back at Yang Zishan inquiringly.

"Well, do you want to do it then?"

”Understandable." Yang Zishan immediately answered. "Please be on your way, righteous and generous friend. I shall obediently provide support from here."

“It’s good that you know.” Xiao Songfen rolled his eyes and began to walk up the steps.

Yang Zishan muttered grumpily.

"He really has become so mean these days...."

Storm weather steadily increased in intensity. A few flashes here and there. Some rumbling.

Xiao Songfen wasted no time rushing up the steps.

He swiftly reached the top and stopped just before the barely perceivable array formation barrier. There was a brief moment of silence where Xiao Songfen could only hear his own blood flow and heart pounding from adrenaline.

He looked down at his disciple.

Bai Yiyan lay pale and quiet in his arms. Suddenly, for some inexplicable reason, Xiao Songfen reached out and gently touched his disciple's forehead. A faint pulse could be felt at his fingertips.

(How strange.) Xiao Songfen thought.

The more time they spent together, the more real this Bai Yiyan was to him and the more divorced he felt from the novel character Bai Yiyan. Xiao Songfen shook his head to clear his thoughts. He'd think about it more later.

With a deep breath, he stepped outside of the array formation and sat down. He settled Bai Yiyan snugly into his arms. Gu worms below immediately detected their presence. The creatures began to leap and climb up the sides of the building.

Xiao Songfen closed his eyes and focused on regulating his breath. Using Yaoye as a medium, the qi around him began to condense and swirl, lashing out at the Gu worms in defense.

Rain was falling heavily, soaking his hair and clothing all the way through.

A rumble.

Holding Bai Yiyan even closer, he braced himself for the impending lightning tribulation strike.



Author: Much praise for Xiao Songfen who has been in the middle of a battle for many months.

Xiao Songfen: I demand a raise.



How slowly do you want to publish?

Me: YES.



I think you can all tell by now that I'm a simp for Lun Sang. I actually wanted to link this song in the previous chapter because I thought it fit Bai Yiyan's past well too, but sadly there is only room for one song in each chapter I was lazy to find another song for this chapter.

Fyi, this song is sung in Cantonese (shout out to my fellow canto homies).

No More Waiting 不等 by 倫桑 Lun Sang