Chapter 7: Wake-up Call
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Soul-bonding ceremony now called Bestowal ceremony, I think it sounds cooler and the name is more appropriate.


Christiana Lapis Lorien was born with a golden spoon in her mouth.

As the sole princess of the Lorien kingdom, she possessed wealth, beauty and lineage envied by all others. Her family cherished her, and the people of the kingdom adored her image. Certainly, if one looked at her objectively, they would say that she was well and truly blessed. What could this girl who had everything lack?

The answer was simple, and it was something she was made painfully aware of from a young age.


She was not as talented with the sword, or as cunning a military strategist as her oldest brother Edward. She didn’t have the wits, intellect and studious nature of her other brother James. She wasn’t as charismatic or as capable as her father, nor was she as adept in navigating the social circles as her mother. 

Yes, she possessed all the wealth, power, and privilege that a person could ever desire. That much was irrefutable. But the young princess saw her lack of ability as a black stain on her and her family. When compared to her siblings, she didn't have any distinguishing characteristics other than her natural appearance. 

All the comments from the sons and daughters of nobility complimenting her beauty only served as reminders that her appearance was the only thing she had going for her.

She tried her hand in all the paths that were available to her, but to no avail. Her martial arts instructors had cautioned her foolhardy pursuits, saying that she lacked the foundations and natural instincts for battle that Edward had. Her teachers had grimaced in disappointment when she struggled with lessons that her older siblings had passed with flying colors. 

The high nobles whispered to themselves away from the eyes of her father, the king.

“Isn’t her highness too lacking? Wouldn’t her existence bring down the royal family’s prestige?”

“The majesties must be troubled.”

“If this continues, won’t she be forced into an arranged marriage?”

“Perhaps her fortunes will change in the coming months.”

“We can only hope.”

These malicious comments were exceedingly rare. Most retainers simply saw the princess with indifference, instead seeking to involve themselves with supporting Edward and James, the future rulers. To the young Christiana, however, these words affirmed her own insecurities. She cried bitterly to herself at night to lament her own helplessness.

Her family didn’t know that the young girl hid her own demons. They continued to unconditionally shower her with their love and support despite all her flaws, which gave her all the more reason to feel guilt for never being able to repay them in any way, for being nothing but a burden. She was terrified that one day she would lose their love because she herself had nothing to offer.

While the future of the country was secure thanks to the two princes, Christiana herself had no purpose. She saw no future where she could truly live up to her station, to be of assistance to her family and help the people of her country in a way of her own. 

However, she saw a ray of hope in her upcoming Bestowal ceremony, a crucial event humans underwent when they reached thirteen years of age. They received the blessings of mana, and were able to contract bonded spirits and relics. Perhaps then, she would unlock her potential and find a purpose, a path for her to devote her life towards walking with pride. 

There were others who counted the days leading up to the ceremony, although with more malevolent intentions.

The Lorien bloodline maintained its rule over the kingdom for centuries, and not without reason. In their veins ran the blood of merfolk from the ancient era, a time when magic ran rampant throughout the world. Descendants of this bloodline held greater affinity towards mana, and members of the royal family became remarkably strong after their Bestowals. 

Their very blood resonated with mana and enhanced magic. What would happen if others had the power of such a bloodline? There were many who coveted the promise of power. Among them, the Lorien kingdom’s enemies were willing to risk it all if it meant securing monumental gains for their organizations, households and countries.

The elder members of the royal family were monstrously strong even on their own. But the young princess was another story. They saw the Lorien kingdom’s unbloomed flower as something for them to pluck for their own gain. There was no better opportunity than to steal away a fledgling chick who had yet to leave her nest. The rewards were well worth the risks. 

They aimed to harvest her lifeblood and secure the Lorien royal family’s ancient bloodline for their own clans. It didn’t have to be said what needed to be done to her for their goals to be realized.

They struck in the dark of night, under the moon's vile grin. Cloaked figures invaded Christiana’s room, knives and arrows shining with blood from slaughtered guards. Their suffocating auras indicated the prowess of high ranking warriors. No expense was spared to mobilize the best of the best; the night would either be the fortune or fall of their masters.

Shrieking, the young girl scrambled to escape, but was quickly herded into the room’s corner like a frightened lamb before ravenous wolves. She felt overwhelming despair, her vision filled with the sight of grasping hands and glinting steel.

Griselda, her personal maid, instinctively felt something was wrong from years of experience. She realized her princess was in danger and burst into the room as a roaring figure of fire and fury. She swung her greatsword at the first assailant, cleaving him in two and reducing his corpse to smoldering ashes. She directed her blazing eyes towards the other kidnappers, who stood firm against the aspect of rage. 

Griselda stood with her back facing Christiana, acting as a final bastion before help would arrive. She could only defend against the cloaked figures’ attacks, not willing to risk letting them snatch away the girl she was protecting.

However strong she was, she was still one woman against a group of highly skilled combatants. The palace guards were occupied in their own battles, and Griselda was repeatedly pelted with curses and slashed with envenomed blades. Her strength waned under their continued assault, and black blood flowed from her open wounds. Still, she continued to stand tall in order to fulfill her sworn duty until her last breath.

Finally, when the rest of the royal family and their knights arrived to purge the intruders, she collapsed in a heap. Griselda’s final stand had burnt away all her strength and spirit.

 The invaders made one last ditch attempt to secure Christiana, dashing forwards in desperation. Lysander and Elenoa cut them down in cold fury. Edward and James evaluated the situation and ordered their knights to secure the area and search the palace grounds. 

Christiana knelt before her fallen guardian, not believing that the sight before her was real. She grasped the maid’s hands with trembling fingers.

They were bitingly cold.

Tears trickled down the young girl’s face, blurring her vision and staining the ground beneath her.

Had she been stronger, would she not have been targeted? If she had been more astute, more aware of her surroundings, could she have avoided the incident entirely? 

If she wasn’t such a burden, if she wasn’t so useless, then could she have done more to protect the ones she loved?


Assimilation sequence 74% complete.


Larry woke up with a start. Similar to the last time he had the assimilation dream, his body was sticky with sweat. Unlike the previous instance, however, he noticed wet trails of tears flowing down his cheeks. It was then that the night’s events came back to him in a rush. His conversation with Christiana, as well as the memories he received, no, relived would be a more accurate description. The grief and self-loathing that she had experienced were still fresh in his mind, almost as if he was the one who suffered those feelings in her place. 

He only knew Christiana’s story from when The Guardian Knight’s Saga began: after the main cast started to attend Aesir Academy when they were thirteen years old. The incident from his inherited memories must have been the fundamental event that changed Christiana from the fragile and pitiful girl whose memories he inherited to the determined heroine he knew her as.

But he wasn’t her. Even though seeing Griselda’s broken body shook him, he didn’t think he had it in him to move forward after such an event. It made him respect the original Christiana all the more, for having the strength to rise to the heights that she did in the novel. Maybe it was for this reason that her bonded rapier, Raison D'être, chose her. 

Even after being assured by the person herself, he still felt doubtful over his role in this world. He realized from Christiana’s memories that there was no place for people like him in Irudeia, the world of the novel. People like him would be trampled on, and they wouldn’t even be able to protect themselves, let alone others. In the end, despite both Larry and Christiana facing similar problems of being inferior to others at a young age, they were still fundamentally different. Unlike him, she was born in this world, and forced herself to change and grow stronger in any way she could in order to adapt to its cruel realities. He didn’t have the resolve to endure that struggle.

“Why me?” It was the only question on his mind in all this time. Why was he brought to this world? Even after receiving Christiana’s memories and knowing the tragic incident that would happen in the near future, he was still doubtful that he would be able to do anything. He was in the body of a frail 13 year old girl, and unlike transmigration novels where the protagonist was the world’s best assassin in their previous life, Larry had just been an ordinary man who was failing college. If he truly was brought to the period of time before Christiana’s Bestowal ceremony took place, then he was practically a fish on the chopping block.

He sighed. He appreciated the fact that the Lorien royal family lived in luxury, otherwise this isekai would have been the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals. 

Whatever. He thought. It was too much trouble to dwell on the meaning of his existence at the moment, he had done plenty of that in his old world and none of it had ever borne fruit. 

Gingerly bringing his small body out of the bed sheets to air out his sticky clothes, he took a moment to look at his surroundings. 

Everything was dark and still in the dead of the night. 

Wait what? Shouldn’t a lot of time have passed since I fell asleep? I would expect to have woken up at the break of dawn, at least. 

A monotone voice rang from inside his head, making him jump in surprise.

[The passage of time in the host’s hibernation state is different from that of the outside world. Half an hour has passed since the host first entered REM sleep.]

“Shouldn’t I at least be allowed to keep on sleeping normally afterwards then? A growing body needs its rest.” he complained. 

[After inheriting memories, the host’s mind needs to integrate them subconsciously into his own. Remaining conscious during this period is essential, thus the host is forced to wake up.]

“This is such a pain, why is this “assimilation” even necessary to begin with?” Christiana had told him that it was to allow his seamless transition into Irudeia, but she didn’t explain any further. Being too caught up in the moment, Larry didn’t ask any questions about it either.

[Gender dysphoria is a severe psychological condition that can quickly take tolls on your mental state.]

“...” The fuck? Why did you bring a man’s soul into the body of a girl then, huh?! Larry was growing increasingly exasperated. He didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Why couldn’t he at least have possessed the body of a strong and handsome guy like Rayden Havelocke? 

Feeling his mental fatigue accumulate, he walked up to his bedside window and drew back the heavy curtains, wanting to look at the night sky to ease his troubled mind and seek social emotional counseling from the stars, since the System only served to drive him crazy. 

Looking up, he froze, not finding guidance and peace but instead finding a silvery luminescent death flag piercing through dark clouds.

The moon’s waning crescent smiled like a cheshire cat from above.

They struck in the dark of night, under the moon’s vile grin.

“Oh.” Larry’s troubles had only increased. “Shit.”
