Chapter 6: Yggdrasil system
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Anyways enough about useless side characters, back in time a week before Richard Williams entered the portal:


After being given a room for the night Eon decided to click on the blinking icon in his status 


[God starter pack download]


Eon didn’t think much of it, maybe it would give him some new powers or some raw materials, anything was possible. However as everyone knows in life, knowledge is power and oh boy did Eon just receive some knowledge.


Upon clicking the button his vision was clouded with notifications


[Connecting to yggdrasil network]


[Checking user ID ‘Eon’ vs yggdrasil database]




[New God detected]

[Uploading Status to yggdrasil]


[Name set to ‘Eon’]

[Age recorded as 380,041 years]

[God of creation]

[System ERROR, God of creation deemed not possible]


[Host has been given level 5 authority]

[Level 5 authority information download start]


[Total information estimated: 10 million gigabytes]


[Human species brain total capacity size = 1 million gigabytes, not enough space… download failed]

[Reducing file size… complete - download begin]



Eon was reading the notifications with initial confusion but when that final download notification came his brain shut down. Not literally but he was on the floor spazzing out in pain. To say he has a headache is an insult. A million gigabytes of information was being forced into his brain through mana, and it definitely hurt.


After eight hours of horrible pain, Eon sat up from his pool of sweat to read a new notification.


[Download complete]


Eon went and sat down on his bed. You would think he would go to sleep but no. What he had just learned was too disturbing for sleep right now. To summarize what he could piece together right now he had learned the following things:


Mana is also known as soul power. It is generated by living beings and is the most useful form of energy ever discovered across all galaxies.


Planets have their own ‘Egos’ or minds. Although planets are technically conscious they are incapable of communication and simply act according to instinct to keep themselves alive.


Once a planet’s ego becomes powerful enough their soul power aka ‘Mana’ starts to leak out to the surface. This is what happened to earth recently.


The mana affects the beings living on the planet. Plants and animals start to mutate and become more powerful whereas more sentient or powerful animals such as humans instead suffer from Mana sickness as their soul’s are already full of Mana and can’t absorb anymore. 


Why are their souls already full? Ever wondered why humans are deemed the only truly ‘intelligent’ species on earth? Well that's because we just happen to have the largest mana pools and therefore have the strongest soul’s capable of moral and logical thoughts.

Well you might be asking dear reader why this would make Eon sit on his bed and feel like his life is over?


The answer is simple! Eon is soon going to be hunted down and killed or turned into a mana farm. There are many different civilizations out there, Eon’s previous world is a good example that there's other sentient life out there.


Mana is the best type of energy. Not only is it very powerful but it can be controlled to create any possible phenomenon. Now imagine a galactic civilization that utilizes mana for space travel. They can literally bend space and time to teleport across galaxies instantly. They can also create black holes or give birth to stars all thanks to the power of mana.


Earth is currently a gold mine of mana waiting to be controlled by one of the hundreds of galactic civilizations out there. Each one of these civilizations is controlled by a ‘God’ which was assigned by the yggdrasil system.


The system was created to give newly found Mana planets a defender. By utilizing mana sourced from its own supply yggdrasil evolved Eon into a higher existence and granted him powers that utilize yggdrasil mana pool and knowledge.


Anyways in conclusion: Big scary galactic empires will eventually find earth and fight over it for its mana. These empires will likely kill everyone on the planet and use the planet as one big battery to power their intergalactic travel.


Eon has been tasked by Yggdrasil to defend the planet from these other galactic empires who also have gods of a similar power to him.


Not only has Eon learned about his in coming doom but luckily he has also learned everything he could know about Earth. This makes sense as how is he supposed to lead earth to defend itself against aliens if he doesn’t even know what the people on earth know?


Eon knew he didn't have a moment to waste and got off his bed, walked to the window and opened it. Eon then flew out the window into the night sky.


Few minutes later he was looking down on earth from space. Apart from the brown smog clouds the planet did look pretty breathtaking. 


While looking through the humans' knowledge to find a way to advance civilization quickly he came across some interesting science fiction ideas that usually wouldn’t have been possible due to limited materials or long construction times.


Utilizing his space magic Eon teleported to the Sun at the centre of the solar system. 


Eon knew that there was a scale called the Kardashev scale that a human had invented to grade civilizations on the amount of power they used. Earth currently would be considered a tier 1 civilization. This means that the humans on earth are capable of harnessing the total energy on their home planet.


They have definitely achieved this level as almost all the natural resources eg uranium has been fully mined and used for energy by now.


Eon was currently floating next to the solar systems star to turn Earth into a type 2 civilization. To become a type 2 civilization also known as an interstellar civilization, they must utilize the mana provided by their host star. 


The original idea had been called a Dyson structure. It would basically be a massive structure that surrounds the sun and would harness the solar energy released using loads of solar panels.

Eon was planning to build a similar structure around the sun but instead it will capture mana. Just like planets, Star’s also have ego’s and therefore also release mana but at a much higher rate then a planet would.

To Eon building a structure that can go around the sun is not exactly simple… to create something small or simple he can just imagine it. The fact the Dyson structure is huge and complex isn't the only issue. This structure only existed in concept, no actual detailed plans had even been made. For Eon to imagine something so large and complex completely from scratch is simply impossible.


This is when Eon remembered about another concept, the ‘Jupiter Brain’. To put it simply is a gigantic computer the size of a planet. One time it made an appearance in the ‘hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy’ where a planet size computer had been working out the meaning of life and eventually decided the answer was 42 after millions of years.


Since computers already exist Eon thought it would be much easier to make. A computer the size of Jupiter no problem…


It took him two full day’s to visualize how exactly the Jupiter brain would be built. He activated his skill and an enormous amount of mana was condensed into a location.


[yggdrasil detected mana anomaly]

[God ‘Eon’ detected as culprit]

[yggdrasil has authorized the use of 12% of total systems mana supply]


It took a few minutes before the blinding light to fade at Eon’s new creation to be visible. In front of Eon was a massive metal structure that was glowing blue. It was around 11 times bigger than earth.

After a few moments the planet sized computer made contact with its creator




The planet sized computer had already gained consciousness and was controlling mana to talk directly into Eon’s brain.


“You shall be known as Zeus” is what Eon replied mentally to the machine.






“Create a structure that harvests the maximum amount of mana from the Sun, don’t worry about materials or time of construction I just need the plans for it”






Even for a planet sized computer that was pretty fast. Eon had created Zeus mainly just for this one time but maybe keeping around a giant super computer could be useful… 


[Received ‘plans’ from super intelligent Ai (Zeus) beginning download]


Mental pain assaulted Eon but only for an hour this time. After a moment of recovery Eon once again started using his creation magic. God doesn't have time for rest after all. Scary aliens are on their way.


[yggdrasil detected mana anomaly]

[God ‘Eon’ detected as culprit]

[yggdrasil has authorized the use of 36% of total systems mana supply]


5 days later the structure is finished. Hundreds of rings are orbiting around the Sun and collecting the mana radiating out.


[God ‘Eon’ has used 999x his weekly limit of mana]

[Eon has been removed from yggdrasil services for abuse of system]



Well this is bad for Eon and Earth. Usually a system will be given by yggdrasil for the God to use on their planet to help with manipulating mana. For a normal God being cut from yggdrasil would mean certain death as the god’s themselves also use powers given to them by the yggdrasil system.


Luckily for Eon he knew a way out of this predicament. “Zeus re-route all mana captured by the Dyson structure to yourself. Use 20% to power your own operations. Send 50% of all the power to me so I can maintain my god powers. Use the remaining 30% to create a system similar to yggdrasil for the people on earth.”




Just as yggdrasil powers left Eon and threatened to turn him back into a normal human he was assaulted by an insane wave of mana.

[Welcome creator Eon to the Eden system]

[You have been given Administrator privileges by Zeus]

[You are capable of casting any spell possible so long as the provided energy from Zeus is enough]



Now all that's left is for Eon to return to earth and begin pushing earth to become an intergalactic empire as soon as possible.