#014 I can speak (well… write)
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Well I don't need the bow but the sword could be interesting. 

Leo picked up the sword and shifted his body so he could test it against his claws. He hit them both against each other with increasing intensity. *clack* *clACK* *CLACK* To his surprise the claw was undamaged but the iron sword hat some new chipping marks.

It is weaker than my claws... well I guess it cant hurt to at least acquire the material for future references.

Leo used body grow but was met with a lot of resistance from the sword. It took him quiet some time to add it to his body.


Material acquired IRON(impure).

Craftingstatus: Sword(Low Quality)
Properties per unit:
HP: +2
Mass: +4
Pierce amplifier: x1.3
Mana conductivity: D-

 Wow! Now this is interesting... it's still not worth keeping but I am excited to get my hands on some high quality craftsmanship. I just hope that I can absorb them, since it took almost 10 minutes for such a low quality sword. I think those two could use this sword and the bow so let's give it to them.

Leo took both equipments and turned to the cave entrance. He walked outside and saw Niko and Anika sitting on the riverside. Niko had his head resting on his knees and was still lacking some colour. Leo was spotted by Anika but she just had a wry smile on her face and continued to talk to Niko in a low voice. 

When he reached the two he extended his arm and gave the bow and sword to her.

,,Is that for us? Thank you. Now that I think about it you have those claws so you probably don't need them.... was there anything else they had with them?  Maybe you need something else they had.'' (Anika)

Leo nodded and showed her the pouch he held. When he opened it he saw preserved food and since the food was useless for him,  he gave it also to Anika which gave him another,,Thanks''. After some searching he found a scroll with a broken wax siegel. 

After he unrolled the letter he read it.

My master found a woman that he wants. You will be responsible for kidnapping the target and you must keep her hidden so nobody will find her. She accepted a quest and will go to the grasslands. The trip should take her 4 days and when she's reported as missing my master will send his 3rd hunter squad to ,,rescue'' her. When they reach the grasslands just show yourself. She should have a companion but my master is not interested in him so kill or sell him whatever you want.

I included the first part of the payment in this letter. After you hand the woman over you will get another 10 gold. Make sure she is in good condition my master has plans for her.

Soooo... this letter doesn't mention any names but I think Dolt told us the truth. But much more important than that.... I can read this so I should be able to write too.

After he realised that he tried to form words on his dirt surface. The letters were crude and unreadable in the beginning so he tried to make them clearer and a notification popped up.


Material manipulation reached Level 5
Material manipulation now includes Biomass. Material mass and Biomass cant be controlled at the same time.
Hold up. What the fuck is this I just wanted to write! Biomass? Does that mean flesh and blood? That sounds creepy... but I'm sure it would be weaker than my current body by quite a bit. This requires some testing....
Leo turned his view to the two people who sat close by.
Maybe I do that a bit later. I don't want to freak those two out. I am sure they would report me to that church if the see me shapeshift into some kind of flesh abomination. For now let's try writing again.

This time he managed to make his writing move readable. So he first tried to write something and he got Anikas attentive on it.

,,Can you rade, no read this..... you can write?'' (Anika)
Anika was astonished when the text started to shift and the next moment the word ,,yes'' was displayed.
,,Wow that is fantastic. I am Anika by the way and this is Niko.'' (Anika)
The dirt shifted and now it read ,,Nice to meet you. I am Leo. I found something that you should be interested in''  
Leo handed her the letter. When she finished reading it she gave the letter to Niko who only raised his head after he heard Anikas angry voice. 
When he finished he looks at Leo and said in a voice mixed out of relief, hate and gratitude.
,,Thank you for helpings us... I don't even want to imagine what our fate would have been without you'' (Niko)
Leo wrote on his chest,,Don't mention it. But... when  you explain any of this.... please don't report me to that church of purity or whatever... it would probably mean my death''
At least for the current me... but I probably shouldn't say that I easily killed those 3  while I was just Level 6.
,,We would be dead or slaves without you so rest assured we are not going to tell anyone about you. We don't like them either by the way.'' (Anika)
Leo nodded and handed the pouch to them. He finished looking through the contents and only found some alcohol, some clothes and the 5 gold coins. Nothing of which he needed.
I should part ways with them soon. I want to test that Biomass stuff.