--Nana's Perspective, present time, Reatown-
A flash took my attention, up in the sky.
Right, Abbadon is holding of that fucked up… well, most likely leader of this freaking thing…
I looked up into the sky.
Flashes as Abbadon just deflected his magic.
But the green guy didn't really look tired. Or like all hope was lost… not that I could see his face, but I got a feeling as I looked close at him. He did not give off the scent of failure so to speak.
"Nana, we've got to-" the red mist was interrupted by a big blast between us. The soldiers flew into gorey pieces that scattered all over the place.
I felt weird. I didn’t feel like anything had happened, I stood in the same place completely unharmed.
Then I started to cough. The red mist surged out of me and formed together into her cute humanoid form.
“What the hell was that?” I asked, coughing.
“Well, I noticed the blast and I immediately strengthened you…” she said quietly while rolling her thumbs. She looked a bit awkward. “Let's just say, I can enter you to… Boost you or protect you in different ways, seeing as I can’t die.” She said, and at the end her cheeks was red as her mist usually is. She turned around, pouting.
“O-okay.” I said. “It felt odd, I must say. But thanks for helping me. And good job being so quick to react.” I put my hand on her shoulder.
“Now’s not the time to discuss these things or feel awkward, bad or anything.” I said, smiling at her. She nodded back. “Let’s kick ass!” I said, she yelled “Fuck yeah!” in return, and we took off.
"Doubt thou the stars are fire;
Doubt that the sun doth move;
Doubt truth to be a liar;
But never doubt I love."
A very old quote from before the war, preserved on a page in the library of Reatown.
---Tiggy’s perspective, unknown time, unknown location - Black masked individual’s lair---
I woke up feeling like I was soaked. I had been sweating like crazy, felt like I'd been dipped in a barrel of grease. Or like someone had thrown a bucket filled to the brim at me. With the bucket hitting my head, would explain the headache.
I shook my head and hit the temple of my head a few times in succession. “What the hell.” I mumbled.
I looked over to the other bed. Anaya. Why the hell is she sleeping next to me in our barracks? Wait… “This isn’t…” I mumbled as I looked around.
“No, we’re not home… So it wasn’t a dream…” I kept mumbling as I got up. Something just. Didn’t feel right.
Not strange perhaps when you’ve been taken away by a strange man in black with a damn plague mask calling himself father against your will. But what do I know?
I leaned against the wall. Clenching my fist at it. Shedding a few teardrops before striking the wall with all that I could as I yelled “Why did he have to…” I stopped yelling. My hand hit the wall, but it wasn’t the hand I knew, that I just had as I woke up. It had a dark purple mass around it, almost black, that had gathered around it. The wall had a big dent in it where I'd struck it.
“Just go to bed. Just…” Anaya sat up on the side of her bed, back against me. She talked calmly but with no emotion, her voice just sounded dead.
I looked back at my arm, I saw what had been a big mass of energy slither back into my arm.
“Stop caring.” She said,
“What?” I said.
“You heard me.” she said and laid down again, resting her head on a pillow.
“We still have each other damnit, and…” I talked loudly, you could clearly hear frustration in my voice.
“We still have each other and our homes.” I mumbled as I gazed at my hands intensely.
Anaya turned her head at me. Then she started crying.
“Are you for real?” she asked while she teared up, looking pretty surprised and a bit pissed off at the same time.
“What? Yes?! Don’t you care about our home, our town, our people?” I asked her. Loudly again.
She smiled at me. Like she was relieved. Emotion got back into her face and… her stare. It was back to normal for a moment.
“I cared. I mean, I care. You’re right. But let’s rest up.” She said and dried her eyes with her sleeve of the pajamas she was wearing. One of those night-dresses with long sleeves. It looked comfy. I got nothing but a pair of boxer underwear.
I call it sexist treatment! But hardly the biggest issue now.
“Yes, sure. Yeah.” I mumbled as I crawled back into the bed. “We never know what tomorrow brings.” Anaya mumbled.
I crawled closer and hugged her. She kept crying for at least an hour, trying to hide it the whole time of course. But I knew. I knew. I heard and I felt it.
I didn’t sleep much that night. Maybe an hour or so.
I remembered a phrase my father had said.
"When your mother passed, your brothers both went off into the war and. I'm ashamed. I wasn't a good father to you.
I could've been better. I SHOULD have been better…"
Before I myself went into the army. He was a drunk and well… selfish drunk… why do I think of this. Why now?
I stopped thinking about it and shook the thought as I… as I…
I felt like the shadows in the room were watching me. I felt like everything was done for. I felt like it was the end. I felt like my life would probably soon be over.
But, fuck, was I wrong. It was far from ending unfortunately.
---Anaya’s perspective---
“Wakey wakey, future….” I got up and took a defensive pose, energy shielded me as if it was a reflex. Like a barrier presented itself.
“Cake?” Father looked up into the air as if he wondered what the fuck he just said or why the fuck he’d said it. I lowered my guard and wasn’t sure if I was more surprised over my new power of the fucked up weird awakening.
"cakey?.." He quickly looked back at Tiggy though and kept going. He had gotten out of bed. Just wearing underwear. But suddenly he was dressed in a black suit. Like… if you describe it as a fine occasion suit. It looked expensive.
My attention was quickly drawn away though.
“I don’t know what the fuck i’m saying!" Father yelled as he smacked both hands onto the side of his head.
I felt silk cover my body and suddenly I stood up.
I looked down. It seems I had a white dress. Very revealing, deep V shape in front and pushing together my boobs pretty well. They looked amazing to be honest.
Then there was just very long silky white fabric hanging down in front, there it ended before my knees.
And in the back it was all the way down to my ankles. So my legs were naked on both sides, and the front and back met up by my waist in an upside down V shape I suppose. The material around my stomach was very stretchy. I felt no pressure nowhere. But it still was skintight, or looked like it was.
"Anyway, wake up! Ihe ihe.” He snapped his finger as he chuckled.
So yeah.
Father woke us up by yelling in the room today, not sure why we got a personalized wakeup by…
Well, that powerful figure should have better things to do in my mind, but maybe he doesn’t have shit to do and just messes around.
As far as wakeup’s go, I've had way way worse wakeups at home.
When I was young and still lived at home my mom actually threw a bucket of water at me if I didn’t get up in time. Even as a kid.
Expected a bit worse from this character… But I can’t really say if he’s all evil or not… Sure, he’s a psychopath, but his intentions don't seem all that, pure evil, so to speak…
I know pure evil. He ain’t it.
Speaking of my mother… I remember when I was young…
---flashback, Anaya’s perspective as a 5 year old---
“Mom, when are we going home? I don’t like walking around the market…” I said as I tugged my mom’s sleeve a few times annoyingly.
“Patience, we need to buy food don’t we?” She answered with a bright smile on her face.
Then dragged me over to the stand nearby. A vendor was selling meat at a discount.
"two of those please" she said and pointed at some chunks of meat.
"certainly mam!"
—flashback end—
I woke up from my flashback day dreaming by the sound of fingers snapping in front of my face. I staggered back.
"don't doze off like that when I'm dumping my monologue on you!" he wagged his finger back and forth in front of my face while making a 'tsch tsch tsch' sound.
"sorry sir…" I mumbled. To which he responded by simply patting me on the head.
I looked around. Tiggy? Where did he… “Did you send off Tiggy Father?”
“Oh, don’t worry, he’s got a task to do.” He mumbled half the sentence then yelled the other half out loud.
He grabbed my chin and stared at me for a while. It was a tad uncomfortable to say the least just standing there in silence having him holding my chin. Then he just bursts out,
"Do you want to live forever?" and he tilts his head a bit. I felt like the room was closing in on me. Literally, walls were crawling at me and it got darker and darker as he kept staring at me.
What… does he seriously mean I'm going to or is he just asking? "Umh… I'm not su-" he interrupted me, and the room returned to normal and the feeling of everything becoming darker vanished just as quick. I guess it was one of his tricks?
"Well, tough shit cause you’re gonna!" He exclaimed and laughed as he let go of me. Spinning around as he laughed. Then just stopped dead in his tracks.
"Oh, wait. I replied too soon? Should've let you answer maybe…" he stroked his mask, with his thumb and index finger. "Eh, conversing is sort of tough these days with you humanoids." he exclaimed and somehow was back in front of me again with his upper body tilted almost 90 degrees to the side… No crackling sounds though.
"Umh, sir… what… what are we… Umh, doing?"
"How should I know? I just, oh right. Yea." he smacked the side of his head.
"answer me then. Do you want immortality?"
My pure first instinctive thought was, yes, who wouldn't… but,
"Good, good!" he said calmly as he sat down by a table where tea had been served. The containers magically just filled up a cup for each of us. I also smelled coffee from one of the containers, I think.
"Sit" he gestured with his hand in a friendly manner. I sat down and looked into the cup.
Yes! Honest to god real coffee! It smells kinda fancy too.
"Well, you're immortal now, here's your weapon, let's make it a fun run!" he said in a calm manner as he took a sip of tea. He simultaneously made a throwing gesture with his free hand, and a blade appeared mid air and was being hurled right at me. I caught it on pure instinct.
"Wha?" I held the blade, looked it over. Black and details in shining purple. The purple seems to be moving around in it. As if it’s alive. I tilted it back and forth. It just kept swirling and moving in random patterns. Several strings of shining purple, I guess metal of some kind?
I looked down at the handle. It had a guard that seemed to have changed its shape. I could have sworn that it looked like a normal flat regular blade guard when he threw it at me. Now it had morphed over my hand and down around it. I let go and was ready to catch it with my other hand. The guard of the blade morphed and reshaped, protecting my hand and upper arm, covering it.
"Well, not immortal, immortal, you can be killed I suppose in some ways, but you're as close to it as one can get" he mumbled as he walked over to a chair in the back of the room, that just appeared as he walked in that direction, and sat down on it. He smacked his hands on his knees.
"You're my experiment. I made a new discovery. You have the power… the power of…"
He snapped his finger.
"I know, I'll just demonstrate your power!" he said as he flew out of his chair. Suddenly Tiggy was beside me. The blade I had held just moments before was gone.
"Touch him” he said. I looked at him with doubt in my face. I laid my hand on Tiggy. He seemed fine. “Touch him as you simultaneously think of nutrition." his words pierced into me and I did it as if I had been commanded to do so.
"Yes, give it to us…"
I heard a voice mumble… It came from within my head.
Suddenly the blade he had thrown at me earlier just emerged from my palm, piercing Tiggy from where I held on his left shoulder, with the blade sticking out of the right shoulder.
The purple and black swirling blade looked like it ate away at him and it just spread rapidly before I even had time to react. Tiggy was gone. Not even a drop of blood was left of him.
I felt a surge go through me. It felt good.
Like I had just gotten a 1 up. One of those magic fruits that permanently increases all your stats by one. Expensive as fuck and impossible to get but I got one once as a thanks for my service.
"good. More. Get us more." I heard a voice in my head say.
I just stared at where Tiggy had stood.
"There! You got the sword of eternal growth!"
He applauded and somehow it sounded like way more people applauded around me. As if I stood in an arena, and everyone cheered me on.
"haha, sorry, just having fun." he said, snapped his finger and the sound stopped.
"wha… what just. No. But. Tiggy…"
I kept looking at where he'd been.