Chapter 8: Where Are You?
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I apologize if it took very long for me to release a new chapter for this web-novel.


Later that night...

Kazuya flipped the page on the book that he was reading. Since, there's no chance of him ever escaping Sei, he thought about relaxing for a bit.

The door swung open and Sei came in with a tray of food. She was in a playful mood today as she closed the door behind her using her foot.

“Kazuya-sama, I've brought you dinner”

He closed the book and placed it aside as he sat up. The tray consisted of a sizzling plate of hamburger steak drizzled in gravy and topped with onions. For the drink, it was a glass of green tea.

“What about you, Sei?” Kazuya asked with a hint of concern as there was only one meal on the the tray.

“No need to worry about me, Kazuya-sama. Go on, eat up”

Sei stared at him intently with adulation as he began to eat. Whenever, a trickle of sauce would drip down his cheek. She would instantly lean over and lick it, much to his surprise.


The following days later

She served Kazuya like he was her husband. Obeying his every whim and desire without question.

But when it came to freeing him, Her mood changed instantly and she looked at him with malicious eyes.

“You're not going back to that girl, Kazuya-sama” Sei said with a prevailing tone on her voice. “Didn't I tell you that you belong with me? I'm the only one that you need.”

She then pulled out a knife from the wooden block and stabbed it on the table. A trickle of sweat dropped down on his forehead and he looked at her with a terrified look on his face.

“I'm the only one that can satisfy you, please you, love you. I will do everything for you! Can't you see that? Why can't you see that, Kazuya-sama?”

Her expression changed into a her normal, playful look and sat on his lap, wrapping her arms around his shoulders.

“I love you. Don't ever leave me, okay?”


Meanwhile at the school festival, a few days later...

Toshiro lifted the tab to its backside and a loud popping sound was heard as the can was opened.

“Ah” He let out a refreshing sigh after he took a long gulp. Nothing beats a can of ice cold soda after wiping the tables clean and serving a ton of customers.

Their class was tasked by the student council on doing a cafe booth for the festival but he didn't expect that there would be so much people that would flock around.

“Toshiro!” Kaede called out behind the counter. “I need you to bring this omelet rice to table #5”

“I'm coming” He placed the empty can of soda on the window after finishing it quickly. 

Toshiro then walked over to the counter from the back room and picked up the plate.

After a grueling hour of serving more customers and making sure their needs were met. His shift came to an end and he went to the back school where the gang was.

“Oh, waiter!” Keiji said with a mocking tone as he took a large bite from his bread. “Can I get a drink, please?”

“Alright, kneel down in front of me and I'll piss on you” Toshiro squatted down beside him and loosened his bow-tie. “Any news about Danchou?”

“I've spoken with Sei and she's currently lazing around in her family's summer home in Ikagawa. She also doesn't know where Danchou is” Keiji crumpled the plastic wrapper and tossed it away. “Kaichou doesn't have an idea where he is as well. Heck, she doesn't even look bothered at the slightest”

“I'm sure he'll turn up eventually. He isn't the type of guy that disappears without a trace.”

“You're probably right, Toshiro” Keiji pulled out an small brown paper bag from his pocket and handed it over to him. “Here's the limited edition volume of My Sweet Otoko, as promised”

Toshiro peeked inside the bag and pulled out the cartridge, moving his wrist from side to side as he looked at it.

“How did you get your hands on these?”

“It wasn't much of a challenge on getting it. By the way, aren't you going to walk her home now?”

Toshiro looked at his wristwatch and noticed that it was already past four. He stood up and stretched his arms.

“I better get going”


“And that concludes our meeting for today” Misaki closed the folder that she was reading and placed it on the table. After that, a few members of the student council left shortly.

“Do you have any news on your brother's disappearance?” Misaki turned to look at Kaede who began to play on her hand held console as soon as the meeting was finished.

“Eh? What was that, Kaichou?” Kaede paused the game and turned to look at Misaki with a puzzled look on her face.

“Never mind” Misaki shook her head and went on to arrange the folders on her desk.


Misaki thought that it was pointless to repeat what she said as it seemed like Kaede has no idea on where her older brother is either.

A loud knock was heard outside the door and a familiar voice spoke “Kaichou, May I come in?”

“Yes, you may” Misaki answered with a monotone voice as if she was uninterested on whoever it was.

The door slowly creaked open and Toshiro came in, clutching a brown paper bag in hand.

“Oh, Toshiro. What's that?” Kaede shifted her gaze from the screen to the object that he was holding.

“You said that you wanted the limited edition. So, I went ahead and bought it for you” He walked towards her and placed it on the table.

Kaede was overjoyed as she picked it up and took out the cartridge to examine it.

“Wow, you really outdid yourself this time”

She stood up and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, planting soft kisses on his cheek. “I love you so much, Toshiro!”

He had an embarrassing smile on his face while scratching his head as Kaede continued her attack on his cheeks.

“Ahem” Misaki coughed as she looked at the couple with her cold, violet eyes.

“Oh sorry, Kaichou” Kaede unwrapped her arms around Toshiro's shoulders and placed the cartridge back on the bag with an embarrassed expression.


Kaede and Toshiro walked along the road leading to the Maeda Residence. He had a look of someone who had just won the lottery and somehow, he scored a lot of points from Kaede due to the item that he received from Keiji.

“Alright. Here we are” He said as they stopped in-front of the large wooden door.

She turned off her handheld console, placing it on the bag and went inside.

However, when he was about to leave. She quickly came outside and planted a soft kiss on his lips.

“See you tomorrow at school, Toshiro” Kaede said as she went back inside while giggling,

“Y-yeah” He stammered as the kiss on the lips took him by surprise and walked home, smiling from ear to ear.