Chapter 33: Mad Dog
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A few weeks before their fight.

“We’re going to have a new student joining us for today.” The tall middle aged instructor said, placing his lesson plan on top of the desk. He then turned to his side and continued. “You can come inside now.”

The door slid to the side, emitting a loud swoop as it stopped.

A young boy with red spiky hair and white complexion stepped inside. He walked aggressively and stopped beside the instructor. There was a bandage strip over the bridge of his nose and clad in a plain black shirt over a dark green cargo vest, brown pants and white sneakers. He also wore bandages on his wrists and some parts of his fingers.

He exerted a rebellious and cocky aura that made a few of his classmates click their tongue in annoyance.

“Oi, the name is Shiro Kurosaki and I’m not here to make friends with any of you. I’m here to show you that I’m the top dog here.” The redhead introduced himself in a haughty tone of voice.

“Well… That’s a great introduction. I’m sure you’ll be popular very fast here with that attitude.” The instructor remarked and looked for a vacant seat for the boy to sit in. “You can take a seat beside Ms. Hanataba.”

The boy walked towards his seat, strutting like he owned the place and sat on his chair, placing his feet on top of his desk.

“Mr. Kurosaki, please remove your feet from the desk.” Spoke the instructor who was slightly annoyed with the kid's behavior. “This is a school.”

“Quit your yapping, old man and start the class.” Shiro scowled, slouching on his chair.

Wanting to not drag this on even further, the middle aged instructor sighed in defeat and began his lesson.

“Wow, you’re really something.” A feminine voice commented.

The redhead boy gazed at his side and saw a young blonde girl smirking at him. She was dressed in a white long sleeve shirt button up shirt that was tucked inside a maroon pleated skirt, black thigh high socks and red hi top sneakers. Two buttons of her shirt were undone, revealing the silver necklace that she wore along her neck.

“Are you perhaps admiring my superiority? I know that I’m the best there is.” Shiro flashed a haughty grin and raised both of his hands over his head, resting his head over it and closed his eyes. The red haired boy made himself comfortable like he was resting on a recliner at the beach.

“That’s one hell of an introduction back there. Are you sure its wise for you to do that?” Asked the blonde, her tone showed a hint of concern for him and was also in awe at what he did.

“I don’t remember asking for your opinion, blondie. Its better for them to know who’s the alpha here.”

“No need to be rude though.” She giggled. “I’m Ginchiyo Hanataba, by the way.”

“Tsk.” The redhead boy clicked his tongue as he opened his eyes, gazing at his blonde classmate once again. “I don’t care who you are.”

“It was nice talking to you, Shirou-kun.” Gin flashed a warm smile at him before looking outside the window that was beside her seat.

The blue sky was dotted with fluffy white clouds that drifted lazily in the gentle breeze.

Looks like today is going to be so much fun.


The sound of an alarm echoed throughout the school as it loudly rang. 

A few students went outside to get lunch while others remained inside, chattering amongst themselves.

Meanwhile, Gin quietly took out her lunch box under her desk and placed it on top.

She undid the rope, holding the lid in place and opened it. Her lunch consisted of four egg rolls that were filled with carrots and green onions, a moderate portion of rice, two large slices of fish, steamed vegetables on the side and a small helping of egg pudding.

She also took out a tall stainless tumbler from her bag and poured herself a cup of tea using the tumbler’s cap.

“Thank you for the food.” She uttered before devouring her meal.

However, her quiet moment while eating was disrupted when one of their classmates arrived, reeking in sweat and panted heavily.

“The transfer student is fighting Matoba-san!”

A loud gasp of shock mixed with awe filled the class and hushed whispers soon erupted.

Amid what was going on, Gin calmly finished her lunch and took a sip of her tea.

He’s fighting the gorilla, huh?

This made Shiro Kurosaki more interesting in her eyes but she didn’t know if he was a fool or a brave individual.

Jun Matoba was a tall large boy who looked like he belongs in the jungle. He had long black hair that went past his shoulders and had a moderate amount of body hair on him.

Rumor is that he lets out a guttural scream akin to a monkey before starting the fight and his previous school expelled him on the spot due to numerous complaints of students, teachers and parents alike. A violent bully who loves to fight and he was transferred by his parents, a few months ago.

Looks like I was right. Today is going to be so much fun.


The midday sun bathed the buildings in its warm light and the loud applause with hushed whispers surrounded the two boys in the center.

Gin watched from the front along with other students on how Shiro and Jun fought each other.

Both of them moved recklessly, tossing punches that barely landed and dodged like they were avoiding to be stabbed.

They also looked very banged up as multiple bruises and fresh wounds was visibly seen on their bodies.

The blonde girl shook her head in dismay as she saw Jun picked up Shiro, lifting him above his head and screamed as if he was a gorilla.

Its over for you now, Shiro-kun.

Within a blink of an eye, Jun tossed the redhead boy onto the ground and stomped on his back with such force that Shiro anguished in pain.

“Not so tough are you now? You came up to me and said that you can beat me? You are a mad man indeed.” Taunted Jun as he applied pressure on drilling his foot against the back of the redhead boy.

The sight of him being, screaming in agony and wreathing in pain was unpleasant but somehow they cant look away from it.

Gin squinted her reddish orange eyes to look even further and saw Shiro grabbing a handful of sand from the ground. She noticed that Jun was preoccupied in torturing the redhead that he didn’t even notice it.

The blonde planted a smug look on her face and placed her hands on her hips.

You’re a crafty one, Shiro-kun.

Shiro tossed the sand in the direction of Jun’s head and the black haired boy backed away as he cupped his face, yelling.

“I’ll kill you for this!” He clumsily tossed his punches in the air and flailed his arms. “You bastard!”

The redhead boy slowly stood up and smirked to himself. He ran towards Jun, grabbing his head and launched a jumping knee attack that knocked the tall black haired boy out.

Shiro released his grip on Jun’s head and the large boy fell on the ground.

A loud eruption of cheers and applause came afterwards. They didn’t expect that Shiro would win against Jun but it was certainly a shocker indeed.